gen2brain / go-fitz

Golang wrapper for the MuPDF Fitz library
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Implement Text Extraction in PyMuPdf Fitz Layout Mode #86

Open MarcoWel opened 1 year ago

MarcoWel commented 1 year ago

Thank you for this excellent muPdf wrapper!

One feature that muPdf does not implement natively is layout-preserving plain text extraction.

This is how the PyMuPdf fitz module does it:

When layout preservation is a must, there is currently no other way than invoking pdftotext from the go app or - even nastier - calling the fitz python module from go.

How hard would it be to add this to go-fitz as well?

MarcoWel commented 1 year ago

I just had a closer look at how to possibly implement a layout-preserving func Text() in go.

A good starting point is checking the native C implementation for fz_new_buffer_from_stext_page:

fz_buffer *
fz_new_buffer_from_stext_page(fz_context *ctx, fz_stext_page *page)
    fz_stext_block *block;
    fz_stext_line *line;
    fz_stext_char *ch;
    fz_buffer *buf;

    buf = fz_new_buffer(ctx, 256);
        for (block = page->first_block; block; block = block->next)
            if (block->type == FZ_STEXT_BLOCK_TEXT)
                for (line = block->u.t.first_line; line; line = line->next)
                    for (ch = line->first_char; ch; ch = ch->next)
                        fz_append_rune(ctx, buf, ch->c);
                    fz_append_byte(ctx, buf, '\n');
                fz_append_byte(ctx, buf, '\n');
        fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf);

    return buf;

Now looking at the crucial structs:

    A text block is a list of lines of text (typically a paragraph),
    or an image.
struct fz_stext_block
    int type;
    fz_rect bbox;
    union {
        struct { fz_stext_line *first_line, *last_line; } t;
        struct { fz_matrix transform; fz_image *image; } i;
    } u;
    fz_stext_block *prev, *next;

    A text line is a list of characters that share a common baseline.
struct fz_stext_line
    int wmode; /* 0 for horizontal, 1 for vertical */
    fz_point dir; /* normalized direction of baseline */
    fz_rect bbox;
    fz_stext_char *first_char, *last_char;
    fz_stext_line *prev, *next;

    A text char is a unicode character, the style in which is
    appears, and the point at which it is positioned.
struct fz_stext_char
    int c;
    int color; /* sRGB hex color */
    fz_point origin;
    fz_quad quad;
    float size;
    fz_font *font;
    fz_stext_char *next;

Those are not present in the go-fitz library (yet). The auto-generated go structs don't do the trick:

type _Ctype_struct_fz_stext_block struct {
    _type   _Ctype_int
    bbox    _Ctype_struct___7
    _   [4]byte
    u   [32]byte
    prev    *_Ctype_struct_fz_stext_block
    next    *_Ctype_struct_fz_stext_block

type _Ctype_struct_fz_stext_line struct {
    wmode       _Ctype_int
    dir     _Ctype_struct___28
    bbox        _Ctype_struct___7
    first_char  *_Ctype_struct_fz_stext_char
    last_char   *_Ctype_struct_fz_stext_char
    prev        *_Ctype_struct_fz_stext_line
    next        *_Ctype_struct_fz_stext_line

type _Ctype_struct_fz_stext_char struct {
    c   _Ctype_int
    color   _Ctype_int
    origin  _Ctype_struct___28
    quad    _Ctype_struct___29
    size    _Ctype_float
    font    *_Ctype_struct_fz_font
    next    *_Ctype_struct_fz_stext_char

First step would be to include proper definitions for those structs within go-fitz. Any help is appreciated!

MarcoWel commented 1 year ago

Okay, got the start right...


type fzRect struct {
    X0, Y0 float32
    X1, Y1 float32

type fzPoint struct {
    X, Y float32

type fzQuad struct {
    Ul fzPoint
    Ur fzPoint
    Ll fzPoint
    Lr fzPoint

const (

type fzStextBlock struct {
    Type int32
    Bbox fzRect
    U    struct {
        T struct {
            FirstLine *fzStextLine
            LastLine  *fzStextLine
            _         [16]byte
        // I struct {
        //  Transform fzMatrix
        //  Image     *fzImage
        // }
    Prev *fzStextBlock
    Next *fzStextBlock

type fzStextLine struct {
    Wmode     int32
    Dir       fzPoint
    Bbox      fzRect
    FirstChar *fzStextChar
    LastChar  *fzStextChar
    Prev      *fzStextLine
    Next      *fzStextLine

type fzStextChar struct {
    C      int32
    Color  int32
    Origin fzPoint
    Quad   fzQuad
    Size   float32
    Font   unsafe.Pointer
    Next   *fzStextChar

Now the call to fz_new_buffer_from_stext_page() from go-fitz Text() can simply be replaced by a go port of the original function:

func (f *Document) Text(pageNumber int) (string, error) {

    // buf := C.fz_new_buffer_from_stext_page(f.ctx, text)
    // defer C.fz_drop_buffer(f.ctx, buf)
    // str := C.GoString(C.fz_string_from_buffer(f.ctx, buf))

    str := ""
    block := (*fzStextBlock)(unsafe.Pointer(text.first_block))
    for block != nil {
        if block.Type == FZ_STEXT_BLOCK_TEXT {
            line := block.U.T.FirstLine
            for line != nil {
                char := line.FirstChar
                for char != nil {
                    str += string(rune(char.C))
                    char = char.Next
                str += "\n"
                line = line.Next
            str += "\n"
        block = block.Next
    return str, nil

We can go from here! :)

gen2brain commented 1 year ago

@MarcoWel If you or someone else manage to implement this I am willing to merge it. I don't have a plan or time to work on this.

MarcoWel commented 1 year ago

@gen2brain On it...