gencer / SCSS-Everywhere

A Visual Studio Code extension that provides CSS class and ID atttribute completion with incremental build and usage explorer for the HTML class attribute based on the CSS/Template files in your workspace. Also supports React's className attribute.
MIT License
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Astro.js `*.astro` file support (html / jsx based language) #77

Open JulianCataldo opened 2 years ago

JulianCataldo commented 2 years ago

Hello there!

Thanks for this extension, it's a delight to use with HTML files. I would like to translate this developer experience to Astro js file edition:

I tried this:

// ...
  "html-css-class-completion.includeGlobPattern": "**/*.{…blablah…,scss,astro}"
// ...

But it doesn't work.
I guess it's because SCSS Everywhere is tied to a file extension / language engine combo ?
For example you can set these two independently with ESLint, Prettier…

Adding language support for .astro might be relatively easy, as it's very close to JSX, what do you think?

Thank you 👋

gencer commented 2 years ago

What is the vscode extension you use for astro files? If there are no language support on vscode extension marketplace, a bit work required on this side.

JulianCataldo commented 2 years ago

Yes Astro's got a dedicated VS Code extension, with Typescript awareness, default VS Code formatting support, language support etc. etc. More or less similar to Volar for Vue.