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prototype postgres back-end for ocs
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random ephemeris test failure #278

Closed tpolecat closed 6 years ago

tpolecat commented 6 years ago
[info] - last element should be less than one step size away from end *** FAILED ***
[info]   TestFailedException was thrown during property evaluation.
[info]     Message: 2003-11-28T00:22:12.506546622Z was not greater than or equal to 2003-11-28T00:22:17.151546622Z
[info]     Location: (HorizonsEphemerisQueryPagingPropSpec.scala:61)
[info]     Occurred when passed generated values (
[info]       arg0 = TestCase(2003-10-24T03:53:56.396546622Z,2003-11-28T00:22:17.151546622Z,PT6.69S)
[info]     )
swalker2m commented 6 years ago

Resolved in ocs3 codebase.