genandnic / Wall-Jump
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[Enhancement] We have wall jumps, slides, and grabs now, perhaps could we see wall running next? #43

Open Corvus20 opened 3 years ago

Corvus20 commented 3 years ago

Hear me out. The first thing I think of when using this mod is Titanfall 2's advanced movement, The satisfaction of pulling off a chain of wall jumps with this mod hits exactly the same way it would in Titanfall 2, but there is still something missing from the experience for me.

Wall Running would likely be configurable, allowing the player to toggle it on or off if they don't want it. It could be activated by pressing a certain key to toggle the wall running mod on, where which the mod will recognize the player's direction of movement and the blocks they are moving towards, and this would allow the player to orientate to that surface and run along it for a given amount of time (indicated by some sort of bar/meter perhaps?), and even wall jump from it if they wanted to.

Certain Blocks, such as modded sideways slopes, stairs, or slabs, would basically serve as a curve in the wall for wall running players, allowing for even more movement options.

This may be out of scope for what you want to do with this mod, but I figured it would be worth mentioning.

Darkmega18 commented 3 years ago

I wanted to suggest this too, but seems corvus beat me out to it.

But I was thinking, maybe while shifting on a wall you can hit ctrl (or the designated sprint key) and this will run you in a looked cardinal direction (potentially with a little bit of upward momentum at the start) while also factoring in wall slide. (so while moving left or right on a wall if wall slide is happening you'll slide down the wall while still making distance)

It probably shouldn't activate automatically, hence the sprint input, otherwise you might want to stick after sprint jumping to a wall after a risky jump and you'll end up running yourself off. But jumping at any time should jump you towards a mouse aim like a typical wall jump but with the added forward momentum.

AT THE VERY LEAST: a secondary option to re-engage double jump after a wall jump is performed could be considered also.

darkstar01 commented 3 years ago

You could use the honeyblock effect to glide short distances across blocks...