reinstall webdriverio, @wdio/utils and devtools in order to update locate-app instade package-lock, which was weight ~30mb. Now it weights 1.7 mb
start to bundle glob-extra and @wdio/utils-cjs in order to reduce weight of packages and do not install them from npm
remove @wdio/globals which not used anymore
move @types packages from deps to dev deps
As a result:
production node_modules weights on 31% less (217mb vs 314 mb)
production deps installed on 16% faster (18.6 sec vs 22.32 sec). Check on 5 runs on master and current branch, use command - time npm i --production and rm -rf node_modules && npm cache clean -f before each install
What is done:
in order to reduce weight of packages and do not install them from npmAs a result:
time npm i --production
andrm -rf node_modules && npm cache clean -f
before each install