gemhome / fnordmetric

(possible new home for) FnordMetric is a redis/ruby-based realtime Event-Tracking app
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Data generator #5

Open bf4 opened 10 years ago

bf4 commented 10 years ago

Issue by kazjote Sunday Jan 08, 2012 at 18:36 GMT Originally opened as

I am new to fnordmetric.

When I started to work on it (2 day ago) it was quite hard to grasp how it really works.

I wrote some live data generator:

I will extend it now to cover all the features which are available in doc/ulm_stats.rb

It would be nice if such generator would be included in the project / would be mentioned in the Readme as it would make it easy (for fnordmetric noobies like me ;)):

. Please, let me know what do you think about it.

bf4 commented 10 years ago

Comment by kazjote Monday Jan 09, 2012 at 14:30 GMT

It looks like I finished the basic feed. From comment

# Copy it to fnordmetric directory and run with
# bundle exec ruby -Ilib -I. populate.rb live
# to generate fake current traffic or
# bundle exec ruby -Ilib -I. populate.rb past
# to generate fake stats for last month.

However, I still can't get demography stats working...

bf4 commented 10 years ago

Comment by dbr Sunday Jan 15, 2012 at 07:42 GMT

Agreed, the example config should definitely have an example data-generator script

bf4 commented 10 years ago

Comment by kirs Sunday Jan 15, 2012 at 08:46 GMT

Thanks, useful thing :+1:

bf4 commented 10 years ago

Comment by skorfmann Friday Jan 18, 2013 at 15:09 GMT

I've added the link to
