gemu2015 / Sonoff-Tasmota

Tasmota Fork TCS34725,PN532_i2,ccc1101 Moritz support,m5stack 4,7 epaper, hotplug drivers
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Calculate the filled volume of a horizontal cylinder tank #14

Closed littlebilly closed 4 years ago

littlebilly commented 4 years ago

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Have you looked for this feature in other issues and in the wiki? yes Describe the solution you'd like Is it possible to "Calculate the filled volume of a horizontal cylinder tank" with the script editor for Tasmota?

I get the the water-level of my lying cistern via the analog value of a Wemos D1 flashed with Tasmota. It would be nice to calculate the Volume (Liter) via Tasmota Scripting Language and show the result on a ssd1306 Display.

gemu2015 commented 4 years ago

since the formula is very easy (V = π · r2 · h) it is no problem to calculate the volume right away you may precalculate pi *r2

D v=0 h=0 pir2=7.23456 (e.g.)

T ; enter your sensors MQTT designators here h=Yoursensor#level



print Volume=%v% liters

littlebilly commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot for your quick reply. As I mentioned I have to Calculate the filled volume of a horizontal cylinder tank like in this link. Your formula is for "Vertical Cylinder Tank" The question is whether "Horizontal Cylinder Tank" could be calculate with your scripting language.

littlebilly commented 4 years ago

Sorry closing was a mistake

gemu2015 commented 4 years ago

Ok, horizontal cylinder is currently not supported because It needs arccos and sin will think about implementing

gemu2015 commented 4 years ago


enables sin and acos

given r,l and h this should calculate the volume

a=2*acos((r-h)/r) v=l ((rr)/2)*(a-sin(a))

did not test it yet you may give it a try

littlebilly commented 4 years ago

You are the greatest! Thanks a lot I will test it as soon as possible. But this will take some time, because I startet using your Scripting Language today.

Question? May I use your fork universal7 equal to version 6.71

gemu2015 commented 4 years ago

yes sure, if this is verified i will make a pull request to Tasmota dev branch.

littlebilly commented 4 years ago

Do I have to activate


via console or in my_user_config.h?

For testing I tried this without any sucess.

`>D r=100 l=207 h=0 a=0


a=2acos((r-h)/r) v=l ((rr)/2)(a-sin(a))

=>print Flaeche A:%a% qcm! =>print Volumen :%v% qcm! endif`

littlebilly commented 4 years ago

A little step forward. a=2acos((r-h)/r) has to be a=2 acos((r-h)/r) otherwise i get the message --> var not found: *acos((r-h)/r)

Result Hoehe: 176.00 cm Flaeche A:2.00 cmcm Volumen :207.00 cmcm*cM I think there is still something wrong.

littlebilly commented 4 years ago

Zylinder Would it be possible to use this formula

gemu2015 commented 4 years ago

hier hab ich die Formel her (Bartsch) Beh-ltervolumen.pdf

define USE_ANGLE_FUNC muss in my_user config.

in Formeln darf kein Leerzeichen zwischen Mathezeichen sein weil nach dem Leerzeichen abgebrochen wird.

der Fehler kommt weil acos nicht kompiliert wurde

littlebilly commented 4 years ago

ok. ich hatte #define USE_ANGLE_FUNC in der user_config_override.h Werde das ganze nochmals sauber bauen. Danke nochmals!

gemu2015 commented 4 years ago

ok, hab jetzt selbst noch mal getestet da war noch ein Fehler bei den beiden Funktionen, ist jetzt behoben. Jetzt mal die Formel auf plausible Ergebnisse testen

gemu2015 commented 4 years ago

hab jetzt noch sqrt (wurzel) eingebaut damit man auch die andere Formel testen kann

littlebilly commented 4 years ago

Super danke werd ich tun! Und melde mich auf jeden Fall. Falls es dich interessiert hier mein Beitrag zur Zisternenlösung!,93308.0.html

gemu2015 commented 4 years ago

mit diesen Werten kommt das richtige Ergebnis raus muss man jetzt mal mir verschiedenen anderen Werten testen

>D r=100 l=200 h=100 a=0 v=0

>T ;h=ANALOG#A0/3


a=2*acos((r-h)/r) v=l((r*r)/2)\(a-sin(a))

print Winkel Alpha:%a% print Volumen :%v% qcm!

littlebilly commented 4 years ago

Sorry habe gerade große Probleme beim flashen! Ergebnis mit obigem script bei mir! 16:06:06 Winkel Alpha:2.00 16:06:06 Volumen :0.00 qcm! Volumen null kann eigentlich nicht sein. Mache jetzt mal eine längere Pause.

gemu2015 commented 4 years ago

sorry, wenn man ein script hier postet gehen Zeichen verloren. oben sind die * Zeichen verschwunden. habe das editiert

littlebilly commented 4 years ago

Super, danke die Volumenberechnung geht jetzt.

v=l/1000((rr)/2)(a-sin(a)) --> result in liter sorry die Zeichen sind weg!

19:08:49 Volumen :5770.02 Liter

Wieso a0 nicht mehr angezeigt wird und wieso Display jetzt verschwnden ist macht mir noch Probleme.

19:12:03 CMD: Display 19:12:03 MQT: stat/GGzisterne/RESULT = {"Command":"Unknown"}

littlebilly commented 4 years ago

Works perfectely now! I copied your "xdrv_10_scripter.ino" to Tasmota 6.71 master, activated #define USE_ANGLE_FUNC in my_user_config.h!!! After compilation I got what I need. I learned a lot regarding your phantastic scripting language for Tasmota. Many thanks for your help.

By the way, is it possible to suppress the two positions behind the decimal point?

Display Volume

gemu2015 commented 4 years ago

setting the precision of a replacement variable

either globally for all following vars with dpx (x 0..9) or individually by a preceding digit

e.g. displaytext volume: %0v% liter

littlebilly commented 4 years ago

Is there a bug in your calculates exponential powers functionality? pow(x y) = calculates exponential powers x^y

19:59:46 CMD: script >print%sqrt(4)% --> the result is 4 and is ok! 19:59:46 2.00

20:00:14 CMD: script >print%pow(2 2)% --> the result is 3.88 instead 4 ???? 20:00:14 3.88

gemu2015 commented 4 years ago

i simply call pow from the tasmota math utility it was changed in the corse of time to a smaller and faster form. will check if it is that imprecise.

gemu2015 commented 4 years ago

i checked it now. it is indeed that imprecise Arends replaced all pow() functions in Tasmota with FastPrecisePow which tends to be NOT precise at all.

gemu2015 commented 4 years ago

what is the impact on the above formula ? if it is too hight you may file a bug report to tasmota.

littlebilly commented 4 years ago

Hi Gemu, there is no impact at all to the above formula. I just used pow function in another context and noticed that it does not work correctly and thought it is scripting related. Thanks a lot for your quick response and again for your Tasmota scripting version.