genbtc / AutoTrimps

Automation for the idle incremental game 'Trimps'
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Watch challenge bug #60

Open jahorton opened 7 years ago

jahorton commented 7 years ago

When I've been running under the Watch challenge, the challenge mechanics (I believe) will often assign all trimps to workspaces before they can all be filled. When this happens, AutoTrimps constantly builds Traps, but never uses them, and makes no effort to leave a couple of spare Trimps available for breeding - an infinite breed timer results. When the system first goes to a map, the run locks completely.

In case it matters, I'm using Autostance 1 and Better Autofight 1.

jahorton commented 7 years ago

In case you'd like a post of my Autotrimps export:

{"ManualGather2":{"id":"ManualGather2","name":["Gather/Build OFF","Auto Gather/Build","Science Research OFF","Auto Gather/Build #2"],"description":"3-Way Button. Auto Gathering of Food,Wood,Metal(w/turkimp) & Science. Auto speed-Builds your build queue. Now able to turn science researching off for the achievement Reach Z120 without using manual research. Please test the Auto Gather/Build #2, its experimental but should work.","type":"multitoggle","value":1},"ATversion":"","BetterAutoFight":{"id":"BetterAutoFight","name":["Better AutoFight OFF","Better Auto Fight 1","Better Auto Fight 2"],"description":"3-Way Button, Recommended. Will automatically handle fighting. #2 is the new one, #1 is the old algorithm (if you have any issues). The new BAF#2 does: 3)Click fight anyway if we are dead and stuck in a loop due to Dimensional Generator and we can get away with adding time to it.(RemainingTime + ArmyAdd.Time < GeneTimer) and 4) Clicks fight anyway if we are dead and have >=31 NextGroupTimer and deal with the consequences by firing genetecists afterwards. WARNING: If you autoportal with BetterAutoFight disabled, the game sits there doing nothing until you click FIGHT. (not good for afk) ","type":"multitoggle","value":1},"AutoStance":{"id":"AutoStance","name":["Auto Stance OFF","Auto Stance 1","Auto Stance 2"],"description":"Automatically swap stances to avoid death. Please test the Autostance #2, its very experimental, and in beta.","type":"multitoggle","value":1},"BuyStorage":{"id":"BuyStorage","name":"Buy Storage","description":"Will buy storage when resource is almost full. (like AutoStorage, even anticipates Jestimp)","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"BuyBuildings":{"id":"BuyBuildings","name":"Buy Buildings","description":"Will buy non storage buildings as soon as they are available","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"BuyUpgrades":{"id":"BuyUpgrades","name":"Buy Upgrades","description":"Autobuy non equipment Upgrades","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"BuyJobs":{"id":"BuyJobs","name":"Buy Jobs","description":"Buys jobs based on ratios configured below. CAUTION: you cannot manually assign jobs with this. Toggle if you need to.","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"BuyArmor":{"id":"BuyArmor","name":"Buy Armor","description":"Auto-Buy/Level-Up the most cost efficient armor available. ","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"BuyArmorUpgrades":{"id":"BuyArmorUpgrades","name":"Buy Armor Upgrades","description":"(Prestiges) & Gymystic. Will buy the most efficient armor upgrade available. ","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"BuyWeapons":{"id":"BuyWeapons","name":"Buy Weapons","description":"Auto-Buy/Level-Up the most cost efficient weapon available. ","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"BuyWeaponUpgrades":{"id":"BuyWeaponUpgrades","name":"Buy Weapon Upgrades","description":"(Prestiges) Will buy the most efficient weapon upgrade available. ","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"TrapTrimps":{"id":"TrapTrimps","name":"Trap Trimps","description":"Automatically trap trimps when needed, including building traps. (when you turn off, make sure you also turn off the ingame AutoTraps button)","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"BuyShieldblock":{"id":"BuyShieldblock","name":"Buy Shield Block","description":"Will buy the shield block upgrade. CAUTION: If you are progressing past zone 60, you probably don't want this :)","type":"boolean","enabled":false},"AutoHeirlooms":{"id":"AutoHeirlooms","name":"Auto Heirlooms","description":"Automatically evaluate and carry the best heirlooms, and recommend upgrades for equipped items. AutoHeirlooms will only change carried items when the heirlooms window is not open. Carried items will be compared and swapped with the types that are already carried. If a carry spot is empty, it will be filled with the best shield (if available). Evaluation is based ONLY on the following mods (listed in order of priority, high to low): Void Map Drop Chance/Trimp Attack, Crit Chance/Crit Damage, Miner Efficiency/Metal Drop, Gem Drop/Dragimp Efficiency, Farmer/Lumberjack Efficiency. For the purposes of carrying, rarity trumps all of the stat evaluations. Empty mod slots are valued at the average value of the best missing mod.","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"HireScientists":{"id":"HireScientists","name":"Hire Scientists","description":"Enable or disable hiring of scientists. Math: ScientistRatio=(FarmerRatio+LumberjackRatio+MinerRatio)/25 and stops hiring scientists after 250k Farmers.","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"WorkerRatios":{"id":"WorkerRatios","name":"Auto Worker Ratios","description":"Automatically changes worker ratios based on current progress. WARNING: overrides worker ratio settings. Settings: 1/1/1 up to 300k trimps, 3/3/5 up to 3mil trimps, then 3/1/4 above 3 mil trimps, then 1/1/10 above 1000 tributes, then 1/2/22 above 1500 tributes, then 1/12/12 above 3000 tributes.","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"ManageBreedtimer":{"id":"ManageBreedtimer","name":"Auto Breed Timer","description":"<u>Genetecist management is controlled by the Timer setting box to the right, not this.</u><br><b>Explanation: </b><br><U>[ON](Green): </U>All this does is auto-choose the appropriate timer for various challenges (0, 3.5s, 10s, 30s).<br><U>[OFF](Red): </U>You set the Timer yourself! Even if this is red, it still tampers with genetecists if the timer is >= 0.<br><b>Note: </b>Using AutoStance is recommended to survive the full 30 seconds or else Auto will probably be undesirable.","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"GeneticistTimer":{"id":"GeneticistTimer","name":"Geneticist Timer","description":"Manages the breed timer by hiring/firing Geneticists for the purpose of setting the ideal anticpation stacks. Disable with -1 to disable the Hiring/Firing of geneticists. <br><b>Info:</b> Potency and Nursery buying behavior is adjusted dynamically (and disabling no longer disables potency). The Automatic Genetecist Hiring Process can best be summarized by: Buy/Wait/Die,Repeat. (if you do not die, no action is taken). Also self-kills (trimpicide) aka force abandon when your anti-stacks arent maxed out (conservatively).<p><B>Controlled automatically (locked) when Auto Breed Timer is on</B>.","type":"value","value":30},"Prestige":{"id":"PrestigeBackup","name":"Prestige","description":"Acquire prestiges through the selected item (inclusive) as soon as they are available in maps. Forces equip first mode. Automap must be enabled. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT SETTING related to speed climbing and should probably always be on something. If you find the script getting stuck somewhere, particularly where you should easily be able to kill stuff, setting this to an option lower down in the list will help ensure you are more powerful at all times, but will spend more time acquiring the prestiges in maps.","type":"dropdown","selected":"Dagadder","list":["Off","Supershield","Dagadder","Bootboost","Megamace","Hellishmet","Polierarm","Pantastic","Axeidic","Smoldershoulder","Greatersword","Bestplate","Harmbalest","GambesOP"]},"PrestigeBackup":{"id":"PrestigeBackup","name":"PrestigeBackup","description":"Acquire prestiges through the selected item (inclusive) as soon as they are available in maps. Forces equip first mode. Automap must be enabled. THIS IS AN IMPORTANT SETTING related to speed climbing and should probably always be on something. If you find the script getting stuck somewhere, particularly where you should easily be able to kill stuff, setting this to an option lower down in the list will help ensure you are more powerful at all times, but will spend more time acquiring the prestiges in maps.","type":"dropdown","selected":"GambesOP","list":["Off","Supershield","Dagadder","Bootboost","Megamace","Hellishmet","Polierarm","Pantastic","Axeidic","Smoldershoulder","Greatersword","Bestplate","Harmbalest","GambesOP"]},"AutoPortal":{"id":"AutoPortal","name":"Auto Portal","description":"Automatically portal. Will NOT auto-portal if you have a challenge active, the challenge setting dictates which challenge it will select for the next run. All challenge settings will portal right after the challenge ends, regardless. Helium Per Hour only <b>portals at cell 1</b> of the first level where your He/Hr went down even slightly compared to the current runs Best He/Hr. Take note, there is a Buffer option, which is like a grace percentage of how low it can dip without triggering. Setting a buffer will portal mid-zone if you exceed 5x of the buffer. CAUTION: Selecting He/hr may immediately portal you if its lower-(use Pause AutoTrimps button to pause the script first to avoid this)","type":"dropdown","selected":"Off","list":["Off","Helium Per Hour","Balance","Decay","Electricity","Crushed","Nom","Toxicity","Watch","Lead","Corrupted","Custom"]},"HeliumHourChallenge":{"id":"HeliumHourChallenge","name":"Challenge for Helium per Hour and Custom","description":"Automatically portal into this challenge when using helium per hour or custom autoportal. Custom portals after cell 100 of the zone specified. ","type":"dropdown","selected":"Lead","list":["None","Balance","Decay","Electricity","Crushed","Nom","Toxicity","Watch","Lead","Corrupted"]},"CustomAutoPortal":{"id":"CustomAutoPortal","name":"Custom Portal","description":"Automatically portal AFTER clearing this level.(ie: setting to 200 would portal when you first reach level 201)","type":"value","value":181},"HeHrDontPortalBefore":{"id":"HeHrDontPortalBefore","name":"He/Hr Dont Portal Before","description":"Do NOT allow Helium per Hour AutoPortal setting to portal BEFORE this level is reached. It is an additional check that prevents drops in helium/hr from triggering autoportal. Set to 0 or -1 to completely disable this check.","type":"value","value":130},"HeliumHrBuffer":{"id":"HeliumHrBuffer","name":"He/Hr Portal Buffer %","description":"IMPORTANT SETTING. When using the He/Hr Autoportal, it will portal if your He/Hr drops by this amount of % lower than your best for current run, default is 0% (ie: set to 5 to portal at 95% of your best). Now with stuck protection - Allows portaling midzone if we exceed set buffer amount by 5x. (ie a normal 2% buffer setting would now portal mid-zone you fall below 10% buffer).","type":"value","value":5},"AutoFinishDaily":{"id":"AutoFinishDaily","name":"Auto Finish Daily","description":"With this on, the He/Hr Portal and Custom Auto Portal options will auto-finish the daily <b>whenever they trigger</b> and THEN portal you.","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"AutoStartDaily":{"id":"AutoStartDaily","name":"Auto Start Daily","description":"With this on, the Auto Portal options will portal you into and auto-start the daily <b>whenever available</b>. Does Yesterday first, followed by Today. Falls back to selected challenge when both are complete.","type":"boolean","enabled":false},"PauseScript":{"id":"PauseScript","name":"Pause AutoTrimps","description":"Pause AutoTrimps Script (not including the graphs module)","type":"boolean","enabled":false},"AutoMaps":{"id":"AutoMaps","name":"Auto Maps","description":"Recommended. Automatically run maps to progress. Very Important. Has multiple modes: <b>Prestige, Voids, Want more Damage, Want more Health, Want Health & Damage, and Farming.</b>Prestige takes precedence and does equal level maps until it gets what is needed as per Autotrimps Prestige dropdown setting. Voids is self explanatory: use the Void Difficulty Check setting to control the amount of farming. If 'want more damage', it will only do 10 maps for 200% mapbonus damage bonus. If 'Farming', it does maps beyond 10 if the displayed number is over >16x. 'Want more health[or and damage]' is basically just a status message telling you need more health, theres not much that can be done besides tell AutoLevelEquipment to keep buying stuff. If you 'want health' but your damage is OK to continue, invest in more HP perks.","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"RunUniqueMaps":{"id":"RunUniqueMaps","name":"Run Unique Maps","description":"Relies on AutoMaps. Decides when to run Unique maps. Required for challenges: Electricity, Mapocalypse, Meditate, and Crushed (etc) and their AutoPortal. Required to auto-run The Wall and Dimension of Anger. Required for Bionic Before Spire.<p> Maps/Levels: <p>The Block - 12<p>The Wall - 16<p>Dimension of Anger - 21<p>Trimple Of Doom - 34<p>The Prison - 82<p>Bionic Wonderland - 127","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"DynamicSiphonology":{"id":"DynamicSiphonology","name":"Dynamic Siphonology","description":"Recommended Always ON. Use the right level of siphonology based on your damage output. IE: Only uses siphonology if you are weak. With this OFF it means it ALWAYS uses the lowest siphonology map you can create. Siphonology is a perk you get at level 115-125ish, and means you receive map bonus stacks for running maps below your current zone - Up to 3 zones below (1 per perk level).","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"LowerFarmingZone":{"id":"LowerFarmingZone","name":"Lower Farming Zone","description":"Lowers the zone used during Farming mode. Uses the dynamic siphonology code, to Find the minimum map level you can successfully one-shot, and uses this level for any maps done after the first 10 map stacks. The difference being it goes LOWER than what Siphonology gives you map-bonus for, but after 10 stacks you dont need bonus, you just want to do maps that you can one-shot. Goes as low as 10 below current zone if your damage is that bad, but this is extreme and indicates you should probably portal.","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"MinutestoFarmBeforeSpire":{"id":"MinutestoFarmBeforeSpire","name":"Minutes to Farm Before Spire","description":"Farm level 200/199(or BW) maps for X minutes before continuing onto attempting Spire - No Longer runs 10 maps prior to this countdown, so your timer will likely need to increase. (0 to disable)","type":"value","value":10},"RunBionicBeforeSpire":{"id":"RunBionicBeforeSpire","name":"Run Bionic Before Spire","description":"CAUTION: Runs Bionic Wonderlands and repeatedly farms VI(level 200) before attempting Spire, for the purpose of farming. Then attempts the spire. The Minutes-Before-Spire timer runs concurrently to this, and needs to be set. If not set, it will exit without doing any Bionics... You can un-toggle it as desired. WARNING: These 100 square maps take ~3x longer than normal maps. WARNING: If you dont have Bionic Magnet mastery, this will run the pre-requisites and take longer.","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"ExitSpireCell":{"id":"ExitSpireCell","name":"Exit Spire After Cell","description":"Optional/Rare. Exits the Spire early, after completing cell X. example: 40 for Row 4. (use 0 or -1 to disable)","type":"value","value":"-1"},"CorruptionCalc":{"id":"CorruptionCalc","name":"Corruption Farm Mode","description":"Recommended. Enabling this will cause the Automaps routine to take amount of corruption in a zone into account, to decide whether it should do maps first for map bonus. ONLY in Zone 181+ (or Headstart 1,2,3 zone: 176,166,151) ","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"FarmWhenNomStacks7":{"id":"FarmWhenNomStacks7","name":"Farm on >7 NOMstacks","description":"Optional. If Improbability already has 5 NOMstacks, stack 30 Anticipation. If the Improbability has >7 NOMstacks on it, get +200% dmg from MapBonus. If we still cant kill it, enter Farming mode at 30 stacks, Even with DisableFarming On! (exits when we get under 10x). Farms if we hit 100 stacks in the world. If we ever hit (100) nomstacks in a map (likely a voidmap), farm, (exit the voidmap) and (prevent void from running, until situation is clear). Restarts any voidmaps if we hit 100 stacks. ","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"VoidMaps":{"id":"VoidMaps","name":"Void Maps","description":"The zone at which you want all your void maps to be cleared (Cell 96). 0 is off","type":"value","value":230},"RunNewVoids":{"id":"RunNewVoids","name":"Run New Voids","description":"Run new void maps acquired after the set void map zone. Runs them at Cell 95 by default, unless you set a decimal value indicating the cell, like: 187.75 CAUTION: May severely slow you down by trying to do too-high level voidmaps. Use the adjacent RunNewVoidsUntil setting to limit this.","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"RunNewVoidsUntil":{"id":"RunNewVoidsUntil","name":"New Voids Until","description":"Run New Voids Until: Put a cap on what zone new voids will run at, until this zone, inclusive. ","type":"value","value":210},"VoidCheck":{"id":"VoidCheck","name":"Void Difficulty Check","description":"How many hits to be able to take from a void map boss in X stance before we attempt the map. Higher values will get you stronger (by farming maps for health) before attempting. Disabling this with 0 or -1 translates into a default of surviving 2 hits. I recommend somewhere between 2 and 12 (default is now 6).","type":"value","value":12},"MaxTox":{"id":"MaxTox","name":"Max Toxicity Stacks","description":"Get maximum toxicity stacks before killing the improbability in each zone 60 and above. Generally only recommended for 1 run to maximize bone portal value. This setting will revert to disabled after a successful Max-Tox run + Toxicity Autoportal.","type":"boolean","enabled":false},"DisableFarm":{"id":"DisableFarm","name":"Disable Farming","description":"Disables the extended farming algorithm of the AutoMaps part of the script. Always returns to the world after reaching 10 map stacks. Use at your own risk. (No need to refresh anymore)","type":"boolean","enabled":false},"FarmerRatio":{"id":"FarmerRatio","name":"Farmer Ratio","description":"","type":"value","value":1},"LumberjackRatio":{"id":"LumberjackRatio","name":"Lumberjack Ratio","description":"","type":"value","value":1},"MinerRatio":{"id":"MinerRatio","name":"Miner Ratio","description":"","type":"value","value":1},"MaxScientists":{"id":"MaxScientists","name":"Max Scientists","description":"Advanced. Cap your scientists. recommend: -1 (infinite still controls itself)","type":"value","value":"-1"},"MaxExplorers":{"id":"MaxExplorers","name":"Max Explorers","description":"Cap your explorers, most of fragments are gained by looting not gathering. recommend: 150","type":"value","value":200},"MaxTrainers":{"id":"MaxTrainers","name":"Max Trainers","description":"Advanced. Cap your trainers. recommend: -1","type":"value","value":"-1"},"MaxHut":{"id":"MaxHut","name":"Max Huts","description":"Huts","type":"value","value":100},"MaxHouse":{"id":"MaxHouse","name":"Max Houses","description":"Houses","type":"value","value":100},"MaxMansion":{"id":"MaxMansion","name":"Max Mansions","description":"Mansions","type":"value","value":100},"MaxHotel":{"id":"MaxHotel","name":"Max Hotels","description":"Hotels","type":"value","value":100},"MaxResort":{"id":"MaxResort","name":"Max Resorts","description":"Resorts","type":"value","value":100},"MaxGateway":{"id":"MaxGateway","name":"Max Gateways","description":"WARNING: Not recommended to raise above 25","type":"value","value":25},"MaxWormhole":{"id":"MaxWormhole","name":"Max Wormholes","description":"WARNING: Wormholes cost helium! Values below 0 do nothing.","type":"value","value":10},"MaxCollector":{"id":"MaxCollector","name":"Max Collectors","description":"recommend: -1","type":"value","value":-1},"FirstGigastation":{"id":"FirstGigastation","name":"First Gigastation","description":"How many warpstations to buy before your first gigastation","type":"value","value":90},"DeltaGigastation":{"id":"DeltaGigastation","name":"Delta Gigastation","description":"How many extra warpstations to buy for each gigastation. Supports decimal values. For example 2.5 will buy +2/+3/+2/+3...","type":"value","value":3},"MaxGym":{"id":"MaxGym","name":"Max Gyms","description":"Advanced. recommend: -1","type":"value","value":"-1"},"MaxTribute":{"id":"MaxTribute","name":"Max Tributes","description":"Advanced. recommend: -1 ","type":"value","value":"-1"},"MaxNursery":{"id":"MaxNursery","name":"Max Nurseries","description":"Advanced. recommend: -1","type":"value","value":1400},"LimitEquipment":{"id":"LimitEquipment","name":"Limit Equipment","description":"Limit levels of equipment bought to:(level 11 - the prestige level). At or Above Prestige X (10), your equipment will remain at level 1. In other words, do not level equipment after ~level ~51, and only buy Prestiges. CAUTION: may reduce He/hr performance in many cases.","type":"boolean","enabled":false},"BreedFire":{"id":"BreedFire","name":"Breed Fire","description":"OPTIONAL. Fire Lumberjacks and Miners to speed up breeding when needed. Basically trades wood/metal to cut the wait between deaths down. Disclaimer: May heavily negatively impact wood-gathering. ","type":"boolean","enabled":false},"AutoMagmamancers":{"id":"AutoMagmamancers","name":"Auto Magmamancers","description":"OPTIONAL. Auto Magmamancer Management. Hires Magmamancers when the Current Zone time goes over 10 minutes. Does a one-time spend of at most 10% of your resources. Every increment of 10 minutes after that repeats the 10% hiring process. Disclaimer: May negatively impact Gem count.","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"WarpstationCap":{"id":"WarpstationCap","name":"Warpstation Cap","description":"Do not level Warpstations past Basewarp+DeltaGiga **. Without this, if a Giga wasnt available, it would level infinitely (wastes metal better spent on prestiges instead.) **The script bypasses this cap each time a new giga is bought, when it insta-buys as many as it can afford (since AT keeps available metal/gems to a low, overbuying beyond the cap to what is affordable at that first moment is not a bad thing). ","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"WarpstationWall3":{"id":"WarpstationWall3","name":"Warpstation Wall","description":"Conserves Metal. Only buys 1 Warpstation when you can afford <b>X</b> warpstations metal cost (at the first one's price, simple math). -1, 0, 1 = disable. In other words, only allows warps that cost less than 1/nth your currently owned metal. (to save metal for prestiges)","type":"value","value":0},"CapEquip":{"id":"CapEquip","name":"Cap Equip to 10","description":"Do not level equipment past 10. Similar to LimitEquipment, Helps for early game when the script wants to level your tier2s to 40+, but unlike LimitEquipment, does not impact Zone 60+.","type":"boolean","enabled":false},"AlwaysArmorLvl2":{"id":"AlwaysArmorLvl2","name":"Always Buy Lvl 2 Armor","description":"Always Buy the 2nd point of Armor even if we dont need the HP. Its the most cost effective level, and the need HP decision script isnt always adequate. Forced on during Spire. Recommended On.","type":"boolean","enabled":false},"WaitTill60":{"id":"WaitTill60","name":"Skip Gear Level 58&59","description":"Dont Buy Gear during level 58 and 59, wait till level 60, when cost drops down to 10%.","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"DelayArmorWhenNeeded":{"id":"DelayArmorWhenNeeded","name":"Delay Armor","description":"Delays buying armor prestige-upgrades during Want More Damage or Farming automap-modes, Although if you need health AND damage, it WILL buy armor prestiges tho.","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"AutoRoboTrimp":{"id":"AutoRoboTrimp","name":"AutoRoboTrimp","description":"Use RoboTrimps ability starting at this level, and every 5 levels thereafter. (set to 0 to disable. default 60.) 60 is a good choice for mostly everybody.","type":"value","value":60},"AutoGoldenUpgrades":{"id":"AutoGoldenUpgrades","name":"AutoGoldenUpgrades","description":"IMPORTANT SETTING. Automatically Buy the specified Golden Upgrades as they become available.","type":"dropdown","selected":"Battle","list":["Off","Helium","Battle","Void"]},"DynamicPrestige2":{"id":"DynamicPrestige2","name":"Dynamic Prestige z","description":"Dynamic Prestige: <b>Set Target Zone number: Z #. (disable with 0 or -1)</b><br> Skip getting prestiges at first, and Gradually work up to the desired Prestige setting you have set (set the Prestige dropdown to the highest weapon you want to end up on at the target zone you set here). Runs with Dagger to save a significant amount of time until we need better gear, then starts increasing the prestige setting near the end of the run. Examines which prestiges you have, how many missing ones youd need to achieve the desired target and starts running maps every zone (more maps for higher settings), Until the target prestige is reached. ","type":"value","value":197},"AutoHeirlooms2":{"id":"AutoHeirlooms2","name":"Auto Heirlooms2","description":"IMPORTANT SETTING. New algorithm for Heirlooms. While enabled, the old AutoHeirlooms algorithm will be disabled (the button will stay lit or you can turn that one off). CAUTION: Turning this on will immediately re-sort your heirlooms according to the new algorithm, and turning it off again DOES revert to the original algorithm even though it may NOT have a visible result on your heirlooms. (fyi: This lack of action highlights one of the problems with the old one.) ","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"AutoUpgradeHeirlooms":{"id":"AutoUpgradeHeirlooms","name":"Auto Upgrade Heirlooms","description":"Automatically buys the upgrades the script advises for the Equipped shield and staff, until we are out of nullifium.","type":"boolean","enabled":false},"TrainerCaptoTributes":{"id":"TrainerCaptoTributes","name":"Cap Trainers to a % of Tributes","description":"Only Buy a Trainer when its cost is LESS than X% of cost of a tribute. This setting can work in combination with the other one, or set the other one to -1 and this will take full control. Default: -1 (Disabled). 50% is close to the point where the cap does nothing. You can go as low as you want but recommended is 10% to 1%. (example: Trainer cost of 5001, Tribute cost of 100000, @ 5%, it would NOT buy the trainer.)","type":"value","value":5},"NoNurseriesUntil":{"id":"NoNurseriesUntil","name":"No Nurseries Until z","description":"For Magma z230+ purposes. Nurseries get shut down, and wasting nurseries early on is probably a bad idea. Might want to set this to 230+ for now. Can use combined with the old Max Nurseries cap setting.","type":"value","value":0},"AutoMagmiteSpender2":{"id":"AutoMagmiteSpender2","name":["Spend Magmite OFF","Spend Magmite (Portal)","Spend Magmite Always"],"description":"Auto Spends any unspent Magmite immediately before portaling. (Or Always, if toggled). Part 1 buys any permanent one-and-done upgrades in order from most expensive to least. Part 2 then analyzes Efficiency vs Capacity for cost/benefit, and buys Efficiency if its BETTER than Capacity. If not, if the PRICE of Capacity is less than the price of Supply, it buys Capacity. If not, it buys Supply. And then it repeats itself until you run out of Magmite and cant buy anymore. For Magma z230+ purposes.","type":"multitoggle","value":1},"ForceAbandon":{"id":"ForceAbandon","name":"Auto Force-Abandon","description":"(Trimpicide). If a new fight group is available and anticipation stacks arent maxed, force abandon and grab a new group. Located in the geneticist management script.","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"GymWall":{"id":"GymWall","name":"Gym Wall","description":"Conserves Wood. Only buys 1 Gym when you can afford <b>X</b> gyms wood cost (at the first one's price, simple math). -1 or 0 to disable. In other words, only allows gyms that cost less than 1/nth your currently owned wood. (to save wood for nurseries for new z230+ Magma nursery strategy). Takes decimal numbers. (Identical to the Warpstation wall setting which is why its called that). Setting to 1 does nothing besides stopping gyms from being bought 2 at a time due to the mastery.","type":"value","value":0},"DynamicGyms":{"id":"DynamicGyms","name":"Dynamic Gyms","description":"Designed to limit your block to slightly more than however much the enemy attack is. If MaxGyms is capped or GymWall is set, those will still work, and this will NOT override those (works concurrently), but it will further limit them. In the future it may override, but the calculation is not easy to get right so I dont want it undo-ing other things yet. EXPERIMENTAL.","type":"boolean","enabled":false},"AutoAllocatePerks":{"id":"AutoAllocatePerks","name":"Auto Allocate Perks","description":"EXPERIMENTAL. Uses the AutoPerks ratio based preset system to automatically allocate your perks to spend whatever helium you have when you AutoPortal. ","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"UseScryerStance":{"id":"UseScryerStance","name":"Use Scryer Stance","description":"<b>MASTER BUTTON</b> Stay in Scryer stance in z181 and above (Overrides Autostance). Falls back to regular Autostance when not in use (so leave that on). Get 2x resources or Dark Essence. <u>All other buttons have no effect if this one is off.</u>","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"ScryerUseWhenOverkill":{"id":"ScryerUseWhenOverkill","name":"Use When Overkill","description":"Use when we can Overkill in S stance, for double loot with no speed penalty. Recommend this be on. NOTE: This being on, and being able to overkill in S will override ALL other settings <u>(Except never use in spire)</u>. This is a boolean logic shortcut that disregards all the other settings including Min and Max Zone. If you ONLY want to use S during Overkill, as a workaround: turn this on and Min zone: to 9999 and everything else off(red). ","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"ScryerMinZone":{"id":"ScryerMinZone","name":"Min Zone","description":"Minimum zone to start using scryer in.(inclusive) Recommend:(60 or 181). This needs to be On & Valid for options other than Overkill to work. Tip: Use 9999 to disable all other Non-Overkill scryer usage.","type":"value","value":191},"ScryerMaxZone":{"id":"ScryerMaxZone","name":"Max Zone","description":"Zone to STOP using scryer at.(not inclusive) Recommend: Leave off (0 or -1 to disable: doesnt prevent options other than Overkill from working.) Positive numbers DO disable it past that zone. ","type":"value","value":-1},"ScryerUseinMaps2":{"id":"ScryerUseinMaps2","name":["Maybe Use in Maps","Force Use in Maps"],"description":"Maybe/Force Use in Maps. Overkill overrides this setting. Does not have to be on for Overkill Button to use S in maps. (Obeys zone settings)","type":"multitoggle","value":0},"ScryerUseinVoidMaps2":{"id":"ScryerUseinVoidMaps2","name":["Maybe Use in VoidMaps","Force Use in VoidMaps"],"description":"Maybe/Force Use in Void Maps. Overkill overrides this setting. Does not have to be on for Overkill Button to use S in VoidMaps. (Obeys zone settings)","type":"multitoggle","value":0},"ScryerUseinSpire2":{"id":"ScryerUseinSpire2","name":["Maybe Use in Spire","Force Use in Spire","Never Use in Spire"],"description":"Maybe/Force/Never Use in Spire. <b>Never WILL override the Overkill setting, and never use S in Spire.</b> Maybe means default - treat Spire like any other cell (something else has to be ON to trigger Scryer). Force = Always use S.","type":"multitoggle","value":2},"ScryerSkipBoss2":{"id":"ScryerSkipBoss2","name":["Default on Cell 100","Never Use on Cell 100 above VoidLevel","Never Use on Cell 100 (ALL Levels)"],"description":"On cell 100: Default/Never Use(above VoidLevel)/Never Use(ALL Levels). Overkill overrides this setting. Doesnt use Scrying stance for world Improbabilities/Bosses (cell 100) if you are past the level you have your VoidMaps set to run at. (or all levels, if set.) Default treats cell 100 like any other cell.","type":"multitoggle","value":1},"ScryerSkipCorrupteds2":{"id":"ScryerSkipCorrupteds2","name":["Maybe Use S on Corrupteds","Dont Use S on Corrupteds"],"description":"Overkill overrides this setting, even on Dont Use. Turning this Green doesnt use S stance for corrupted cells UNLESS you can overkill them. Red/Maybe just means default (corrupteds are treated like normal cells), so something else has to be ON to trigger Scryer to be used. <b>Magma maps and Corrupted Voidmaps are classified under this box as corrupted</b> and Green-DontUse here will override the ForceMaps/ForceVoidmaps (for now)","type":"multitoggle","value":1},"SpamGeneral":{"id":"SpamGeneral","name":"General Spam","description":"General Spam = Starting Zone, Auto He/Hr, AutoMagmiteSpender ","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"SpamUpgrades":{"id":"SpamUpgrades","name":"Upgrades Spam","description":"Upgrades Spam","type":"boolean","enabled":false},"SpamEquipment":{"id":"SpamEquipment","name":"Equipment Spam","description":"Equipment Spam","type":"boolean","enabled":false},"SpamMaps":{"id":"SpamMaps","name":"Maps Spam","description":"Maps Spam = Buy,Pick,Run Maps,Recycle,CantAfford","type":"boolean","enabled":false},"SpamOther":{"id":"SpamOther","name":"Other Spam","description":"Other Spam = Better Auto Fight, Trimpicide, Robotrimp, AutoMagmamancers","type":"boolean","enabled":true},"SpamBuilding":{"id":"SpamBuilding","name":"Building Spam","description":"Building Spam = all buildings, even storage","type":"boolean","enabled":false},"SpamJobs":{"id":"SpamJobs","name":"Job Spam","description":"Job Spam = All jobs, in scientific notation","type":"boolean","enabled":false},"ScryerDieToUseS":{"id":"ScryerDieToUseS","name":"Die To Use S","description":"Turning this on will switch you back to S even when doing so would kill you. Happens in scenarios where you used Skip Corrupteds that took you into regular Autostance X/H stance, killed the corrupted and reached a non-corrupted enemy that you wish to use S on, but you havent bred yet and you are too low on health to just switch back to S. So youd rather die, wait to breed, then use S for the full non-corrupted enemy, to maximize DE. This feature was added for 1 person, use at your own risk.","type":"boolean","enabled":false},"PrestigeSkipMode":{"id":"PrestigeSkipMode","name":"Prestige Skip Mode","description":"If there are more than 2 Unbought Prestiges (besides Shield), ie: sitting in your upgrades window but you cant afford them, AutoMaps will not enter Prestige Mode, and/or will exit from it. The amount of unboughts can be configured with this variable MODULES[\\\"automaps\\\"].SkipNumUnboughtPrestiges = 2;","type":"boolean","enabled":false},"CapEquip2":{"id":"CapEquip2","name":"Cap Equip to","description":"Do not level equipment past this number. Helps for early game when the script wants to level your tier2s to level 40+, or to stop wasting metal. Recommended value: 10, Disable with -1 or 0.","type":"value","value":10},"AutoFinishDailyZone":{"id":"AutoFinishDailyZone","name":"Finish Daily Zone Mod","description":"Finish Daily by this # of zones earlier/later than your regular Custom AutoPortal zone or your Helium Dont Portal Before zone. When Auto Finish Daily is on. Tip: Tune your value of He/HrDontPortalBefore to suit the daily, and then tune this. Can accept negative numbers for earlier, ie: -7 means portal 7 zones earlier than normal. Can also use positive numbers to DELAY portaling for later. When used with He/Hr AutoPortal, the number of zones early does not FORCE end the daily at that zone, only ALLOW it to end that early: it will Always end when your HE/hr drops enough to trigger the portal. <b>Use 0 to disable.</b>","type":"valueNegative","value":2},"SpireBreedTimer":{"id":"SpireBreedTimer","name":"Spire Breed Timer","description":"Set a different breed timer target for the Spire. Use -1 to disable this special setting.","type":"value","value":30},"WarpstationCoordBuy":{"id":"WarpstationCoordBuy","name":"Buy Warp to Hit Coord","description":"If we are very close to hitting the next coordination, and we can afford the warpstations it takes to do it, Do it! (even if we are over the Cap/Wall). Recommended with WarpCap/WarpWall. (has no point otherwise) ","type":"boolean","enabled":true}}

I'm around 2.2 B He.

MikeWaraksa commented 7 years ago

According to your settings, you have trapping on. At 2.2B He, that's a mistake, as you have too high a population for trapping to ever be the correct method. That may cause issues.

You might also want to disable the auto-breed timer, set the geneticist timer to 30 and enable breed fire.

I never had an issue running Watch.

jahorton commented 7 years ago

According to your settings, you have trapping on. At 2.2B He, that's a mistake, as you have too high a population for trapping to ever be the correct method. That may cause issues.

I'd think it would help solve the issue - you'd think if the system ever locked all the trimps into workspaces and didn't leave any to breed, it'd run at least one trap to fix the issue! Just get something breeding and you're good!

I've actually seen it do that at some point in the past, when I was doing the Shaggy challenge (I believe). I was locking my population to get Anticipation up, and the system undid my lock until I realized Auto-Trap was 'correcting' the no-breeding issue.

I've not used Breed Fire before, but I'm very apprehensive about using it, since I'm running through the Spire to Zone 230 and have things tuned somewhat closely. I don't want it to short my geneticists and health there; that 10x He + 20% He boost is a wonderful thing to have.

Danakh commented 7 years ago

I got the same problem. Happens around level 15 in new runs. I don't know if it is linked, but I do not have Home Detector Mastery. Removing the auto-breed is not something I want to do, because I let the script run over the WE with auto-daily, and some challenge need to decrease the auto-breed timer.

elzibubble commented 7 years ago

Confirmed, around L15. Locked for 14 hours today. Turning off Better Auto Fight didn't help at all. Breed Fire does help but I'm concerned how this will impact my nursery production during magma.

rgreen83 commented 7 years ago

Yep this is quite annoying. Breed fire seemed to fix and im not far enough along to worry about magma. Silly for AT to sit there making millions of traps with a breed timer of zero and not click to use a trap.