genemu / GenemuFormBundle

Extra Form : Captcha GD, Tinymce, Recaptcha, JQueryDate, JQueryAutocomplete, JQuerySlider, JQueryFile, JQueryImage
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Change the way of loading reCaptcha #364

Closed WedgeSama closed 8 years ago

WedgeSama commented 9 years ago

If reCaptcha was add in a sub form loaded by js, it was not initialzed. Now using jQuery to load reCaptcha and init it.

Molkobain commented 9 years ago


This seems nicely done and would fix the issue some of us have.

Thanks Benjamin

bamarni commented 9 years ago

We can't that assume people using recaptcha are using jquery too.

WedgeSama commented 9 years ago

Yes, I understand that, but the current code does not handle sub form.

There is only the reCaptcha feature which does not use jQuery, all others stuffs of this bundle run with it and the name of this file is jquery_layout.html.twig, not javascript_layout.html.twig. Ok, this is not an absolute argument but this is the fact.


WedgeSama commented 9 years ago

I saw you did some merge on the bundle @genemu. Have you take a look to this pull request?

genemu commented 9 years ago

I put myself on the bundle, because i need it, but with improvement for symfony 2.6. I see your pull request.

bamarni commented 8 years ago

closing as jquery is not a requirement to use this bundle, and it can still be done by extending the js template.