gencer / SCSS-Everywhere

A Visual Studio Code extension that provides CSS class and ID atttribute completion with incremental build and usage explorer for the HTML class attribute based on the CSS/Template files in your workspace. Also supports React's className attribute.
MIT License
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FEATURE: Automatically detect remote style sheets #49

Open VladimirMikulic opened 4 years ago

VladimirMikulic commented 4 years ago

As the title suggests, I would like that this extension can suggest classes in a file that is referencing a remote style sheet without requiring me to add it to the html-css-class-completion.remoteStyleSheets property.

Would that be possible? Thanks.

gencer commented 4 years ago

Hi @VladimirMikulic , It is actually possible but let me think about it.

BTW, should we only allow HTML files or All files like .{hml,htm,php,slim,latte,vue}... This can be a little tricky.

VladimirMikulic commented 4 years ago

Hi @gencer. Thank you very much for a fast reply. It's annoying that every time I switch project, I need to add different version of Bootstrap/Tailwind.. to the completion.remoteStyleSheets property.

Instead of an array, you could maybe have parseRemoveStyleSheets as boolean.

For the initial implementation, only HTML files are just fine. Maybe you could set a configuration option for this as well to let users decide which files to allow?

gencer commented 4 years ago

Sounds good to me. Both boolean value and trace fields for extensions. I will look into this tomorrow.

VladimirMikulic commented 4 years ago

Awesome! Thank you very much.

gencer commented 4 years ago

This can be implemented. I believe i can parse html with regex and inlcude in the project however this is going to be harder on other template providers. I have two options here.

A) only support html for now and provide option for this B) create unified parser for each template providers and parse all.

Im evaluating these options now.

VladimirMikulic commented 4 years ago

@gencer that's some good news. Let me know what you've decided to do. In my opinion, the unified parser would be really cool to have (as a config option maybe).

gencer commented 4 years ago

@VladimirMikulic Can you test this version, please?

Before installing this one, please remove all remoteStylesheet directives from config files.

Currently this will try to load from HTML only. There is a new configuration parameter called searchRemoteGlobPattern:

          "html-css-class-completion.searchRemoteGlobPattern": {
            "type": "string",
            "default": "**/*.{svelte,latte,php,html,twig}",
            "description": "A glob pattern that includes html code which will be parsed if its contains Remote CSS"

But its currently only supported on HTML. More languages will be added in future.

Awaiting your feedback.


VladimirMikulic commented 4 years ago

@gencer this is AWESOME! I've just tried it out and guess what? I'll never have to memorize framework classes again :)

There is one bug/feature that I've encountered. Let's say I include Bulma in my document and I cache the classes, it works, no problem. Then, I realize that the project requires Bootstrap and I replace the Bulma CDN href with Bootstrap's and cache the classes again. This time it suggests Bulma classes as well as Bootstrap classes, although I use only Bootstrap and I removed Bulma.

I.E. the cache is not invalidated. It's not a top priority bug, though.

Anyway, thank you very much on this, I'll be using v1.6.0 from now on!

gencer commented 4 years ago

@VladimirMikulic Glad it did worked! 🎉 Well, i will also make sure cache gets invalidated after such changes.

I will not publish this version yet due to cache invalidation. You can freely use this version. I will update here when i got more info about this bug.

gencer commented 4 years ago

@VladimirMikulic Can you test this version to see re-cache works without using old remote stylesheet like you mentioned earlier.

gencer commented 4 years ago

Please also note that, You have to explicitly set this within your settings for this version:

  "html-css-class-completion.searchRemoteGlobPattern": "**/*.{svelte,tpl,latte,php,html,twig}",

Then restart / install

VladimirMikulic commented 4 years ago

Hi @gencer. Thank you for coming back to me. Unfortunately, this version completely breaks the CSS classes autocompletion. Now, it suggests HTML tags and attributes as "classes".


gencer commented 4 years ago

Hmm. Weird. Lets try empty the folder then.

Try this one:

VladimirMikulic commented 4 years ago

This one is no go as well. For example, let's say I cache Bulma classes and it does work fine, but if I delete Bulma and replace it with Bootstrap it won't fetch new classes. It still suggests Bulma classes.

gencer commented 4 years ago

But previously, bootstrap and bulma both was suggested right? This time only old one.

It's getting weirder. I will install a virtual machine and try there with few templates.

Thank you so much for taking time to test them for me.

Stay safe!

VladimirMikulic commented 4 years ago

That's correct. Previously, they were both suggested. I'll help you as much as I can, just @mention-me :)

gencer commented 4 years ago

Thanks @VladimirMikulic! I will try to debug this one to make sure it get refreshed when re-cached. In fact im planning to add this to incremental building. This means when you hit CTRL+S or just save, it will do the update for you.

I will update here when i got something.

VladimirMikulic commented 4 years ago

CTRL+S would be really amazing workflow. Thank you very much on the effort that you've put into this extension!