For the SAID simulations, I have the following Eq config.nml
If I set gridflag=2 for an inverted grid instead of 0 (close dipole) running a full simulation does not work with pygemini
Using the following config.nml to do the run, and selecting the same gridflag as the EQ, it errors out with negative density check.
If the EQ is run with a gridflag=0 (close dipole), and then the full simulation is run with gridflag=2, it pygemini does not start the simulation since it detects negative density.
When using 0 grid flag on both of them it works just fine.
What happened?
For the SAID simulations, I have the following Eq config.nml
If I set gridflag=2 for an inverted grid instead of 0 (close dipole) running a full simulation does not work with pygemini
Using the following config.nml to do the run, and selecting the same gridflag as the EQ, it errors out with negative density check.
If the EQ is run with a gridflag=0 (close dipole), and then the full simulation is run with gridflag=2, it pygemini does not start the simulation since it detects negative density.
When using 0 grid flag on both of them it works just fine.