gen740 / SmoothCursor.nvim

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Default cursor glyphs are deprecated in NerdFonts 3+ #48

Closed pschmitt closed 7 months ago

pschmitt commented 7 months ago


WezTerm alerted me that some of the chars diplayed by neovim were not supported:

"No fonts contain glyphs for these codepoints: \u{f62e}. Placeholder glyphs are being displayed"

This seems to be due to the fact that the top 2 icons used in the fancy mode are now deprecated (removed) in recent Nerd Fonts releases (3+).

See: (search for f62e)


Would love to see the default glyphs updated :)

Workaround: override the body prop:

body = {
    { cursor = "󰝥", texthl = "SmoothCursorRed" },
    { cursor = "󰝥", texthl = "SmoothCursorOrange" },
    { cursor = "●", texthl = "SmoothCursorYellow" },
    { cursor = "●", texthl = "SmoothCursorGreen" },
    { cursor = "•", texthl = "SmoothCursorAqua" },
    { cursor = ".", texthl = "SmoothCursorBlue" },
    { cursor = ".", texthl = "SmoothCursorPurple" },