gemini-testing / gemini

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Unable to create new service: OperaDriverService #935

Open belimposition opened 5 years ago

belimposition commented 5 years ago

yarn add selenium-standalone yarn add gemini yarn selenium-standalone install

настроил конфигурационный файл gemini по примеру из документации работает только хром, все остальные браузеры выдают подобную ошибку

версии пакетов такие: "selenium-standalone": "6.15.2", "gemini": "5.8.0", "gemini-gui": "6.0.1",

конфигурационный файл:

  commonThing: value
calibrate: true
tolerance: 3.5
httpTimeout: 5000
sessionRequestTimeout: 60000
sessionQuitTimeout: 5000
windowSize: 1600x1080
sessionsPerBrowser: 2
suitesPerSession: 100

  # chrome:
  #   screenshotsDir: ./gemini/screens/chrome
  #   desiredCapabilities:
  #     browserName: 'chrome'

    screenshotsDir: ./gemini/screens/opera
      version: '55'
      browserName: 'opera'

  # ie:
  #   screenshotsDir: ./gemini/screens/ie-11
  #   desiredCapabilities:
  #     browserName: 'ie'

  # edge:
  #   screenshotsDir: ./gemini/screens/edge
  #   desiredCapabilities:
  #     browserName: 'edge'

  # firefox:
  #   screenshotsDir: ./gemini/screens/firefox
  #   desiredCapabilities:
  #     version: '47'
  #     browserName: 'firefox'

  projectRoot: ./
  sourceRoot: ./client-code/src
  tempDir: ./gemini/screens
    - node_modules/**
  debug: true
  parallelLimit: 3
  diffColor: '#ff0000'
jasmeetsinghbhatia commented 5 years ago

Hi @belimposition Have you tried installing the operadriver separately and run it as usual.

1- Download from here 2- Add the unzipped operadriver to /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin whichever is on your path (for Mac), you may need linux equivalent probably 3- Run from terminal $ operadriver --port=8899

Make sure your Gemini file has this browser configured. I am using js format instead of yaml for config file. You can configure in yaml based on following.

opera: { gridUrl: '', desiredCapabilities:{ browserName: 'opera', ensureCleanSession: true }, screenshotMode: 'fullpage', },

Let me know if that helps or in case it doesnt work for you.