gencer / SCSS-Everywhere

A Visual Studio Code extension that provides CSS class and ID atttribute completion with incremental build and usage explorer for the HTML class attribute based on the CSS/Template files in your workspace. Also supports React's className attribute.
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No #ID suggestions when using emmet. #71

Open LeeBuckle opened 3 years ago

LeeBuckle commented 3 years ago

class suggestions show up when using emmet, but id doesn't. ID's only get suggested when writing id="exa for example.

If there's .example in an SCSS file, writing div.exa in html or jsx will suggest the 'example' class.

I expected having #example in the SCSS file would work the same way, but writing div#exa in my JSX doesn't give any suggestions.

gencer commented 3 years ago

Hey @LeeBuckle

Oh! Emmets! I never ever get used to it. Neither with working nor by programming :) However, it is good to hear thet emmets are working as expected. This means it will be easy to implement for # id's.

I am giving priority this a bit more because I believe it will be much easier to implement if we compare with others.

LeeBuckle commented 3 years ago

I mean, it's not the end of the world as ID's are used much less frequently but it would be a nice little enhancement :)