gemu2015 / Sonoff-Tasmota

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decode-config and Tasmota scripting #23

Closed littlebilly closed 3 years ago

littlebilly commented 3 years ago

Have you looked for this feature in other issues and in the docs? yes

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The decode-config Tool is not able to decode when using your scripting.

UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u0766' in position 17464

I think its related to the compressed script.

Describe the solution you'd like
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(Please, remember to close the issue when the problem has been addressed)

? Is it possible to get decode-config working with tasmota scripting?


gemu2015 commented 3 years ago

i never used this tool. the only difference between rules and scripting is that rules is using 3 separate sections while scripting uses 1 section of script buffer (containing the 3 rules buffers). i am not very familiar with python so you should better ask the author of decode-config (Norbert Richter) to look at this problem.

curzon01 commented 3 years ago

I tried to support compressed scripts but there are some points I'm stuck:

  1. script uses the settings rules array char rules[3][512] as one stream and I'm unable to distinguish between rules and script is enabled, 'cause the Tasmota feature flags are not part of confiugration data - this is only questionable from oneline-devices, unfortunately not for stored config data
  2. I'm also unable to distinguish between compressed and uncompressed script strings. With rules it's possible 'cause rule string uses the following rules:
    • rule strings having char[0] != '\0' are uncompressed ending with '\0'
    • rule strings having char[0] == '\0' and char[1] != '\0' are compressed strings ending with '\0'
    • rule strings having char[0] == '\0' and char[1] == '\0 are empty

The issue is that compressed strings must be encoded/decoded anyway and UTF does not allow any possible combination of byte order so for the json backup output of decode-config I'm using human readable hex values but these are not readable nor editable and therefor useless for end user.

I'm currently unable to a) detect if the rule array is used by script as one long string b) unable to distinguish between compressed/uncompressed script string

If scripting used the same byte indication as rules (2.) I would go one step further. It would be perfect if Script did not fill the flag (script enabled or not) rule_enabled with a 1 but with a different number so it is possible to distinguish between rule/script used. Script data currently cannot be distinguished from rule data, because of (1.)

gemu2015 commented 3 years ago

i use >D as an ID for a valid script. (very first 2 chars) if you find >D without uncompress it is an uncompressed script. if you decode with unishox and find a >D it is a compressed script.

i dont think this imposes a conflict with rules.

hope that helps

littlebilly commented 3 years ago

So sieht das für ein comprimiertes Script aus, nachdem decode config jetzt das Ergebnis abspeichert. (Hatte ich einen Fehler in meiner Batch Datei) "rule_enabled": { "rule1": 1, "rule2": 0, "rule3": 0 }, "rule_once": { "rule1": 0, "rule2": 0, "rule3": 0 }, "rule_stop": { "rule1": 0, "rule2": 0, "rule3": 0 }, "rules": [ "?CpF278|?z,,*+LLCq!܄qQ܄n:,9Dn?τOnj!>n?01E#u|n>|)7;<4a9aA329FiAɏ@EɎBF||8s", "", "" ],

littlebilly commented 3 years ago

Sorry wollte das nicht schließen! Wäre natürlich super wenn man das lesen könnte.

curzon01 commented 3 years ago

@gemu2015 - not fully: rules are defined as three strings each 512. The definition devides the script string into 3 parts and therefore compressed script strings are broken. I need to know that a string is one using 1536 bytes or three with each 512. this is impossibe currently

but let me check... will investigate

gemu2015 commented 3 years ago

you may simply decode a few bytes to get the >D if you decode >D it must be 1536 bytes script and you can decode the whole block.

curzon01 commented 3 years ago

yes, I know but I do not have exception handling for any setting defintion like that within the decoder - it is completely definition driven. I have to look how I can solve this exceptions without breaking the functional code

curzon01 commented 3 years ago

sorry, not feasble that way - feeding unishox decode with still decoded content (thats not the way unishox was written for) results in various not detecable arrays in python. I can 100% detect '>D' if it is uncompressed but a compressed string can contain anything. I don't want to have an interpretation within decode-config if a string which do not start with '>D' might be an uncompressed rule, compressed rule or compressed script.

gemu2015 commented 3 years ago

>D is compressed always to: (this is independent of chars to follow after >D) [0] char '?' [1] char '\b' so you know when a compressed script is found

curzon01 commented 3 years ago

thx, didn't tried that way. If compresses two bytes are allways same Independent of following data I can try top detect that way.

curzon01 commented 3 years ago

If user disables unishox compression, scripting saves the script as is and can contain leading comments (e.g. script from cookook) which does not match '>D' - and this requires a substantive interpretation of content I want to prevent. I think as long as I do not have a valid indicator within configuration data for script is compiled in, it will become a newer ending story.

gemu2015 commented 3 years ago

>D ist mandatory. (i have to modify script cookbooks old examples) you can not start a script either compressed or uncompressed that does not start with >D

a rule never starts with >D (makes no sense)

gemu2015 commented 3 years ago

also features reflect that script is compiled


feature_drv2 |= 0x00080000; // xdrv_10_scripter.ino


curzon01 commented 3 years ago

yes, but the difference is that the decode-config is a tool to backup/restore config data so it does not check if data content make sense or not so also bad script code which may not executed by your script interpreter is possible and therefore the data handling of decode-config will fail. It's unsafe to assume >D (or the compress variant) is a indicator for scripts. As I wrote above feature_drv2 is only available for online devices, not for stored configuration data, 'cause the feature flags are not part of Tasmota config data

issues for config data access are

gemu2015 commented 3 years ago

i dont think so. if you find a script indicator you assume a script and decode one block instead of 3

it would be extremely rare that a config file is messed up showing >D an not being a script

the rules enable flag is a uint8 and currently only 3 bits used.

if that helps i can use e.g. bits 6 and 7 for script and compressed script markers

is there already a unishox marker in the config file ?

curzon01 commented 3 years ago

no unishox marker directly, unishox compression used by rules can be detected by:

this is backward compatible with older Tasmotas

I'd also thought about searching for '>D' but that seems very uncertain to me - it can for example also be part of a string which sets a Mem/Var or Publish command. That doesn't happen very often, but I don't like such functional dependencies.

might be possible to use compressed/uncompressed strings for scripts in the same manner as rules? it would be compatible with rule strings so a compressed/uncompressed flag is not necessary.

only a flag which indicates script usage (that rules[3][512] is rules[1536]) would be helpfull

gemu2015 commented 3 years ago

why searching >D ???? there is only one >D in a script and that is at char[0] and char[1] per definition else script is not accepted by scripter

char[0]=='>' and char[1]=='D' = uncompressed script char[0]=='?' and char[1]=='\b' = compressed script

this is completely easily discriminated from rules

curzon01 commented 3 years ago

nobody prevents you from entering an invalid script. The only thing that happens to you is that you don't run the script. This is not helpful for the detection of whether the variable is evaluated either way

gemu2015 commented 3 years ago

the script won't run and give a console message. on restart the defective script is even cleared to zero and replaced by a short message script starting with >D and a comment.

curzon01 commented 3 years ago

I used the wrong script example from Sensor Logging without unishox compressin and the config binary data contains now thw following (sorry line feeds are not in but this might be explain the sitation):

"; define all vars here; reserve large strings>D 48hum=0temp=0fr=0res=0; moving average for 60 secondsM:mhum=0 60M:mtemp=0..."

using your rule this is not a script and therefore the rules var will be processed by decode-config as rules[3][512] which results in 3 strings traling with 0 which corrupt your script.

Why I should implement backup of data which can not be handled?

gemu2015 commented 3 years ago

the script is not valid and would be cleared on restart. backing up before a restart would generate 3 rules sets which would not harm because a restore would install them as rules again. and on restart would again be cleared.

but anyhow i will implement a flag bit in rules enabled bit 7 that scripter is in place.

curzon01 commented 3 years ago

if you didn't still worked on that, can I make the PR (I would like using the unused 'rule_once' bits for indication, so rules bits are not missused for feature expanding). I can make it...

gemu2015 commented 3 years ago

i did not make a pr yet. feel free to pr .

curzon01 commented 3 years ago

decode-config adj in progress, needs refactoring...

curzon01 commented 3 years ago

Implemented in decode-config developer v8.3.1.7 [00179] commit aff1983

littlebilly commented 3 years ago

Tested it, runs as expected even with compressed script! Thanks a lot for implementation

curzon01 commented 3 years ago

my pleasure - so if this issue is solved you can close it - you opened it, you close it, it's so easy :wink:

littlebilly commented 3 years ago

I just did another testing. Tried to restore with decode-config. Firstly I restored a script with a restore-Subset! Command: decode-config-development> -d --restore-file Config_Rules_Gosund_4_213.json The script was restored correctly, but on console I get an error Output! ERROR 11 (@4287): Config data upload failed - <div style='text-align:center;'>Gerät wird jetzt neu gestartet</div><br></div> Premature exit - Upload error #11

When restoring a complete Backup the script was also restored and activated correctly, but I got the same error output!

May be you have an idea to solve this issue.

curzon01 commented 3 years ago

pls open an issue on and close this one. This is not the repository of decode-config, I can't manage here anything.