gemwise-invests / Meta-Skill

Game to play during recruitment process, based on how you play we can say how strong are your problem solving skills
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Game challenges to progressively reflect the Competency #2

Open drllau opened 4 years ago

drllau commented 4 years ago

Game-Objects_0 1

To keep the game from being little more than a fancy story-book, we challenge the player to alter the user interface, research additional material, or even extended the game (via a simplified contracting system). As more objects get picked up (or lost), then a puzzle is revealed (basically shuffle to get map in right order, the completion of which will trigger the "graduation" ceremony".

drllau commented 4 years ago

The simplest one should be "Scraps of draft manifesto". Random excerpts will be generated and left in random (but reachable locations). As the player pick up the scraps (hopefully reading the material), then the description changes accordingly

  1. Scraps of a draft manifesto - at first glance, it looks like the ramblings of a deluded bunch of cryptoanarchists (along with psychelic line sketches on the back). You think about how [Big Brother] government has nurtured you with [Little Sis] internet services provided for free so why worry about building a new infostructure?
  2. “Scraps of a draft manifesto - the several pieces you’ve collected seems to have a vague pattern. The writers seems to be objecting to something, exactly what is not clear, but they want to turn the world into a game like Matrix? Humph, hippie coders drinking their own koolaid … [fantasy is only for those who can’t handle reality][reality is left for those who can't handle speculative fiction].”
  3. "Scraps of a draft manifesto - reading the scraps in order, some of the phrases strike a chord with you. Does a fish see water? Well, admittedly if you drop out of the rat race, you are still a mouse[ catpaws of content aggregators]. Even if those commune-loving hackers create this wierd Web 3.0 world, they're still dependent on govts and corporations to deliver courts and electricity. After all the golden rule means once I become rich, I can boss around others."

The coding exercise(s) are:

drllau commented 4 years ago

Coding challenges for the bookmark is (tentatively)

  1. simply update the links to OpenLibrary (missing most recent)
  2. turn into a shared object marked for next player (think geo-cachng)
  3. autoupdate with next hackathons or important dates
  4. add in additional UI to display and manage books and share the commentary

The bookmarks reflect the reading list for the Manifesto being

  1. Interlude: Crisis Cascade Satyajit Das (2011) Extreme Money: Masters of the Universe and the Cult of Risk [0-132-79019-X]
  2. Brave New World Dick & Ruth Foth (2017) Known: Finding Deep Friendships in a Shallow World [0-735-28975-1]
  3. Web of Opportunity Thomas Friedman (2007) The World is Flat: Further Updated & Expanded 3rd ed. [0-374-29278-7]
  4. Web of Life Charles Eisenstein (2011) Sacred Economics: Money, Gift and Society in the Age of Transition [1-583-94398-6]
  5. Feedback Loops & Gamification James Surowiecki (2005) The Wisdom of Crowds:Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations [0-307-27505-1]
  6. Fostering Autonomy and Mastery & the culture of challenge Dan Pink (2011) Drive; The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us [1-101-52438-3]
  7. Disconnect in the Digital Realm Johann Hari (2018) Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression [1-408-87870-4]
  8. MetaWorldview: Stepping outside the rat race Mike Berners-Lee (2019) There Is No Planet B: A Handbook for the Make or Break Years [1-108-33594-2]
  9. MetaFam: A new digital collective Safi Bahcall (2019) Loonshots: How to Nurture the Crazy Ideas That Win Wars, Cure Diseases, and Transform Industries [1-250-18597-1]
  10. Why now? Nicholas Carr (2008) The Big Switch: Rewiring the World, from Edison to Google [0-393-06228-7]
  11. Closing: Investing in Your Future Alan Kay (1984) Inventing the Future, in The AI Business: The Commercial Uses of Artificial Intelligence ed Patrick Winston & Karen Prendergast [978-0-26-223117-6]
drllau commented 4 years ago

The Fake Diploma is actually a misleading red herring as the real galah (Credentials Fenceline) should attempt to look up the most relevant blockchain and insert the references to the identity wallet. Otherwise it will reject the fake one everytime. Coding challenges:

  1. the eaglet when seeing the fake diploma will make sarcastic remarks and alter the text in amusing ways
  2. Can use your own "fake" certs using a sandbox blockchain
  3. when inserted into the grimoire, amusing effects happen

Note the galah at no-credentials fenceline will be asking for water so check nothing gets sipped that prevents progress elsewhere.

drllau commented 4 years ago

The CC license is interesting as how can you test the effects of shared-alike or no-attribution?

  1. The hardest is to let the eaglet come by and issue a stamp when create own digital artifact (and tested by peers?) showing the value of shared-alike
  2. deconstruct one of the game objects to show how the Copyright Act actually works
  3. review and implement on of the DRM techniques.

The eaglet is going to be a hard bot to program as it needs to swoom in whenever the participant is about to make a mistake. It needs the power to alter the game objects (defined as fixtures not furnshings) even when taken elsewhere in the game. Basically he;s this instance authority and general rule breaker/catcher.

drllau commented 4 years ago

The (simpified) character card needs to reference the MetaGame profile and cache the most recent badges at the Tree of Knowledge. Challenges:

  1. interface with various SNS and bots
  2. automatic co-service with multiple wallets (eg the water system or MetaGame SEED)
  3. inventory swap between multiple party members is going to be fun ... my suggestion is to restrict to stores where have more direct control rather than the adhoc real-time combat where might get race-conditions which are tricky to debug (drop sword then hit boss).

How to keep updating the character card when it is a furniture (taken by user and kept outside dungon). There are also security concerns in that with mixed teams, you need to nerf the overpowered ones to create balanced gameplay. The best way is to look at the team composition, and run a few monte-carlo simulations and then

drllau commented 4 years ago

The IOU is actually a debt instrument with 50% "interest" when crossing desert. Granted by the VentureVulture, it allows participants to realise the difference between debt and equity. Even when the flyer is "dropped" because it is pledged against your ID, the only way to extinguish this is to give up the SEED. I expect a lot of security issues to come up with this, possibly along lines of wargame.

drllau commented 4 years ago

The DAO blueprint is going to be the most complicated structure as to gain it, you need to challenge the CryptoPass. Thoughts welcome on how to form apprentice raid parties in token engineering skill-tree (bottom right)


drllau commented 4 years ago

For subskills we create instance dungeons ... some spites for alphatesting using tile map

META-DREAMER commented 4 years ago

I think it will be really difficult to have your character appearance be a single role since so many people will fall into multiple categories. If people had to choose a single role, we would have to make the character classes as broad as possible, e.g:

To get more granular, it would just be a list of skills on your profile. If 4 categories are too restrictive, probably best not to have a direct mapping of character appearance -> single role, and instead people can pick top 3 skills out of 12 choices and rank them in order of best to worst.

However I'm still wary of prematurely designing ourselves into a corner, once we have a certain set of fixed roles it becomes really hard to change them.

Additionally, I think another important thing to map out would be "level of skill" rather than only "domain of skill". e.g. If you are a beginner developer, your character should probably look less awesome than a veteran developer. This could be as simple as adding a coloured trim to an existing character design.

Taking inspiration from existing games, RuneScape has the idea of "skill capes" that you get once you achieve max level in a certain skill. If you achieve max level in multiple skills, your cape can become "trimmed" with extra embellishments.

If we really want people to pick and choose different skills and map that to the visual character, the only way I can see it happening in a scalable way is with items / wearables that you can swap and change. e.g. you can have a archer hat, an wizard robe, and a necromancer staff. IMO that becomes overly complicated, simpler is better.

Should people be allowed to pick any class as soon as they create their character? Or should they have to go through a validation / application process?