gemini-testing / png-img

Lite libpng wrapper for node.js
MIT License
29 stars 13 forks source link

Error to build #14

Closed Hooter closed 9 years ago

Hooter commented 9 years ago
0 info it worked if it ends with ok
1 verbose cli [ 'c:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\\\node.exe',
1 verbose cli   'c:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js',
1 verbose cli   'install' ]
2 info using npm@1.4.3
3 info using node@v0.10.26
4 verbose node symlink c:\Program Files\nodejs\\node.exe
5 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
6 verbose install where, deps [ 'e:\\GitHub\\gemini',
6 verbose install   [ 'aliasify',
6 verbose install     'browserify',
6 verbose install     'chalk',
6 verbose install     'coa',
6 verbose install     'css',
6 verbose install     'gemini-coverage',
6 verbose install     'handlebars',
6 verbose install     'inherit',
6 verbose install     'js-yaml',
6 verbose install     'lodash',
6 verbose install     'looks-same',
6 verbose install     'minimatch',
6 verbose install     'png-img',
6 verbose install     'polyfill-service',
6 verbose install     'q',
6 verbose install     'q-io',
6 verbose install     'qemitter',
6 verbose install     'resolve',
6 verbose install     'sizzle',
6 verbose install     'source-map',
6 verbose install     'temp',
6 verbose install     'uglifyify',
6 verbose install     'wd',
6 verbose install     'chai',
6 verbose install     'chai-as-promised',
6 verbose install     'coveralls',
6 verbose install     'istanbul',
6 verbose install     'jscs',
6 verbose install     'jshint',
6 verbose install     'mocha',
6 verbose install     'mockery',
6 verbose install     'sinon' ] ]
7 info preinstall gemini@0.12.5
8 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
9 verbose already installed skipping aliasify@^1.7.2 e:\GitHub\gemini
10 verbose already installed skipping browserify@^9.0.4 e:\GitHub\gemini
11 verbose already installed skipping chalk@^0.5.1 e:\GitHub\gemini
12 verbose already installed skipping coa@~0.4.0 e:\GitHub\gemini
13 verbose already installed skipping css@^2.1.0 e:\GitHub\gemini
14 verbose already installed skipping gemini-coverage@~0.3.0 e:\GitHub\gemini
15 verbose already installed skipping handlebars@^2.0.0 e:\GitHub\gemini
16 verbose already installed skipping resolve@^1.1.0 e:\GitHub\gemini
17 verbose already installed skipping inherit@~2.2.1 e:\GitHub\gemini
18 verbose already installed skipping js-yaml@^3.2.5 e:\GitHub\gemini
19 verbose already installed skipping sizzle@^2.2.0 e:\GitHub\gemini
20 verbose already installed skipping lodash@^3.6.0 e:\GitHub\gemini
21 verbose already installed skipping looks-same@^1.1.1 e:\GitHub\gemini
22 verbose already installed skipping minimatch@^2.0.1 e:\GitHub\gemini
23 verbose cache add [ 'png-img@~1.1.0', null ]
24 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="png-img@~1.1.0" args=["png-img@~1.1.0",null]
25 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
25 verbose parsed url   slashes: null,
25 verbose parsed url   auth: null,
25 verbose parsed url   host: null,
25 verbose parsed url   port: null,
25 verbose parsed url   hostname: null,
25 verbose parsed url   hash: null,
25 verbose parsed url   search: null,
25 verbose parsed url   query: null,
25 verbose parsed url   pathname: 'png-img@~1.1.0',
25 verbose parsed url   path: 'png-img@~1.1.0',
25 verbose parsed url   href: 'png-img@~1.1.0' }
26 verbose cache add name="png-img" spec="~1.1.0" args=["png-img","~1.1.0"]
27 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
27 verbose parsed url   slashes: null,
27 verbose parsed url   auth: null,
27 verbose parsed url   host: null,
27 verbose parsed url   port: null,
27 verbose parsed url   hostname: null,
27 verbose parsed url   hash: null,
27 verbose parsed url   search: null,
27 verbose parsed url   query: null,
27 verbose parsed url   pathname: '~1.1.0',
27 verbose parsed url   path: '~1.1.0',
27 verbose parsed url   href: '~1.1.0' }
28 verbose addNamed [ 'png-img', '~1.1.0' ]
29 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=1.1.0-0 <1.2.0-0' ]
30 verbose already installed skipping polyfill-service@~1.1.0 e:\GitHub\gemini
31 verbose already installed skipping q@^1.1.2 e:\GitHub\gemini
32 verbose already installed skipping q-io@~1.11.0 e:\GitHub\gemini
33 verbose already installed skipping qemitter@^1.0.0 e:\GitHub\gemini
34 silly lockFile 9ea0bb3f-png-img-1-1-0 png-img@~1.1.0
35 verbose lock png-img@~1.1.0 C:\Users\igabdullin\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\9ea0bb3f-png-img-1-1-0.lock
36 silly addNameRange { name: 'png-img', range: '>=1.1.0-0 <1.2.0-0', hasData: false }
37 verbose url raw png-img
38 verbose url resolving [ '', './png-img' ]
39 verbose url resolved
40 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:03:51
41 verbose etag "6XU2GCYW88SHM94SOI9LOTS0M"
42 http GET
43 verbose already installed skipping source-map@^0.2.0 e:\GitHub\gemini
44 verbose already installed skipping temp@~0.8.0 e:\GitHub\gemini
45 verbose already installed skipping wd@^0.3.4 e:\GitHub\gemini
46 verbose already installed skipping uglifyify@^3.0.1 e:\GitHub\gemini
47 verbose already installed skipping chai@^2.2.0 e:\GitHub\gemini
48 verbose already installed skipping chai-as-promised@^4.3.0 e:\GitHub\gemini
49 verbose already installed skipping coveralls@^2.11.2 e:\GitHub\gemini
50 verbose already installed skipping istanbul@^0.3.5 e:\GitHub\gemini
51 verbose already installed skipping jscs@^1.10.0 e:\GitHub\gemini
52 verbose already installed skipping jshint@^2.7.0 e:\GitHub\gemini
53 verbose already installed skipping mocha@^2.1.0 e:\GitHub\gemini
54 verbose already installed skipping mockery@^1.4.0 e:\GitHub\gemini
55 verbose already installed skipping sinon@^1.14.1 e:\GitHub\gemini
56 http 304
57 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
57 silly registry.get   { date: 'Fri, 05 Jun 2015 11:03:52 GMT',
57 silly registry.get     via: '1.1 varnish',
57 silly registry.get     'cache-control': 'max-age=60',
57 silly registry.get     etag: '"6XU2GCYW88SHM94SOI9LOTS0M"',
57 silly registry.get     age: '0',
57 silly registry.get     connection: 'keep-alive',
57 silly registry.get     'x-served-by': 'cache-fra1233-FRA',
57 silly registry.get     'x-cache': 'HIT',
57 silly registry.get     'x-cache-hits': '1',
57 silly registry.get     'x-timer': 'S1433502232.023762,VS0,VE704',
57 silly registry.get     vary: 'Accept' } ]
58 verbose etag png-img from cache
59 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'png-img', range: '>=1.1.0-0 <1.2.0-0', hasData: true }
60 silly addNameRange versions [ 'png-img',
60 silly addNameRange   [ '0.1.0',
60 silly addNameRange     '0.1.1',
60 silly addNameRange     '0.2.0',
60 silly addNameRange     '0.2.1',
60 silly addNameRange     '0.3.0',
60 silly addNameRange     '0.4.0',
60 silly addNameRange     '0.4.1',
60 silly addNameRange     '1.0.0',
60 silly addNameRange     '1.1.0',
60 silly addNameRange     '1.1.1' ] ]
61 verbose addNamed [ 'png-img', '1.1.1' ]
62 verbose addNamed [ '1.1.1', '1.1.1' ]
63 silly lockFile a9f2d4fc-png-img-1-1-1 png-img@1.1.1
64 verbose lock png-img@1.1.1 C:\Users\igabdullin\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\a9f2d4fc-png-img-1-1-1.lock
65 silly lockFile a9f2d4fc-png-img-1-1-1 png-img@1.1.1
66 silly lockFile a9f2d4fc-png-img-1-1-1 png-img@1.1.1
67 silly lockFile 9ea0bb3f-png-img-1-1-0 png-img@~1.1.0
68 silly lockFile 9ea0bb3f-png-img-1-1-0 png-img@~1.1.0
69 silly resolved [ { name: 'png-img',
69 silly resolved     version: '1.1.1',
69 silly resolved     description: 'PNG Image',
69 silly resolved     main: 'index.js',
69 silly resolved     engines: { node: '>= 0.10.x' },
69 silly resolved     dependencies: { nan: '~1.8.4', inherit: '~2.2.2' },
69 silly resolved     devDependencies: { mocha: '^2.0.1', must: '~0.12.0', 'node-gyp': '~1.0.2' },
69 silly resolved     scripts:
69 silly resolved      { test: './dev/test',
69 silly resolved        build: 'node-gyp rebuild',
69 silly resolved        install: 'node-gyp rebuild' },
69 silly resolved     author:
69 silly resolved      { name: 'Anton Usmansky',
69 silly resolved        email: '',
69 silly resolved        url: '' },
69 silly resolved     license: 'MIT',
69 silly resolved     repository:
69 silly resolved      { type: 'git',
69 silly resolved        url: '' },
69 silly resolved     bugs: { url: '' },
69 silly resolved     homepage: '',
69 silly resolved     gypfile: true,
69 silly resolved     readme: 'png-img\n=======\n\n[![Build Status](](\n\nLite self-contained png image processing library for OS X and Linux.\n\n## Installation\n```\nnpm install png-img\n```\n\n## API\n### new PngImg(buffer)\nCreate `PngImg` object from passed buffer with image.\n\nArguments:\n * `buf` - `Buffer` with image file content.\n```js\nvar fs = require(\'fs\'),\n    PngImg = require(\'png-img\');\n\nvar buf = fs.readFileSync(\'path/to/img.png\'),\n    img = new PngImg(buf);\n```\n\n### size()\nGet image size as an object.\n```js\nconsole.log(img.size());\n```\nfor 32x32 image will print out:\n```\n{ width: 32, height: 32 }\n```\n\n### get(x, y)\nGet pixel color and alpha.\n\nReturns object:\n * r: red channel (0 to 255)\n * g: green channel (0 to 255)\n * b: blue channel (0 to 255)\n * a: alpha (0 to 255). 0 - transparent\n\n```js\nconsole.log(img.get(0, 0));\n```\nwill print pixel and color for pixel (0, 0):\n```js\n{\n  r: 100,\n  g: 150,\n  b: 200,\n  a: 255\n}\n```\n\n### fill(offsetX, offsetY, widht, height, color)\nFill region with passed color. Modifies current image.\n\nArguments:\n * `offsetX` - horizontal offset from the left side of the image\n * `offsetY` - vertical offset from the top side of the image\n * `width` - region width\n * `height` - region height\n * `color` - color as {r,g,b,a} object or as a \'#XXXXXX\' string\n\nReturns: current image object\n\nThrows if region is not inside the current image\n```js\nimg\n  .fill(0, 0, 16, 16, \'#00ffFF\') // fill with cyan\n  .fill(16, 16, 16, 16, {r: 0, g: 255, b: 255, a: 127}); // fill with half-transparent cyan\n```\n\n### set(x, y, color)\nSame as `fill(x, y, 1, 1, color)`\n\n### crop(offsetX, offsetY, widht, height)\nCrop image. Modifies current image.\n\nArguments:\n * `offsetX` - horizontal offset from the left side of the image\n * `offsetY` - vertical offset from the top side of the image\n * `width` - new width\n * `height` - new height\n\nReturns: current image object\n\nThrows if new image is not inside the current image.\n```js\nimg\n    .crop(0, 0, 16, 16)\n    .crop(8, 8, 8, 8);\n```\n\n### save(file, callback)\nSave image to file. Asynchronous operation.\n\nArguments:\n * `file` - path to file to save image\n * `callback` - function with one argument (`error`). Will be called after save operation finish or on error.\n\nOverwrites existing file.\n\n```js\\'path/to/file.png\', function(error) {\n    if(error) {\n        console.error(\'Error:\', error);\n    } else {\n        console.log(\'OK\');\n    }\n});\n```\n\n\n## Dev environment requirements\nLinux: Depends on GCC 4.6 or later\n\nOS X: Tested with Xcode 6.0 development tools (but should be ok with Xcode 5.0 also)\n\nWindows: Tested on MSVC 2013 Express\n\n## Build\n```\nnpm run build\n```\nThis will build native node extension and place it to the `compiled` directory\n\n## Vagrant\nUse vagrant to build and test on Linux and Windows from OS X.\n\nTested with `vagrant 1.7` and `VirtualBox 4.3`.\n\n1. Install `vagrant` and `VirtualBox`.\n2. Create windows vagrant box (see [howto](dev/\n3. Run `vagrant up --provider virtualbox`\n4. Specify `OS` env variable to run and test on specific platform:\n  - `npm run build`, `npm test` - current platform\n  - `OS=linux npm test` - Ubuntu 14.04\n  - `OS=linux-old npm test` - Ubuntu 12.04\n  - `OS=win npm test` - windows\n  - `OS=all npm test` - all\n',
69 silly resolved     readmeFilename: '',
69 silly resolved     _id: 'png-img@1.1.1',
69 silly resolved     _from: 'png-img@~1.1.0' } ]
70 info install png-img@1.1.1 into e:\GitHub\gemini
71 info installOne png-img@1.1.1
72 info e:\GitHub\gemini\node_modules\png-img unbuild
73 verbose tar unpack C:\Users\igabdullin\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\png-img\1.1.1\package.tgz
74 silly lockFile cdeeb929-tHub-gemini-node-modules-png-img tar://e:\GitHub\gemini\node_modules\png-img
75 verbose lock tar://e:\GitHub\gemini\node_modules\png-img C:\Users\igabdullin\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\cdeeb929-tHub-gemini-node-modules-png-img.lock
76 silly lockFile ef312753--cache-png-img-1-1-1-package-tgz tar://C:\Users\igabdullin\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\png-img\1.1.1\package.tgz
77 verbose lock tar://C:\Users\igabdullin\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\png-img\1.1.1\package.tgz C:\Users\igabdullin\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\ef312753--cache-png-img-1-1-1-package-tgz.lock
78 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
79 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
80 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 438, 420 ]
81 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .npmignore
82 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.npmignore', 438, 420 ]
83 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
84 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 438, 420 ]
85 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry index.js
86 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'index.js', 438, 420 ]
87 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry utils.js
88 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'utils.js', 438, 420 ]
89 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry Vagrantfile
90 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'Vagrantfile', 438, 420 ]
91 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry binding.gyp
92 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'binding.gyp', 438, 420 ]
93 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sublime-project
94 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.sublime-project', 438, 420 ]
95 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .travis.yml
96 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.travis.yml', 438, 420 ]
97 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .sublime-project.sublime-workspace
98 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.sublime-project.sublime-workspace', 438, 420 ]
99 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry src/
100 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'src/', 438, 420 ]
101 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry src/PngImg.h
102 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'src/PngImg.h', 438, 420 ]
103 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry src/
104 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'src/', 438, 420 ]
105 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry src/PngImgAdapter.h
106 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'src/PngImgAdapter.h', 438, 420 ]
107 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry src/PngStructs.h
108 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'src/PngStructs.h', 438, 420 ]
109 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry src/SaveWorker.h
110 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'src/SaveWorker.h', 438, 420 ]
111 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry src/
112 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'src/', 438, 420 ]
113 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/img.test.js
114 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/img.test.js', 438, 420 ]
115 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/utils.test.js
116 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/utils.test.js', 438, 420 ]
117 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/mocha.opts
118 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/mocha.opts', 438, 420 ]
119 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/rgb3x1_noalpha.png
120 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/rgb3x1_noalpha.png', 438, 420 ]
121 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/rgba4x1.png
122 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/rgba4x1.png', 438, 420 ]
123 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry test/test32x32.png
124 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'test/test32x32.png', 438, 420 ]
125 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/README
126 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/README', 438, 420 ]
127 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/LICENSE
128 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/LICENSE', 438, 420 ]
129 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/libpng.gyp
130 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/libpng.gyp', 438, 420 ]
131 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/png.c
132 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/png.c', 438, 420 ]
133 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/png.h
134 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/png.h', 438, 420 ]
135 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pngconf.h
136 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pngconf.h', 438, 420 ]
137 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pngdebug.h
138 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pngdebug.h', 438, 420 ]
139 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pngerror.c
140 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pngerror.c', 438, 420 ]
141 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pngget.c
142 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pngget.c', 438, 420 ]
143 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pnginfo.h
144 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pnginfo.h', 438, 420 ]
145 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pnglibconf.h
146 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pnglibconf.h', 438, 420 ]
147 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pngmem.c
148 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pngmem.c', 438, 420 ]
149 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pngpread.c
150 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pngpread.c', 438, 420 ]
151 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pngwutil.c
152 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pngwutil.c', 438, 420 ]
153 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pngread.c
154 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pngread.c', 438, 420 ]
155 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pngrio.c
156 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pngrio.c', 438, 420 ]
157 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pngrtran.c
158 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pngrtran.c', 438, 420 ]
159 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pngrutil.c
160 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pngrutil.c', 438, 420 ]
161 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pngset.c
162 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pngset.c', 438, 420 ]
163 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pngstruct.h
164 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pngstruct.h', 438, 420 ]
165 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pngtest.c
166 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pngtest.c', 438, 420 ]
167 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pngtrans.c
168 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pngtrans.c', 438, 420 ]
169 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pngwio.c
170 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pngwio.c', 438, 420 ]
171 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pngwrite.c
172 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pngwrite.c', 438, 420 ]
173 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pngwtran.c
174 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pngwtran.c', 438, 420 ]
175 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/libpng/pngpriv.h
176 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/libpng/pngpriv.h', 438, 420 ]
177 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/README
178 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/README', 438, 420 ]
179 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/zutil.h
180 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/zutil.h', 438, 420 ]
181 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/compress.c
182 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/compress.c', 438, 420 ]
183 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/crc32.c
184 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/crc32.c', 438, 420 ]
185 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/crc32.h
186 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/crc32.h', 438, 420 ]
187 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/deflate.c
188 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/deflate.c', 438, 420 ]
189 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/deflate.h
190 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/deflate.h', 438, 420 ]
191 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/gzclose.c
192 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/gzclose.c', 438, 420 ]
193 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/gzguts.h
194 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/gzguts.h', 438, 420 ]
195 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/gzlib.c
196 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/gzlib.c', 438, 420 ]
197 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/gzread.c
198 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/gzread.c', 438, 420 ]
199 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/gzwrite.c
200 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/gzwrite.c', 438, 420 ]
201 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/infback.c
202 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/infback.c', 438, 420 ]
203 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/inffast.c
204 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/inffast.c', 438, 420 ]
205 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/adler32.c
206 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/adler32.c', 438, 420 ]
207 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/inffixed.h
208 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/inffixed.h', 438, 420 ]
209 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/inflate.c
210 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/inflate.c', 438, 420 ]
211 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/inflate.h
212 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/inflate.h', 438, 420 ]
213 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/inftrees.c
214 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/inftrees.c', 438, 420 ]
215 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/inftrees.h
216 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/inftrees.h', 438, 420 ]
217 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/trees.c
218 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/trees.c', 438, 420 ]
219 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/trees.h
220 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/trees.h', 438, 420 ]
221 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/uncompr.c
222 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/uncompr.c', 438, 420 ]
223 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/zconf.h
224 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/zconf.h', 438, 420 ]
225 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/zlib.gyp
226 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/zlib.gyp', 438, 420 ]
227 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/zlib.h
228 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/zlib.h', 438, 420 ]
229 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/zutil.c
230 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/zutil.c', 438, 420 ]
231 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry third_party/zlib/inffast.h
232 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'third_party/zlib/inffast.h', 438, 420 ]
233 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry dev/test
234 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'dev/test', 438, 420 ]
235 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry dev/
236 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'dev/', 438, 420 ]
237 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry dev/
238 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'dev/', 438, 420 ]
239 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry dev/
240 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'dev/', 438, 420 ]
241 silly lockFile cdeeb929-tHub-gemini-node-modules-png-img tar://e:\GitHub\gemini\node_modules\png-img
242 silly lockFile cdeeb929-tHub-gemini-node-modules-png-img tar://e:\GitHub\gemini\node_modules\png-img
243 silly lockFile ef312753--cache-png-img-1-1-1-package-tgz tar://C:\Users\igabdullin\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\png-img\1.1.1\package.tgz
244 silly lockFile ef312753--cache-png-img-1-1-1-package-tgz tar://C:\Users\igabdullin\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\png-img\1.1.1\package.tgz
245 info preinstall png-img@1.1.1
246 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
247 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
248 verbose cache add [ 'nan@~1.8.4', null ]
249 verbose cache add name=undefined spec="nan@~1.8.4" args=["nan@~1.8.4",null]
250 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
250 verbose parsed url   slashes: null,
250 verbose parsed url   auth: null,
250 verbose parsed url   host: null,
250 verbose parsed url   port: null,
250 verbose parsed url   hostname: null,
250 verbose parsed url   hash: null,
250 verbose parsed url   search: null,
250 verbose parsed url   query: null,
250 verbose parsed url   pathname: 'nan@~1.8.4',
250 verbose parsed url   path: 'nan@~1.8.4',
250 verbose parsed url   href: 'nan@~1.8.4' }
251 verbose cache add name="nan" spec="~1.8.4" args=["nan","~1.8.4"]
252 verbose parsed url { protocol: null,
252 verbose parsed url   slashes: null,
252 verbose parsed url   auth: null,
252 verbose parsed url   host: null,
252 verbose parsed url   port: null,
252 verbose parsed url   hostname: null,
252 verbose parsed url   hash: null,
252 verbose parsed url   search: null,
252 verbose parsed url   query: null,
252 verbose parsed url   pathname: '~1.8.4',
252 verbose parsed url   path: '~1.8.4',
252 verbose parsed url   href: '~1.8.4' }
253 verbose addNamed [ 'nan', '~1.8.4' ]
254 verbose addNamed [ null, '>=1.8.4-0 <1.9.0-0' ]
255 silly lockFile 0a5ed386-nan-1-8-4 nan@~1.8.4
256 verbose lock nan@~1.8.4 C:\Users\igabdullin\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\0a5ed386-nan-1-8-4.lock
257 silly addNameRange { name: 'nan', range: '>=1.8.4-0 <1.9.0-0', hasData: false }
258 verbose url raw nan
259 verbose url resolving [ '', './nan' ]
260 verbose url resolved
261 info trying registry request attempt 1 at 14:03:53
262 verbose etag "9D70CGL7I2GVSPGK48NI768U9"
263 http GET
264 http 304
265 silly registry.get cb [ 304,
265 silly registry.get   { date: 'Fri, 05 Jun 2015 11:03:53 GMT',
265 silly registry.get     via: '1.1 varnish',
265 silly registry.get     'cache-control': 'max-age=60',
265 silly registry.get     etag: '"9D70CGL7I2GVSPGK48NI768U9"',
265 silly registry.get     age: '28',
265 silly registry.get     connection: 'keep-alive',
265 silly registry.get     'x-served-by': 'cache-fra1226-FRA',
265 silly registry.get     'x-cache': 'HIT',
265 silly registry.get     'x-cache-hits': '1',
265 silly registry.get     'x-timer': 'S1433502233.264524,VS0,VE0',
265 silly registry.get     vary: 'Accept' } ]
266 verbose etag nan from cache
267 silly addNameRange number 2 { name: 'nan', range: '>=1.8.4-0 <1.9.0-0', hasData: true }
268 silly addNameRange versions [ 'nan',
268 silly addNameRange   [ '0.3.0-wip',
268 silly addNameRange     '0.3.0-wip2',
268 silly addNameRange     '0.3.0',
268 silly addNameRange     '0.3.1',
268 silly addNameRange     '0.3.2',
268 silly addNameRange     '0.4.0',
268 silly addNameRange     '0.4.1',
268 silly addNameRange     '0.4.2',
268 silly addNameRange     '0.4.3',
268 silly addNameRange     '0.4.4',
268 silly addNameRange     '0.5.0',
268 silly addNameRange     '0.5.1',
268 silly addNameRange     '0.5.2',
268 silly addNameRange     '0.6.0',
268 silly addNameRange     '0.7.0',
268 silly addNameRange     '0.7.1',
268 silly addNameRange     '0.8.0',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.0.0',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.1.0',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.1.1',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.1.2',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.2.0',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.3.0',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.4.0',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.4.1',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.5.0',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.4.2',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.4.3',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.5.1',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.5.2',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.6.0',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.5.3',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.6.1',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.6.2',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.7.0',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.8.0',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.8.1',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.8.2',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.8.3',
268 silly addNameRange     '1.8.4' ] ]
269 verbose addNamed [ 'nan', '1.8.4' ]
270 verbose addNamed [ '1.8.4', '1.8.4' ]
271 silly lockFile 86d5700b-nan-1-8-4 nan@1.8.4
272 verbose lock nan@1.8.4 C:\Users\igabdullin\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\86d5700b-nan-1-8-4.lock
273 silly lockFile 86d5700b-nan-1-8-4 nan@1.8.4
274 silly lockFile 86d5700b-nan-1-8-4 nan@1.8.4
275 silly lockFile 0a5ed386-nan-1-8-4 nan@~1.8.4
276 silly lockFile 0a5ed386-nan-1-8-4 nan@~1.8.4
277 silly resolved [ { name: 'nan',
277 silly resolved     version: '1.8.4',
277 silly resolved     description: 'Native Abstractions for Node.js: C++ header for Node 0.8->0.12 compatibility',
277 silly resolved     main: 'include_dirs.js',
277 silly resolved     repository: { type: 'git', url: 'git://' },
277 silly resolved     scripts:
277 silly resolved      { test: 'tap --gc test/js/*-test.js',
277 silly resolved        'rebuild-tests': 'pangyp rebuild --directory test' },
277 silly resolved     contributors:
277 silly resolved      [ [Object],
277 silly resolved        [Object],
277 silly resolved        [Object],
277 silly resolved        [Object],
277 silly resolved        [Object],
277 silly resolved        [Object],
277 silly resolved        [Object] ],
277 silly resolved     devDependencies:
277 silly resolved      { bindings: '~1.2.1',
277 silly resolved        'node-gyp': '~1.0.2',
277 silly resolved        pangyp: '~2.0.1',
277 silly resolved        tap: '~0.7.1',
277 silly resolved        xtend: '~4.0.0' },
277 silly resolved     license: 'MIT',
277 silly resolved     readme: 'Native Abstractions for Node.js\n===============================\n\n**A header file filled with macro and utility goodness for making add-on development for Node.js easier across versions 0.8, 0.10 and 0.12 as well as io.js.**\n\n***Current version: 1.8.4***\n\n*(See []( for complete ChangeLog)*\n\n[![NPM](]( [![NPM](](\n\n[![Build Status](](\n[![Build status](](\n\nThanks to the crazy changes in V8 (and some in Node core), keeping native addons compiling happily across versions, particularly 0.10 to 0.12, is a minor nightmare. The goal of this project is to store all logic necessary to develop native Node.js addons without having to inspect `NODE_MODULE_VERSION` and get yourself into a macro-tangle.\n\nThis project also contains some helper utilities that make addon development a bit more pleasant.\n\n * **[News & Updates](#news)**\n * **[Usage](#usage)**\n * **[Example](#example)**\n * **[API](#api)**\n * **[Tests](#tests)**\n * **[Porting](#porting)**\n * **[Governance & Contributing](#governance)**\n\n<a name="news"></a>\n## News & Updates\n\n### Apr-2015: 1.8.0 release\n\n* Support V8 4.2\n* Removed support for creating `Signature`s with arguments\n* Backported thread local storage routines for libuv\n\n### Feb-2015: 1.7.0 release\n\n* Made `NanCallback::Call` accept optional target\n* Support atom-shell 0.21\n\nNode 0.12.0 is out and supported by NAN. So is atom-shell 0.21. `NanCallback::Call` now accepts an optional `target` argument like `NanMakeCallback`.\n\n### Jan-2015: 1.6.0 release\n\n* Deprecated `NanNewContextHandle` in favor of `NanNew<Context>`\n* Added `NanSetCounterFunction`, `NanSetCreateHistogramFunction`, `NanSetAddHistogramSampleFunction`\n* Added `NanIdleNotification`, `NanLowMemoryNotification`, `NanContextDisposedNotification`\n* Added `NanEncode`, `NanDecodeBytes` and `NanDecodeWrite`\n\n### Jan-2015: 1.5.0 release\n\n* Support [io.js]( thanks to [Ben Noordhuis](bnoordhuis)\n* Rewritten NanNew internals thanks to [David Siegel](agnat)\n* NanAsyncWorker now supports progress reporting thanks to [Brett Lawson](brett19)\n\n### Aug-2014: 1.3.0 release\n\n* `NanCString()` and `NanRawString()` have been deprecated in favour of new <a href="#api_nan_ascii_string"><b><code>NanAsciiString</code></b></a>, <a href="#api_nan_utf8_string"><b><code>NanUtf8String</code></b></a> and <a href="#api_nan_ucs2_string"><b><code>NanUcs2String</code></b></a>. These classes manage the underlying memory for you in a safer way than just handing off an allocated array. You should now `*NanAsciiString(handle)` to access the raw `char` data, you can also allocate on the heap if you need to keep a reference.\n* Two more <a href="#api_nan_make_callback"><b><code>NanMakeCallback</code></b></a> overloads have been added to for parity with Node core.\n* You can now `NanNew(std::string)` (use `NanNew<std::string&>(std::string&)` to pass by reference)\n* <a href="#api_nan_set_template"><b><code>NanSetTemplate</code></b></a>, <a href="#api_nan_set_prototype_template"><b><code>NanSetPrototypeTemplate</code></b></a> and <a href="#api_nan_set_instance_template"><b><code>NanSetInstanceTemplate</code></b></a> have been added.\n\n### May-2014: 1.1.0 release\n\n* We\'ve deprecated `NanSymbol()`, you should just use `NanNew<String>()` now.\n* `NanNull()`, `NanUndefined()`, `NanTrue()`, `NanFalse()` all return `Local`s now.\n* `nan_isolate` is gone, it was intended to be internal-only but if you were using it then you should switch to `v8::Isolate::GetCurrent()`.\n* `NanNew()` has received some additional overload-love so you should be able to give it many kinds of values without specifying the `<Type>`.\n* Lots of small fixes and additions to expand the V8 API coverage, *use the source, Luke*.\n\n\n### May-2014: Major changes for V8 3.25 / Node 0.11.13\n\nNode 0.11.11 and 0.11.12 were both broken releases for native add-ons, you simply can\'t properly compile against either of them for different reasons. But we now have a 0.11.13 release that jumps a couple of versions of V8 ahead and includes some more, major (traumatic) API changes.\n\nBecause we are now nearing Node 0.12 and estimate that the version of V8 we are using in Node 0.11.13 will be close to the API we get for 0.12, we have taken the opportunity to not only *fix* NAN for 0.11.13 but make some major changes to improve the NAN API.\n\nWe have **removed support for Node 0.11 versions prior to 0.11.13**. As usual, our tests are run against (and pass) the last 5 versions of Node 0.8 and Node 0.10. We also include Node 0.11.13 obviously.\n\nThe major change is something that [Benjamin Byholm](kkoopa) has put many hours in to. We now have a fantastic new `NanNew<T>(args)` interface for creating new `Local`s, this replaces `NanNewLocal()` and much more. If you look in [./nan.h](nan.h) you\'ll see a large number of overloaded versions of this method. In general you should be able to `NanNew<Type>(arguments)` for any type you want to make a `Local` from. This includes `Persistent` types, so we now have a `Local<T> NanNew(const Persistent<T> arg)` to replace `NanPersistentToLocal()`.\n\nWe also now have `NanUndefined()`, `NanNull()`, `NanTrue()` and `NanFalse()`. Mainly because of the new requirement for an `Isolate` argument for each of the native V8 versions of this.\n\nV8 has now introduced an `EscapableHandleScope` from which you `scope.Escape(Local<T> value)` to *return* a value from a one scope to another. This replaces the standard `HandleScope` and `scope.Close(Local<T> value)`, although `HandleScope` still exists for when you don\'t need to return a handle to the caller. For NAN we are exposing it as `NanEscapableScope()` and `NanEscapeScope()`, while `NanScope()` is still how you create a new scope that doesn\'t need to return handles. For older versions of Node/V8, it\'ll still map to the older `HandleScope` functionality.\n\n`NanFromV8String()` was deprecated and has now been removed. You should use `NanCString()` or `NanRawString()` instead.\n\nBecause `node::MakeCallback()` now takes an `Isolate`, and because it doesn\'t exist in older versions of Node, we\'ve introduced `NanMakeCallback()`. You should *always* use this when calling a JavaScript function from C++.\n\nThere\'s lots more, check out the Changelog in nan.h or look through [#86]( for all the gory details.\n\n### Dec-2013: NanCString and NanRawString\n\nTwo new functions have been introduced to replace the functionality that\'s been provided by `NanFromV8String` until now. NanCString has sensible defaults so it\'s super easy to fetch a null-terminated c-style string out of a `v8::String`. `NanFromV8String` is still around and has defaults that allow you to pass a single handle to fetch a `char*` while `NanRawString` requires a little more attention to arguments.\n\n### Nov-2013: Node 0.11.9+ breaking V8 change\n\nThe version of V8 that\'s shipping with Node 0.11.9+ has changed the signature for new `Local`s to: `v8::Local<T>::New(isolate, value)`, i.e. introducing the `isolate` argument and therefore breaking all new `Local` declarations for previous versions. NAN 0.6+ now includes a `NanNewLocal<T>(value)` that can be used in place to work around this incompatibility and maintain compatibility with 0.8->0.11.9+ (minus a few early 0.11 releases).\n\nFor example, if you wanted to return a `null` on a callback you will have to change the argument from `v8::Local<v8::Value>::New(v8::Null())` to `NanNewLocal<v8::Value>(v8::Null())`.\n\n### Nov-2013: Change to binding.gyp `"include_dirs"` for NAN\n\nInclusion of NAN in a project\'s binding.gyp is now greatly simplified. You can now just use `"<!(node -e \\"require(\'nan\')\\")"` in your `"include_dirs"`, see example below (note Windows needs the quoting around `require` to be just right: `"require(\'nan\')"` with appropriate `\\` escaping).\n\n<a name="usage"></a>\n## Usage\n\nSimply add **NAN** as a dependency in the *package.json* of your Node addon:\n\n``` bash\n$ npm install --save nan\n```\n\nPull in the path to **NAN** in your *binding.gyp* so that you can use `#include <nan.h>` in your *.cpp* files:\n\n``` python\n"include_dirs" : [\n    "<!(node -e \\"require(\'nan\')\\")"\n]\n```\n\nThis works like a `-I<path-to-NAN>` when compiling your addon.\n\n<a name="example"></a>\n## Example\n\nSee **[LevelDOWN](** for a full example of **NAN** in use.\n\nFor a simpler example, see the **[async pi estimation example](** in the examples directory for full code and an explanation of what this Monte Carlo Pi estimation example does. Below are just some parts of the full example that illustrate the use of **NAN**.\n\nFor another example, see **[nan-example-eol](**. It shows newline detection implemented as a native addon.\n\nCompare to the current 0.10 version of this example, found in the [node-addon-examples]( repository and also a 0.11 version of the same found [here](\n\nNote that there is no embedded version sniffing going on here and also the async work is made much simpler, see below for details on the `NanAsyncWorker` class.\n\n```c++\n//\n#include <node.h>\n#include <nan.h>\n// ...\n\nusing v8::FunctionTemplate;\nusing v8::Handle;\nusing v8::Object;\nusing v8::String;\n\nvoid InitAll(Handle<Object> exports) {\n  exports->Set(NanNew<String>("calculateSync"),\n    NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(CalculateSync)->GetFunction());\n\n  exports->Set(NanNew<String>("calculateAsync"),\n    NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(CalculateAsync)->GetFunction());\n}\n\nNODE_MODULE(addon, InitAll)\n```\n\n```c++\n// sync.h\n#include <node.h>\n#include <nan.h>\n\nNAN_METHOD(CalculateSync);\n```\n\n```c++\n//\n#include <node.h>\n#include <nan.h>\n#include "./sync.h"\n// ...\n\nusing v8::Number;\n\n// Simple synchronous access to the `Estimate()` function\nNAN_METHOD(CalculateSync) {\n  NanScope();\n\n  // expect a number as the first argument\n  int points = args[0]->Uint32Value();\n  double est = Estimate(points);\n\n  NanReturnValue(NanNew<Number>(est));\n}\n```\n\n```c++\n// async.h\n#include <node.h>\n#include <nan.h>\n\nNAN_METHOD(CalculateAsync);\n```\n\n```c++\n//\n#include <node.h>\n#include <nan.h>\n#include "./async.h"\n\n// ...\n\nusing v8::Function;\nusing v8::Local;\nusing v8::Null;\nusing v8::Number;\nusing v8::Value;\n\nclass PiWorker : public NanAsyncWorker {\n public:\n  PiWorker(NanCallback *callback, int points)\n    : NanAsyncWorker(callback), points(points) {}\n  ~PiWorker() {}\n\n  // Executed inside the worker-thread.\n  // It is not safe to access V8, or V8 data structures\n  // here, so everything we need for input and output\n  // should go on `this`.\n  void Execute () {\n    estimate = Estimate(points);\n  }\n\n  // Executed when the async work is complete\n  // this function will be run inside the main event loop\n  // so it is safe to use V8 again\n  void HandleOKCallback () {\n    NanScope();\n\n    Local<Value> argv[] = {\n        NanNull()\n      , NanNew<Number>(estimate)\n    };\n\n    callback->Call(2, argv);\n  };\n\n private:\n  int points;\n  double estimate;\n};\n\n// Asynchronous access to the `Estimate()` function\nNAN_METHOD(CalculateAsync) {\n  NanScope();\n\n  int points = args[0]->Uint32Value();\n  NanCallback *callback = new NanCallback(args[1].As<Function>());\n\n  NanAsyncQueueWorker(new PiWorker(callback, points));\n  NanReturnUndefined();\n}\n```\n\n<a name="api"></a>\n## API\n\n * <a href="#api_nan_method"><b><code>NAN_METHOD</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_getter"><b><code>NAN_GETTER</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_setter"><b><code>NAN_SETTER</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_property_getter"><b><code>NAN_PROPERTY_GETTER</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_property_setter"><b><code>NAN_PROPERTY_SETTER</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_property_enumerator"><b><code>NAN_PROPERTY_ENUMERATOR</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_property_deleter"><b><code>NAN_PROPERTY_DELETER</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_property_query"><b><code>NAN_PROPERTY_QUERY</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_index_getter"><b><code>NAN_INDEX_GETTER</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_index_setter"><b><code>NAN_INDEX_SETTER</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_index_enumerator"><b><code>NAN_INDEX_ENUMERATOR</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_index_deleter"><b><code>NAN_INDEX_DELETER</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_index_query"><b><code>NAN_INDEX_QUERY</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_gc_callback"><b><code>NAN_GC_CALLBACK</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_weak_callback"><b><code>NAN_WEAK_CALLBACK</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_deprecated"><b><code>NAN_DEPRECATED</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_inline"><b><code>NAN_INLINE</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_new"><b><code>NanNew</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_undefined"><b><code>NanUndefined</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_null"><b><code>NanNull</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_true"><b><code>NanTrue</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_false"><b><code>NanFalse</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_return_value"><b><code>NanReturnValue</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_return_undefined"><b><code>NanReturnUndefined</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_return_null"><b><code>NanReturnNull</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_return_empty_string"><b><code>NanReturnEmptyString</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_return_this"><b><code>NanReturnThis</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_return_holder"><b><code>NanReturnHolder</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_scope"><b><code>NanScope</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_escapable_scope"><b><code>NanEscapableScope</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_escape_scope"><b><code>NanEscapeScope</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_locker"><b><code>NanLocker</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_unlocker"><b><code>NanUnlocker</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_get_internal_field_pointer"><b><code>NanGetInternalFieldPointer</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_set_internal_field_pointer"><b><code>NanSetInternalFieldPointer</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_object_wrap_handle"><b><code>NanObjectWrapHandle</code></b></a>\n * <del><a href="#api_nan_symbol"><b><code>NanSymbol</code></b></a></del>\n * <a href="#api_nan_get_pointer_safe"><b><code>NanGetPointerSafe</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_set_pointer_safe"><b><code>NanSetPointerSafe</code></b></a>\n * <del><a href="#api_nan_raw_string"><b><code>NanRawString</code></b></a></del>\n * <del><a href="#api_nan_c_string"><b><code>NanCString</code></b></a></del>\n * <a href="#api_nan_ascii_string"><b><code>NanAsciiString</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_utf8_string"><b><code>NanUtf8String</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_ucs2_string"><b><code>NanUcs2String</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_boolean_option_value"><b><code>NanBooleanOptionValue</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_uint32_option_value"><b><code>NanUInt32OptionValue</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_error"><b><code>NanError</code></b>, <b><code>NanTypeError</code></b>, <b><code>NanRangeError</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_throw_error"><b><code>NanThrowError</code></b>, <b><code>NanThrowTypeError</code></b>, <b><code>NanThrowRangeError</code></b>, <b><code>NanThrowError(Handle<Value>)</code></b>, <b><code>NanThrowError(Handle<Value>, int)</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_new_buffer_handle"><b><code>NanNewBufferHandle(char *, size_t, FreeCallback, void *)</code></b>, <b><code>NanNewBufferHandle(char *, uint32_t)</code></b>, <b><code>NanNewBufferHandle(uint32_t)</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_buffer_use"><b><code>NanBufferUse(char *, uint32_t)</code></b></a>\n * <del><a href="#api_nan_new_context_handle"><b><code>NanNewContextHandle</code></b></a></del>\n * <a href="#api_nan_get_current_context"><b><code>NanGetCurrentContext</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_has_instance"><b><code>NanHasInstance</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_dispose_persistent"><b><code>NanDisposePersistent</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_assign_persistent"><b><code>NanAssignPersistent</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_make_weak_persistent"><b><code>NanMakeWeakPersistent</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_set_template"><b><code>NanSetTemplate</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_set_prototype_template"><b><code>NanSetPrototypeTemplate</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_set_instance_template"><b><code>NanSetInstanceTemplate</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_make_callback"><b><code>NanMakeCallback</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_encode"><b><code>NanEncode</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_decode_bytes"><b><code>NanDecodeBytes</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_decode_write"><b><code>NanDecodeWrite</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_compile_script"><b><code>NanCompileScript</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_run_script"><b><code>NanRunScript</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_adjust_external_memory"><b><code>NanAdjustExternalMemory</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_add_gc_epilogue_callback"><b><code>NanAddGCEpilogueCallback</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_add_gc_prologue_callback"><b><code>NanAddGCPrologueCallback</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_remove_gc_epilogue_callback"><b><code>NanRemoveGCEpilogueCallback</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_remove_gc_prologue_callback"><b><code>NanRemoveGCPrologueCallback</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_get_heap_statistics"><b><code>NanGetHeapStatistics</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_set_counter_function"><b><code>NanSetCounterFunction</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_set_create_histogram_function"><b><code>NanSetCreateHistogramFunction</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_set_add_histogram_sample_function"><b><code>NanSetAddHistogramSampleFunction</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_idle_notification"><b><code>NanIdleNotification</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_low_memory_notification"><b><code>NanLowMemoryNotification</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_context_disposed_notification"><b><code>NanContextDisposedNotification</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_callback"><b><code>NanCallback</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_async_worker"><b><code>NanAsyncWorker</code></b></a>\n * <a href="#api_nan_async_queue_worker"><b><code>NanAsyncQueueWorker</code></b></a>\n\n<a name="api_nan_method"></a>\n### NAN_METHOD(methodname)\n\nUse `NAN_METHOD` to define your V8 accessible methods:\n\n```c++\n// .h:\nclass Foo : public node::ObjectWrap {\n  ...\n\n  static NAN_METHOD(Bar);\n  static NAN_METHOD(Baz);\n}\n\n\n// .cc:\nNAN_METHOD(Foo::Bar) {\n  ...\n}\n\nNAN_METHOD(Foo::Baz) {\n  ...\n}\n```\n\nThe reason for this macro is because of the method signature change in 0.11:\n\n```c++\n// 0.10 and below:\nHandle<Value> name(const Arguments& args)\n\n// 0.11 and above\nvoid name(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args)\n```\n\nThe introduction of `FunctionCallbackInfo` brings additional complications:\n\n<a name="api_nan_getter"></a>\n### NAN_GETTER(methodname)\n\nUse `NAN_GETTER` to declare your V8 accessible getters. You get a `Local<String>` `property` and an appropriately typed `args` object that can act like the `args` argument to a `NAN_METHOD` call.\n\nYou can use `NanReturnNull()`, `NanReturnEmptyString()`, `NanReturnUndefined()` and `NanReturnValue()` in a `NAN_GETTER`.\n\n<a name="api_nan_setter"></a>\n### NAN_SETTER(methodname)\n\nUse `NAN_SETTER` to declare your V8 accessible setters. Same as `NAN_GETTER` but you also get a `Local<Value>` `value` object to work with.\n\n<a name="api_nan_property_getter"></a>\n### NAN_PROPERTY_GETTER(cbname)\nUse `NAN_PROPERTY_GETTER` to declare your V8 accessible property getters. You get a `Local<String>` `property` and an appropriately typed `args` object that can act similar to the `args` argument to a `NAN_METHOD` call.\n\nYou can use `NanReturnNull()`, `NanReturnEmptyString()`, `NanReturnUndefined()` and `NanReturnValue()` in a `NAN_PROPERTY_GETTER`.\n\n<a name="api_nan_property_setter"></a>\n### NAN_PROPERTY_SETTER(cbname)\nUse `NAN_PROPERTY_SETTER` to declare your V8 accessible property setters. Same as `NAN_PROPERTY_GETTER` but you also get a `Local<Value>` `value` object to work with.\n\n<a name="api_nan_property_enumerator"></a>\n### NAN_PROPERTY_ENUMERATOR(cbname)\nUse `NAN_PROPERTY_ENUMERATOR` to declare your V8 accessible property enumerators. You get an appropriately typed `args` object like the `args` argument to a `NAN_PROPERTY_GETTER` call.\n\nYou can use `NanReturnNull()`, `NanReturnEmptyString()`, `NanReturnUndefined()` and `NanReturnValue()` in a `NAN_PROPERTY_ENUMERATOR`.\n\n<a name="api_nan_property_deleter"></a>\n### NAN_PROPERTY_DELETER(cbname)\nUse `NAN_PROPERTY_DELETER` to declare your V8 accessible property deleters. Same as `NAN_PROPERTY_GETTER`.\n\nYou can use `NanReturnNull()`, `NanReturnEmptyString()`, `NanReturnUndefined()` and `NanReturnValue()` in a `NAN_PROPERTY_DELETER`.\n\n<a name="api_nan_property_query"></a>\n### NAN_PROPERTY_QUERY(cbname)\nUse `NAN_PROPERTY_QUERY` to declare your V8 accessible property queries. Same as `NAN_PROPERTY_GETTER`.\n\nYou can use `NanReturnNull()`, `NanReturnEmptyString()`, `NanReturnUndefined()` and `NanReturnValue()` in a `NAN_PROPERTY_QUERY`.\n\n<a name="api_nan_index_getter"></a>\n### NAN_INDEX_GETTER(cbname)\nUse `NAN_INDEX_GETTER` to declare your V8 accessible index getters. You get a `uint32_t` `index` and an appropriately typed `args` object that can act similar to the `args` argument to a `NAN_METHOD` call.\n\nYou can use `NanReturnNull()`, `NanReturnEmptyString()`, `NanReturnUndefined()` and `NanReturnValue()` in a `NAN_INDEX_GETTER`.\n\n<a name="api_nan_index_setter"></a>\n### NAN_INDEX_SETTER(cbname)\nUse `NAN_INDEX_SETTER` to declare your V8 accessible index setters. Same as `NAN_INDEX_GETTER` but you also get a `Local<Value>` `value` object to work with.\n\n<a name="api_nan_index_enumerator"></a>\n### NAN_INDEX_ENUMERATOR(cbname)\nUse `NAN_INDEX_ENUMERATOR` to declare your V8 accessible index enumerators. You get an appropriately typed `args` object like the `args` argument to a `NAN_INDEX_GETTER` call.\n\nYou can use `NanReturnNull()`, `NanReturnEmptyString()`, `NanReturnUndefined()` and `NanReturnValue()` in a `NAN_INDEX_ENUMERATOR`.\n\n<a name="api_nan_index_deleter"></a>\n### NAN_INDEX_DELETER(cbname)\nUse `NAN_INDEX_DELETER` to declare your V8 accessible index deleters. Same as `NAN_INDEX_GETTER`.\n\nYou can use `NanReturnNull()`, `NanReturnEmptyString()`, `NanReturnUndefined()` and `NanReturnValue()` in a `NAN_INDEX_DELETER`.\n\n<a name="api_nan_index_query"></a>\n### NAN_INDEX_QUERY(cbname)\nUse `NAN_INDEX_QUERY` to declare your V8 accessible index queries. Same as `NAN_INDEX_GETTER`.\n\nYou can use `NanReturnNull()`, `NanReturnEmptyString()`, `NanReturnUndefined()` and `NanReturnValue()` in a `NAN_INDEX_QUERY`.\n\n<a name="api_nan_gc_callback"></a>\n### NAN_GC_CALLBACK(cbname)\nUse `NAN_GC_CALLBACK` to declare your callbacks for `NanAddGCEpilogueCallback` and `NanAddGCPrologueCallback`. You get arguments `GCType type` and `GCCallbackFlags flags`.\n\n```c++\nstatic Persistent<Function> callback;\n\nNAN_GC_CALLBACK(gcPrologueCallback) {\n  Local<Value> argv[] = {NanNew("prologue")};\n  NanMakeCallback(NanGetCurrentContext()->Global(), NanNew(callback), 1, argv);\n}\n\nNAN_METHOD(Hook) {\n  NanScope();\n  NanAssignPersistent(callback, args[0].As<Function>());\n  NanAddGCPrologueCallback(gcPrologueCallback);\n  NanReturnValue(args.Holder());\n}\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_weak_callback"></a>\n### NAN_WEAK_CALLBACK(cbname)\n\nUse `NAN_WEAK_CALLBACK` to define your V8 WeakReference callbacks. There is an argument object `const _NanWeakCallbackData<T, P> &data` allowing access to the weak object and the supplied parameter through its `GetValue` and `GetParameter` methods. You can even access the weak callback info object through the `GetCallbackInfo()`method, but you probably should not. `Revive()` keeps the weak object alive until the next GC round.\n\n```c++\nNAN_WEAK_CALLBACK(weakCallback) {\n  int *parameter = data.GetParameter();\n  NanMakeCallback(NanGetCurrentContext()->Global(), data.GetValue(), 0, NULL);\n  if ((*parameter)++ == 0) {\n    data.Revive();\n  } else {\n    delete parameter;\n  }\n}\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_deprecated"></a>\n### NAN_DEPRECATED\nDeclares a function as deprecated.\n\n```c++\nstatic NAN_DEPRECATED NAN_METHOD(foo) {\n  ...\n}\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_inline"></a>\n### NAN_INLINE\nInlines a function.\n\n```c++\nNAN_INLINE int foo(int bar) {\n  ...\n}\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_new"></a>\n### Local&lt;T&gt; NanNew&lt;T&gt;( ... )\n\nUse `NanNew` to construct almost all v8 objects (bound `Script`s are constructed with <a href="#api_nan_compile_script">`NanCompileScript(Handle)`</a>) and make new local handles.\n\n```c++\nLocal<String> s = NanNew<String>("value");\n\n...\n\nPersistent<Object> o;\n\n...\n\nLocal<Object> lo = NanNew(o);\n\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_undefined"></a>\n### Local&lt;Primitive&gt; NanUndefined()\n\nUse instead of `Undefined()`\n\n<a name="api_nan_null"></a>\n### Local&lt;Primitive&gt; NanNull()\n\nUse instead of `Null()`\n\n<a name="api_nan_true"></a>\n### Local&lt;Boolean&gt; NanTrue()\n\nUse instead of `True()`\n\n<a name="api_nan_false"></a>\n### Local&lt;Boolean&gt; NanFalse()\n\nUse instead of `False()`\n\n<a name="api_nan_return_value"></a>\n### NanReturnValue(Handle&lt;Value&gt;)\n\nUse `NanReturnValue` when you want to return a value from your V8 accessible method:\n\n```c++\nNAN_METHOD(Foo::Bar) {\n  ...\n\n  NanReturnValue(NanNew<String>("FooBar!"));\n}\n```\n\nNo `return` statement required.\n\nFor convenience, `NanReturnValue` also accepts common primitives directly by implicitly performing an overloaded `NanNew(T)`.\n\n```c++\nNanReturnValue("FooBar!");\nNanReturnValue(true);\nNanReturnValue(12);\nNanReturnValue(3.14);\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_return_undefined"></a>\n### NanReturnUndefined()\n\nUse `NanReturnUndefined` when you don\'t want to return anything from your V8 accessible method:\n\n```c++\nNAN_METHOD(Foo::Baz) {\n  ...\n\n  NanReturnUndefined();\n}\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_return_null"></a>\n### NanReturnNull()\n\nUse `NanReturnNull` when you want to return `Null` from your V8 accessible method:\n\n```c++\nNAN_METHOD(Foo::Baz) {\n  ...\n\n  NanReturnNull();\n}\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_return_empty_string"></a>\n### NanReturnEmptyString()\n\nUse `NanReturnEmptyString` when you want to return an empty `String` from your V8 accessible method:\n\n```c++\nNAN_METHOD(Foo::Baz) {\n  ...\n\n  NanReturnEmptyString();\n}\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_return_this"></a>\n### NanReturnThis()\n\nUse `NanReturnThis` when you want to return `This` from your V8 accessible method:\n\n```c++\nNAN_METHOD(Foo::Baz) {\n  ...\n\n  NanReturnThis();\n}\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_return_holder"></a>\n### NanReturnHolder()\n\nUse `NanReturnHolder` when you want to return `Holder` from your V8 accessible method:\n\n```c++\nNAN_METHOD(Foo::Baz) {\n  ...\n\n  NanReturnHolder();\n}\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_scope"></a>\n### NanScope()\n\nThe introduction of `isolate` references for many V8 calls in Node 0.11 makes `NanScope()` necessary, use it in place of `HandleScope scope` when you do not wish to return handles (`Handle` or `Local`) to the surrounding scope (or in functions directly exposed to V8, as they do not return values in the normal sense):\n\n```c++\nNAN_METHOD(Foo::Bar) {\n  NanScope();\n\n  NanReturnValue(NanNew<String>("FooBar!"));\n}\n```\n\nThis method is not directly exposed to V8, nor does it return a handle, so it uses an unescapable scope:\n\n```c++\nbool Foo::Bar() {\n  NanScope();\n\n  Local<Boolean> val = NanFalse();\n  ...\n  return val->Value();\n}\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_escapable_scope"></a>\n### NanEscapableScope()\n\nThe separation of handle scopes into escapable and inescapable scopes makes `NanEscapableScope()` necessary, use it in place of `HandleScope scope` when you later wish to return a handle (`Handle` or `Local`) from the scope, this is for internal functions not directly exposed to V8:\n\n```c++\nHandle<String> Foo::Bar() {\n  NanEscapableScope();\n\n  return NanEscapeScope(NanNew<String>("FooBar!"));\n}\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_escape_scope"></a>\n### Local&lt;T&gt; NanEscapeScope(Handle&lt;T&gt; value);\nUse together with `NanEscapableScope` to escape the scope. Corresponds to `HandleScope::Close` or `EscapableHandleScope::Escape`.\n\n<a name="api_nan_locker"></a>\n### NanLocker()\n\nThe introduction of `isolate` references for many V8 calls in Node 0.11 makes `NanLocker()` necessary, use it in place of `Locker locker`:\n\n```c++\nNAN_METHOD(Foo::Bar) {\n  NanLocker();\n  ...\n  NanUnlocker();\n}\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_unlocker"></a>\n### NanUnlocker()\n\nThe introduction of `isolate` references for many V8 calls in Node 0.11 makes `NanUnlocker()` necessary, use it in place of `Unlocker unlocker`:\n\n```c++\nNAN_METHOD(Foo::Bar) {\n  NanLocker();\n  ...\n  NanUnlocker();\n}\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_get_internal_field_pointer"></a>\n### void * NanGetInternalFieldPointer(Handle&lt;Object&gt;, int)\n\nGets a pointer to the internal field with at `index` from a V8 `Object` handle.\n\n```c++\nLocal<Object> obj;\n...\nNanGetInternalFieldPointer(obj, 0);\n```\n<a name="api_nan_set_internal_field_pointer"></a>\n### void NanSetInternalFieldPointer(Handle&lt;Object&gt;, int, void *)\n\nSets the value of the internal field at `index` on a V8 `Object` handle.\n\n```c++\nstatic Persistent<Function> dataWrapperCtor;\n...\nLocal<Object> wrapper = NanNew(dataWrapperCtor)->NewInstance();\nNanSetInternalFieldPointer(wrapper, 0, this);\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_object_wrap_handle"></a>\n### Local&lt;Object&gt; NanObjectWrapHandle(const node::ObjectWrap &amp;obj)\n\nWhen you want to fetch the V8 object handle from a native object you\'ve wrapped with Node\'s `ObjectWrap`, you should use `NanObjectWrapHandle`:\n\n```c++\nNanObjectWrapHandle(iterator)->Get(NanNew<String>("end"))\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_symbol"></a>\n### ~~Local&lt;String&gt; NanSymbol(const char *)~~\n\nDeprecated. Use `NanNew<String>` instead.\n~~Use to create string symbol objects (i.e. `v8::String::NewSymbol(x)`), for getting and setting object properties, or names of objects.~~\n\n```c++\nbool foo = false;\nif (obj->Has(NanNew<String>("foo")))\n  foo = optionsObj->Get(NanNew<String>("foo"))->BooleanValue()\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_get_pointer_safe"></a>\n### Type NanGetPointerSafe(Type *[, Type])\n\nA helper for getting values from optional pointers. If the pointer is `NULL`, the function returns the optional default value, which defaults to `0`.  Otherwise, the function returns the value the pointer points to.\n\n```c++\nchar *plugh(uint32_t *optional) {\n  char res[] = "xyzzy";\n  uint32_t param = NanGetPointerSafe<uint32_t>(optional, 0x1337);\n  switch (param) {\n    ...\n  }\n  NanSetPointerSafe<uint32_t>(optional, 0xDEADBEEF);\n}  \n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_set_pointer_safe"></a>\n### bool NanSetPointerSafe(Type *, Type)\n\nA helper for setting optional argument pointers. If the pointer is `NULL`, the function simply returns `false`.  Otherwise, the value is assigned to the variable the pointer points to.\n\n```c++\nconst char *plugh(size_t *outputsize) {\n  char res[] = "xyzzy";\n  if !(NanSetPointerSafe<size_t>(outputsize, strlen(res) + 1)) {\n    ...\n  }\n\n  ...\n}\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_raw_string"></a>\n### ~~void* NanRawString(Handle&lt;Value&gt;, enum Nan::Encoding, size_t *, void *, size_t, int)~~\n\nDeprecated. Use something else.\n\n~~When you want to convert a V8 `String` to a `char*` buffer, use `NanRawString`. You have to supply an encoding as well as a pointer to a variable that will be assigned the number of bytes in the returned string. It is also possible to supply a buffer and its length to the function in order not to have a new buffer allocated. The final argument allows setting `String::WriteOptions`.\nJust remember that you\'ll end up with an object that you\'ll need to `delete[]` at some point unless you supply your own buffer:~~\n\n```c++\nsize_t count;\nvoid* decoded = NanRawString(args[1], Nan::BASE64, &count, NULL, 0, String::HINT_MANY_WRITES_EXPECTED);\n...\ndelete[] reinterpret_cast<char*>(decoded);\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_c_string"></a>\n### ~~char* NanCString(Handle&lt;Value&gt;, size_t *[, char *, size_t, int])~~\n\nDeprecated. Use `String::Utf8Value` or `NanUtf8String` instead.\n\n~~When you want to convert a V8 `String` to a null-terminated C `char*` use `NanCString`. The resulting `char*` will be UTF-8-encoded, and you need to supply a pointer to a variable that will be assigned the number of bytes in the returned string. It is also possible to supply a buffer and its length to the function in order not to have a new buffer allocated. The final argument allows optionally setting `String::WriteOptions`, which default to `v8::String::NO_OPTIONS`.\nJust remember that you\'ll end up with an object that you\'ll need to `delete[]` at some point unless you supply your own buffer:~~\n\n```c++\nsize_t count;\nchar* name = NanCString(args[0], &count);\n...\ndelete[] name;\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_ascii_string"></a>\n### NanAsciiString\n\nContrary to the name, this is not actually an ASCII string, it is a one-byte string with no particular encoding. Do not use unless you actually need this incorrect legacy behavior. Consider fixing your broken code instead. If you actually have a proper ASCII-string, use UTF-8, which is a proper superset of ASCII.\nConvert a `String` to zero-terminated, sort-of Ascii-encoded `char *`. The underlying buffer is freed when the owner object goes out of scope, so make a copy or heap allocation if you need it to stick around.\n\n```c++\nNAN_METHOD(foo) {\n  NanScope();\n  NanReturnValue(NanNew(*NanAsciiString(arg[0])));\n}\n```\n\n####*WRONG*:\nthe buffer `str` points to has been freed when `baz` was destroyed:\n```c++\nstatic char *str;\n\nNAN_METHOD(bar) {\n  NanScope();\n  NanAsciiString baz(arg[0]);\n\n  str = *baz;\n  NanReturnUndefined(); // baz goes out of scope, freeing str\n}\n\n...\n\nprintf(str); // use-after-free error\n```\n\n####*RIGHT*:\n```c++\nstatic NanAsciiString *str;\n\nNAN_METHOD(bar) {\n  NanScope();\n  str = new NanAsciiString(arg[0]);\n  NanReturnUndefined();\n}\n\n...\n\nprintf(**str);\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_utf8_string"></a>\n### NanUtf8String\n\nEquivalent to `String::Utf8Value`, it only exists for the sake of completeness.\nConvert a `String` to zero-terminated, Utf8-encoded `char *`. The underlying buffer is freed when the owner object goes out of scope, so make a copy or heap allocation if you need it to stick around.\n\n```c++\nNAN_METHOD(foo) {\n  NanScope();\n  NanReturnValue(NanNew(*NanUtf8String(arg[0])));\n}\n```\n\n####*WRONG*:\nthe buffer `str` points to has been freed when `baz` was destroyed:\n```c++\nstatic char *str;\n\nNAN_METHOD(bar) {\n  NanScope();\n  NanUtf8String baz(arg[0]);\n\n  str = *baz;\n  NanReturnUndefined(); // baz goes out of scope, freeing str\n}\n\n...\n\nprintf(str); // use-after-free error\n```\n\n####*RIGHT*:\n```c++\nstatic NanUtf8String *str;\n\nNAN_METHOD(bar) {\n  NanScope();\n  str = new NanUtf8String(arg[0]);\n  NanReturnUndefined();\n}\n\n...\n\nprintf(**str);\n```\n\n\n<a name="api_nan_ucs2_string"></a>\n### NanUcs2String\n\nEquivalent to `String::Value`, it only exists for the sake of completeness.\nConvert a `String` to zero-terminated, Ucs2-encoded `uint16_t *`. The underlying buffer is freed when the owner object goes out of scope, so make a copy or heap allocation if you need it to stick around.\n\n```c++\nNAN_METHOD(foo) {\n  NanScope();\n  NanReturnValue(NanNew(*NanUcs2String(arg[0])));\n}\n```\n\n####*WRONG*:\nthe buffer `str` points to has been freed when `baz` was destroyed:\n```c++\nstatic char *str;\n\nNAN_METHOD(bar) {\n  NanScope();\n  NanUcs2String baz(arg[0]);\n\n  str = *baz;\n  NanReturnUndefined(); // baz goes out of scope, freeing str\n}\n\n...\n\nprintf(str); // use-after-free error\n```\n\n####*RIGHT*:\n```c++\nstatic NanUcs2String *str;\n\nNAN_METHOD(bar) {\n  NanScope();\n  str = new NanUcs2String(arg[0]);\n  NanReturnUndefined();\n}\n\n...\n\nprintf(**str);\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_boolean_option_value"></a>\n### bool NanBooleanOptionValue(Handle&lt;Value&gt;, Handle&lt;String&gt;[, bool])\n\nWhen you have an "options" object that you need to fetch properties from, boolean options can be fetched with this pair. They check first if the object exists (`IsEmpty`), then if the object has the given property (`Has`) then they get and convert/coerce the property to a `bool`.\n\nThe optional last parameter is the *default* value, which is `false` if left off:\n\n```c++\n// `foo` is false unless the user supplies a truthy value for it\nbool foo = NanBooleanOptionValue(optionsObj, NanNew<String>("foo"));\n// `bar` is true unless the user supplies a falsy value for it\nbool bar = NanBooleanOptionValueDefTrue(optionsObj, NanNew<String>("bar"), true);\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_uint32_option_value"></a>\n### uint32_t NanUInt32OptionValue(Handle&lt;Value&gt;, Handle&lt;String&gt;, uint32_t)\n\nSimilar to `NanBooleanOptionValue`, use `NanUInt32OptionValue` to fetch an integer option from your options object. Can be any kind of JavaScript `Number` and it will be coerced to an unsigned 32-bit integer.\n\nRequires all 3 arguments as a default is not optional:\n\n```c++\nuint32_t count = NanUInt32OptionValue(optionsObj, NanNew<String>("count"), 1024);\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_error"></a>\n### NanError(message), NanTypeError(message), NanRangeError(message)\n\nFor making `Error`, `TypeError` and `RangeError` objects.\n\n```c++\nLocal<Value> res = NanError("you must supply a callback argument");\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_throw_error"></a>\n### NanThrowError(message), NanThrowTypeError(message), NanThrowRangeError(message), NanThrowError(Local&lt;Value&gt;), NanThrowError(Local&lt;Value&gt;, int)\n\nFor throwing `Error`, `TypeError` and `RangeError` objects.\n\n```c++\nNanThrowError("you must supply a callback argument");\n```\n\nCan also handle any custom object you may want to throw. If used with the error code argument, it will add the supplied error code to the error object as a property called `code`.\n\n<a name="api_nan_new_buffer_handle"></a>\n### Local&lt;Object&gt; NanNewBufferHandle(char *, uint32_t), Local&lt;Object&gt; NanNewBufferHandle(uint32_t)\n\nThe `Buffer` API has changed a little in Node 0.11, this helper provides consistent access to `Buffer` creation:\n\n```c++\nNanNewBufferHandle((char*), value.size());\n```\n\nCan also be used to initialize a `Buffer` with just a `size` argument.\n\nCan also be supplied with a `NanFreeCallback` and a hint for the garbage collector.\n\n<a name="api_nan_buffer_use"></a>\n### Local&lt;Object&gt; NanBufferUse(char*, uint32_t)\n\n`Buffer::New(char*, uint32_t)` prior to 0.11 would make a copy of the data.\nWhile it was possible to get around this, it required a shim by passing a\ncallback. So the new API `Buffer::Use(char*, uint32_t)` was introduced to remove\nneeding to use this shim.\n\n`NanBufferUse` uses the `char*` passed as the backing data, and will free the\nmemory automatically when the weak callback is called. Keep this in mind, as\ncareless use can lead to "double free or corruption" and other cryptic failures.\n\n<a name="api_nan_has_instance"></a>\n### bool NanHasInstance(Persistent&lt;FunctionTemplate&gt;&, Handle&lt;Value&gt;)\n\nCan be used to check the type of an object to determine it is of a particular class you have already defined and have a `Persistent<FunctionTemplate>` handle for.\n\n<a name="api_nan_new_context_handle"></a>\n### ~~Local&lt;Context&gt; NanNewContextHandle([ExtensionConfiguration*, Handle&lt;ObjectTemplate&gt;, Handle&lt;Value&gt;])~~\n\nDeprecated. Use `NanNew<Context>` instead.\n\n~~Creates a new `Local<Context>` handle.~~\n\n```c++\nLocal<FunctionTemplate> ftmpl = NanNew<FunctionTemplate>();\nLocal<ObjectTemplate> otmpl = ftmpl->InstanceTemplate();\nLocal<Context> ctx =  NanNewContextHandle(NULL, otmpl);\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_get_current_context"></a>\n### Local&lt;Context&gt; NanGetCurrentContext()\n\nGets the current context.\n\n```c++\nLocal<Context> ctx = NanGetCurrentContext();\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_dispose_persistent"></a>\n### void NanDisposePersistent(Persistent&lt;T&gt; &)\n\nUse `NanDisposePersistent` to dispose a `Persistent` handle.\n\n```c++\nNanDisposePersistent(persistentHandle);\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_assign_persistent"></a>\n### NanAssignPersistent(handle, object)\n\nUse `NanAssignPersistent` to assign a non-`Persistent` handle to a `Persistent` one. You can no longer just declare a `Persistent` handle and assign directly to it later, you have to `Reset` it in Node 0.11, so this makes it easier.\n\nIn general it is now better to place anything you want to protect from V8\'s garbage collector as properties of a generic `Object` and then assign that to a `Persistent`. This works in older versions of Node also if you use `NanAssignPersistent`:\n\n```c++\nPersistent<Object> persistentHandle;\n\n...\n\nLocal<Object> obj = NanNew<Object>();\nobj->Set(NanNew<String>("key"), keyHandle); // where keyHandle might be a Local<String>\nNanAssignPersistent(persistentHandle, obj)\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_make_weak_persistent"></a>\n### _NanWeakCallbackInfo&lt;T, P&gt;* NanMakeWeakPersistent(Handle&lt;T&gt;, P*, _NanWeakCallbackInfo&lt;T, P&gt;::Callback)\n\nCreates a weak persistent handle with the supplied parameter and `NAN_WEAK_CALLBACK`.\n\n```c++\nNAN_WEAK_CALLBACK(weakCallback) {\n\n...\n\n}\n\nLocal<Function> func;\n\n...\n\nint *parameter = new int(0);\nNanMakeWeakPersistent(func, parameter, &weakCallback);\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_set_template"></a>\n### NanSetTemplate(templ, name, value [, attributes])\n\nUse to add properties on object and function templates.\n\n<a name="api_nan_set_prototype_template"></a>\n### NanSetPrototypeTemplate(templ, name, value [, attributes])\n\nUse to add prototype properties on function templates.\n\n<a name="api_nan_set_instance_template"></a>\n### NanSetInstanceTemplate(templ, name, value [, attributes])\n\nUse to add instance properties on function templates.\n\n<a name="api_nan_make_callback"></a>\n### NanMakeCallback(target, func, argc, argv)\n\nUse instead of `node::MakeCallback` to call javascript functions. This (or `NanCallback`) is the only proper way of calling functions. You must _*never, ever*_ directly use `Function::Call`, it will lead to run-time failures.\n\n<a name="api_nan_encode"></a>\n### NanEncode(const void*, size_t[, enum Nan::Encoding])\n\nReplaces `node::Encode`.\n\n<a name="api_nan_decode_bytes"></a>\n### NanDecodeBytes(v8::Handle&lt;v8::Value&gt;[, enum Nan::Encoding])\n\nReplaces `node::DecodeBytes`.\n\n<a name="api_nan_decode_write"></a>\n### NanDecodeWrite(char *, size_t, v8::Handle&lt;v8::Value&gt;[, enum Nan::Encoding])\n\nReplaces `node::DecodeWrite`.\n\n<a name="api_nan_compile_script"></a>\n### NanCompileScript(Handle<String> s [, const ScriptOrigin&amp; origin])\n\nUse to create new scripts bound to the current context.\n\n<a name="api_nan_run_script"></a>\n### NanRunScript(script)\n\nUse to run both bound and unbound scripts.\n\n<a name="api_nan_adjust_external_memory"></a>\n### NanAdjustExternalMemory(int change_in_bytes)\n\nSimply does `AdjustAmountOfExternalAllocatedMemory`, note that the argument and returned value have type `int`.\n\n<a name="api_nan_add_gc_epilogue_callback"></a>\n### NanAddGCEpilogueCallback(GCEpilogueCallback callback, GCType gc_type_filter=kGCTypeAll)\n\nSimply does `AddGCEpilogueCallback`\n\n<a name="api_nan_add_gc_prologue_callback"></a>\n### NanAddGCPrologueCallback(GCPrologueCallback callback, GCType gc_type_filter=kGCTypeAll)\n\nSimply does `AddGCPrologueCallback`\n\n<a name="api_nan_remove_gc_epilogue_callback"></a>\n### NanRemoveGCEpilogueCallback(GCEpilogueCallback callback)\n\nSimply does `RemoveGCEpilogueCallback`\n\n<a name="api_nan_remove_gc_prologue_callback"></a>\n### NanRemoveGCPrologueCallback(GCPrologueCallback callback)\n\nSimply does `RemoveGCPrologueCallback`\n\n<a name="api_nan_get_heap_statistics"></a>\n### NanGetHeapStatistics(HeapStatistics *heap_statistics)\n\nSimply does `GetHeapStatistics`\n\n<a name="api_nan_set_counter_function"></a>\n### NanSetCounterFunction(CounterLookupCallback cb)\n\nSimply does `SetCounterFunction`\n\n<a name="api_nan_set_create_histogram_function"></a>\n### NanSetCreateHistogramFunction(CreateHistogramCallback cb)\n\nSimply does `SetCreateHistogramFunction`\n\n<a name="api_nan_set_add_histogram_sample_function"></a>\n### NanSetAddHistogramSampleFunction(AddHistogramSampleCallback cb)\n\nSimply does `SetAddHistogramSampleFunction`\n\n<a name="api_nan_idle_notification"></a>\n### NanIdleNotification(int idle_time_in_ms)\n\nSimply does `IdleNotification`\n\n<a name="api_nan_low_memory_notification"></a>\n### NanLowMemoryNotification()\n\nSimply does `LowMemoryNotification`\n\n<a name="api_nan_context_disposed_notification"></a>\n### NanContextDisposedNotification()\n\nSimply does `ContextDisposedNotification`\n\n<a name="api_nan_callback"></a>\n### NanCallback\n\nBecause of the difficulties imposed by the changes to `Persistent` handles in V8 in Node 0.11, creating `Persistent` versions of your `Handle<Function>` is annoyingly tricky. `NanCallback` makes it easier by taking your handle, making it persistent until the `NanCallback` is deleted and even providing a handy `Call()` method to fetch and execute the callback `Function`.\n\n```c++\nLocal<Function> callbackHandle = args[0].As<Function>();\nNanCallback *callback = new NanCallback(callbackHandle);\n// pass `callback` around and it\'s safe from GC until you:\ndelete callback;\n```\n\nYou can execute the callback like so:\n\n```c++\n// no arguments:\ncallback->Call(0, NULL);\n\n// an error argument:\nHandle<Value> argv[] = {\n  NanError(NanNew<String>("fail!"))\n};\ncallback->Call(1, argv);\n\n// a success argument:\nHandle<Value> argv[] = {\n  NanNull(),\n  NanNew<String>("w00t!")\n};\ncallback->Call(2, argv);\n```\n\n`NanCallback` also has a `Local<Function> GetFunction()` method that you can use\nto fetch a local handle to the underlying callback function, as well  as a\n`void SetFunction(Handle<Function>)` for setting the callback on the\n`NanCallback`. You can check if a `NanCallback` is empty with the `bool IsEmpty()` method. Additionally a generic constructor is available for using\n`NanCallback` without performing heap allocations.\n\n<a name="api_nan_async_worker"></a>\n### NanAsyncWorker\n\n`NanAsyncWorker` is an abstract class that you can subclass to have much of the annoying async queuing and handling taken care of for you. It can even store arbitrary V8 objects for you and have them persist while the async work is in progress.\n\nSee a rough outline of the implementation:\n\n```c++\nclass NanAsyncWorker {\npublic:\n  NanAsyncWorker (NanCallback *callback);\n\n  // Clean up persistent handles and delete the *callback\n  virtual ~NanAsyncWorker ();\n\n  // Check the `ErrorMessage()` and call HandleOKCallback()\n  // or HandleErrorCallback depending on whether it has been set or not\n  virtual void WorkComplete ();\n\n  // You must implement this to do some async work. If there is an\n  // error then use `SetErrorMessage()` to set an error message and the callback will\n  // be passed that string in an Error object\n  virtual void Execute ();\n\n  // Save a V8 object in a Persistent handle to protect it from GC\n  void SaveToPersistent(const char *key, Local<Object> &obj);\n\n  // Fetch a stored V8 object (don\'t call from within `Execute()`)\n  Local<Object> GetFromPersistent(const char *key);\n\n  // Get the error message (or NULL)\n  const char *ErrorMessage();\n\n  // Set an error message\n  void SetErrorMessage(const char *msg);\n\nprotected:\n  // Default implementation calls the callback function with no arguments.\n  // Override this to return meaningful data\n  virtual void HandleOKCallback ();\n\n  // Default implementation calls the callback function with an Error object\n  // wrapping the `errmsg` string\n  virtual void HandleErrorCallback ();\n};\n```\n\n<a name="api_nan_async_queue_worker"></a>\n### NanAsyncQueueWorker(NanAsyncWorker *)\n\n`NanAsyncQueueWorker` will run a `NanAsyncWorker` asynchronously via libuv. Both the *execute* and *after_work* steps are taken care of for you&mdash;most of the logic for this is embedded in `NanAsyncWorker`.\n\n<a name="api"></a>\n### Tests\n\nTo run the NAN tests do:\n\n``` sh\nnpm install\nnpm run-script rebuild-tests\nnpm test\n```\n\nOr just:\n\n``` sh\nnpm install\nmake test\n```\n\n## Porting\n\nFollows is a guide to porting your C++ node to NAN.\n\n<table><tbody>\n\n<tr><th>Aspect</th><th>Without NAN</th><th>With NAN</th></tr>\n\n<tr><td>Function declaration</td><td><pre>class MyClass : public ObjectWrap {\n    ....\n    static Handle<Value> ToString(const Arguments& args);\n    ....\n}</pre></td></th><td><pre>class MyClass : public ObjectWrap {\n    ....\n    static NAN_METHOD(ToString);\n    ....\n}</pre></td></tr>\n\n<tr><td>Function definition</td><td><pre>Handle<Value>\nMyClass::ToString(const Arguments& args)\n{\n\tHandleScope scope;\n\t....\n}</pre></td></th><td><pre>\nNAN_METHOD(MyClass::ToString)\n{\n  NanScope();\n  ....\n}</pre></td></tr>\n\n<tr><td>Return a value</td><td><pre>return scope.Close(result);</pre></td></th><td><pre>NanReturnValue(result);</pre></td></tr>\n\n<tr><td>Return undefined</td><td><pre>return Undefined();</pre></td></th><td><pre>NanReturnUndefined();</pre></td></tr>\n\n<tr><td>Throw an error</td><td><pre>return ThrowException(\n  Exception::Error(\n    String::New("Error text...")));</pre></td></th><td><pre>return NanThrowError("Error text...");</pre></td></tr>\n\n<tr><td>New v8 string literal</td><td><pre>String::NewSymbol("my text")</pre></td></th><td><pre>NanNew("my text")</pre></td></tr>\n\n</tbody></table>\n\n## Contributors\n\n<a name="governance"></a>\n\n## Governance & Contributing\n\nNAN is governed by the [io.js]( Addon API Working Group\n\n### Addon API Working Group (WG)\n\nThe NAN project is jointly governed by a Working Group which is responsible for high-level guidance of the project.\n\nMembers of the WG are also known as Collaborators, there is no distinction between the two, unlike other io.js projects.\n\nThe WG has final authority over this project including:\n\n* Technical direction\n* Project governance and process (including this policy)\n* Contribution policy\n* GitHub repository hosting\n* Maintaining the list of additional Collaborators\n\nFor the current list of WG members, see the project [](./\n\nIndividuals making significant and valuable contributions are made members of the WG and given commit-access to the project. These individuals are identified by the WG and their addition to the WG is discussed via GitHub and requires unanimous consensus amongst those WG members participating in the discussion with a quorum of 50% of WG members required for acceptance of the vote.\n\n_Note:_ If you make a significant contribution and are not considered for commit-access log an issue or contact a WG member directly.\n\nFor the current list of WG members / Collaborators, see the project [](./\n\n### Consensus Seeking Process\n\nThe WG follows a [Consensus Seeking]( decision making model.\n\nModifications of the contents of the NAN repository are made on a collaborative basis. Anybody with a GitHub account may propose a modification via pull request and it will be considered by the WG. All pull requests must be reviewed and accepted by a WG member with sufficient expertise who is able to take full responsibility for the change. In the case of pull requests proposed by an existing WG member, an additional WG member is required for sign-off. Consensus should be sought if additional WG members participate and there is disagreement around a particular modification.\n\nIf a change proposal cannot reach a consensus, a WG member can call for a vote amongst the members of the WG. Simple majority wins.\n\n### Developer\'s Certificate of Origin 1.0\n\nBy making a contribution to this project, I certify that:\n\n* (a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I have the right to submit it under the open source license indicated in the file; or\n* (b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source license and I have the right under that license to submit that work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part by me, under the same open source license (unless I am permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated in the file; or\n* (c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified it.\n\n<a name="collaborators"></a>\n### WG Members / Collaborators\n\n<table><tbody>\n<tr><th align="left">Rod Vagg</th><td><a href="">GitHub/rvagg</a></td><td><a href="">Twitter/@rvagg</a></td></tr>\n<tr><th align="left">Benjamin Byholm</th><td><a href="">GitHub/kkoopa</a></td><td>-</td></tr>\n<tr><th align="left">Trevor Norris</th><td><a href="">GitHub/trevnorris</a></td><td><a href="">Twitter/@trevnorris</a></td></tr>\n<tr><th align="left">Nathan Rajlich</th><td><a href="">GitHub/TooTallNate</a></td><td><a href="">Twitter/@TooTallNate</a></td></tr>\n<tr><th align="left">Brett Lawson</th><td><a href="">GitHub/brett19</a></td><td><a href="">Twitter/@brett19x</a></td></tr>\n<tr><th align="left">Ben Noordhuis</th><td><a href="">GitHub/bnoordhuis</a></td><td><a href="">Twitter/@bnoordhuis</a></td></tr>\n<tr><th align="left">David Siegel</th><td><a href="">GitHub/agnat</a></td><td>-</td></tr>\n</tbody></table>\n\n## Licence &amp; copyright\n\nCopyright (c) 2015 NAN WG Members / Collaborators (listed above).\n\nNative Abstractions for Node.js is licensed under an MIT license. All rights not explicitly granted in the MIT license are reserved. See the included LICENSE file for more details.\n',
277 silly resolved     readmeFilename: '',
277 silly resolved     bugs: { url: '' },
277 silly resolved     homepage: '',
277 silly resolved     _id: 'nan@1.8.4',
277 silly resolved     _from: 'nan@~1.8.4' } ]
278 info install nan@1.8.4 into e:\GitHub\gemini\node_modules\png-img
279 info installOne nan@1.8.4
280 info e:\GitHub\gemini\node_modules\png-img\node_modules\nan unbuild
281 verbose tar unpack C:\Users\igabdullin\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\nan\1.8.4\package.tgz
282 silly lockFile f3c5e74f-modules-png-img-node-modules-nan tar://e:\GitHub\gemini\node_modules\png-img\node_modules\nan
283 verbose lock tar://e:\GitHub\gemini\node_modules\png-img\node_modules\nan C:\Users\igabdullin\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\f3c5e74f-modules-png-img-node-modules-nan.lock
284 silly lockFile d8828793--npm-cache-nan-1-8-4-package-tgz tar://C:\Users\igabdullin\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\nan\1.8.4\package.tgz
285 verbose lock tar://C:\Users\igabdullin\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\nan\1.8.4\package.tgz C:\Users\igabdullin\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\d8828793--npm-cache-nan-1-8-4-package-tgz.lock
286 silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
287 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry package.json
288 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'package.json', 438, 420 ]
289 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
290 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 438, 420 ]
291 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry include_dirs.js
292 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'include_dirs.js', 438, 420 ]
293 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry .dntrc
294 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '.dntrc', 438, 420 ]
295 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry appveyor.yml
296 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'appveyor.yml', 438, 420 ]
297 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
298 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 438, 420 ]
299 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry
300 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ '', 438, 420 ]
301 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry nan_implementation_12_inl.h
302 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'nan_implementation_12_inl.h', 438, 420 ]
303 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry nan_implementation_pre_12_inl.h
304 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'nan_implementation_pre_12_inl.h', 438, 420 ]
305 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry nan_new.h
306 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'nan_new.h', 438, 420 ]
307 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry nan_string_bytes.h
308 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'nan_string_bytes.h', 438, 420 ]
309 silly gunzTarPerm extractEntry nan.h
310 silly gunzTarPerm modified mode [ 'nan.h', 438, 420 ]
311 silly lockFile f3c5e74f-modules-png-img-node-modules-nan tar://e:\GitHub\gemini\node_modules\png-img\node_modules\nan
312 silly lockFile f3c5e74f-modules-png-img-node-modules-nan tar://e:\GitHub\gemini\node_modules\png-img\node_modules\nan
313 silly lockFile d8828793--npm-cache-nan-1-8-4-package-tgz tar://C:\Users\igabdullin\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\nan\1.8.4\package.tgz
314 silly lockFile d8828793--npm-cache-nan-1-8-4-package-tgz tar://C:\Users\igabdullin\AppData\Roaming\npm-cache\nan\1.8.4\package.tgz
315 info preinstall nan@1.8.4
316 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
317 verbose readDependencies using package.json deps
318 silly resolved []
319 verbose about to build e:\GitHub\gemini\node_modules\png-img\node_modules\nan
320 info build e:\GitHub\gemini\node_modules\png-img\node_modules\nan
321 verbose linkStuff [ false,
321 verbose linkStuff   false,
321 verbose linkStuff   false,
321 verbose linkStuff   'e:\\GitHub\\gemini\\node_modules\\png-img\\node_modules' ]
322 info linkStuff nan@1.8.4
323 verbose linkBins nan@1.8.4
324 verbose linkMans nan@1.8.4
325 verbose rebuildBundles nan@1.8.4
326 info install nan@1.8.4
327 info postinstall nan@1.8.4
328 verbose about to build e:\GitHub\gemini\node_modules\png-img
329 info build e:\GitHub\gemini\node_modules\png-img
330 verbose linkStuff [ false, false, false, 'e:\\GitHub\\gemini\\node_modules' ]
331 info linkStuff png-img@1.1.1
332 verbose linkBins png-img@1.1.1
333 verbose linkMans png-img@1.1.1
334 verbose rebuildBundles png-img@1.1.1
335 verbose rebuildBundles [ 'nan' ]
336 info install png-img@1.1.1
337 verbose unsafe-perm in lifecycle true
338 info png-img@1.1.1 Failed to exec install script
339 info e:\GitHub\gemini\node_modules\png-img unbuild
340 info preuninstall png-img@1.1.1
341 info uninstall png-img@1.1.1
342 verbose true,e:\GitHub\gemini\node_modules,e:\GitHub\gemini\node_modules unbuild png-img@1.1.1
343 info postuninstall png-img@1.1.1
344 error png-img@1.1.1 install: `node-gyp rebuild`
344 error Exit status 1
345 error Failed at the png-img@1.1.1 install script.
345 error This is most likely a problem with the png-img package,
345 error not with npm itself.
345 error Tell the author that this fails on your system:
345 error     node-gyp rebuild
345 error You can get their info via:
345 error     npm owner ls png-img
345 error There is likely additional logging output above.
346 error System Windows_NT 6.1.7601
347 error command "c:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\\\node.exe" "c:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\bin\\npm-cli.js" "install"
348 error cwd e:\GitHub\gemini
349 error node -v v0.10.26
350 error npm -v 1.4.3
351 error code ELIFECYCLE
352 verbose exit [ 1, true ]
j0tunn commented 9 years ago

Any details? OS version? VS version?

Hooter commented 9 years ago

OS: Windows 7 x64 MS VS 2012 Express for Windows Desktop

j0tunn commented 9 years ago

Try to install png-img directly (without gemini) and paste logs here, I don't see any errors in your log, just

344 error png-img@1.1.1 install: `node-gyp rebuild`
344 error Exit status 1
Hooter commented 9 years ago
Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Project Builder - Command Line Version 8.00.50727
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1993-2003. All rights reserved.

vcbuild.exe added for %PATH%

>e:\GitHub\png-img>node-gyp rebuild
gyp info it worked if it ends with ok
gyp info using node-gyp@2.0.1
gyp info using node@0.10.26 | win32 | x64
gyp info spawn python
gyp info spawn args [ 'C:\\Users\\igabdullin\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_module
gyp info spawn args   'binding.gyp',
gyp info spawn args   '-f',
gyp info spawn args   'msvs',
gyp info spawn args   '-G',
gyp info spawn args   'msvs_version=auto',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'e:\\GitHub\\png-img\\build\\config.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'C:\\Users\\igabdullin\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_module
gyp info spawn args   '-I',
gyp info spawn args   'C:\\Users\\igabdullin\\.node-gyp\\0.10.26\\common.gypi',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dlibrary=shared_library',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dvisibility=default',
gyp info spawn args   '-Dnode_root_dir=C:\\Users\\igabdullin\\.node-gyp\\0.10.26
gyp info spawn args   '-Dmodule_root_dir=e:\\GitHub\\png-img',
gyp info spawn args   '--depth=.',
gyp info spawn args   '--no-parallel',
gyp info spawn args   '--generator-output',
gyp info spawn args   'e:\\GitHub\\png-img\\build',
gyp info spawn args   '-Goutput_dir=.' ]
gyp info spawn C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe
gyp info spawn args [ 'build/binding.sln',
gyp info spawn args   '/clp:Verbosity=minimal',
gyp info spawn args   '/nologo',
gyp info spawn args   '/p:Configuration=Release;Platform=x64' ]
Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build,
please add the "/m" switch.
MSBUILD : error MSB3428: Could not load the Visual C++ component "VCBuild.exe".
 To fix this, 1) install the .NET Framework 2.0 SDK, 2) install Microsoft Visua
l Studio 2005 or 3) add the location of the component to the system path if it
is installed elsewhere.  [e:\GitHub\png-img\build\binding.sln]
MSBUILD : error MSB3428: Could not load the Visual C++ component "VCBuild.exe".
 To fix this, 1) install the .NET Framework 2.0 SDK, 2) install Microsoft Visua
l Studio 2005 or 3) add the location of the component to the system path if it
is installed elsewhere.  [e:\GitHub\png-img\build\binding.sln]
gyp ERR! build error
gyp ERR! stack Error: `C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe
` failed with exit code: 1
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.onExit (C:\Users\igabdullin\AppData\Roaming\n
gyp ERR! stack     at ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:98:17)
gyp ERR! stack     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:797:
gyp ERR! System Windows_NT 6.1.7601
gyp ERR! command "node" "C:\\Users\\igabdullin\\AppData\\Roaming\\npm\\node_modu
les\\node-gyp\\bin\\node-gyp.js" "rebuild"
gyp ERR! cwd e:\GitHub\png-img
gyp ERR! node -v v0.10.26
gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v2.0.1
gyp ERR! not ok
j0tunn commented 9 years ago

Try to install the .NET Framework 2.0 SDK

j0tunn commented 9 years ago

Or Visual Studio 2013 Express

j0tunn commented 9 years ago

Or you can use VS Command Line

Hooter commented 9 years ago

.NET Framework 2.0 SDK - installed, I tried VS Command Line - errors I will try VS 2013 Ex (need download and install)