gemini-testing / gemini

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[PhantomJS][Args] How to pass args to PhantomJS #895

Closed Kenith closed 6 years ago

Kenith commented 6 years ago

Hello All,

We would like to pass some args to phantomjs during the test. However the following config with 'phantomjs.cli.args': ['--ignore-ssl-errors=yes', '--proxy='] is not working. Would you please give us a hand?

module.exports = {
    rootUrl: '',

    browsers: {
        PC: {
            gridUrl: '',
            windowSize: '1024x768',
            desiredCapabilities: {
                browserName: 'phantomjs',
                'phantomjs.cli.args': ['--ignore-ssl-errors=yes', '--proxy='],

    system: {
        plugins: {
            'html-reporter/gemini': {
                enabled: true,
                path: 'gemini-report',
        debug: false,


Thank you, Ken

sipayRT commented 6 years ago


you should pass these options manually from cli on phantomjs --webdriver=4444 run. See phantomjs docs

Kenith commented 6 years ago

@sipayRT Really appreciate for the help. Now working.

But seems a bug for some urls "'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed", bug here:, and no solution for now.... ;(

Kenith commented 6 years ago

closed as solution found