genemu / GenemuFormBundle

Extra Form : Captcha GD, Tinymce, Recaptcha, JQueryDate, JQueryAutocomplete, JQuerySlider, JQueryFile, JQueryImage
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genemu autocompleter (entity) + type: annotation #395

Open Raug opened 9 years ago

Raug commented 9 years ago

Hello everyone,

i'm trying to implement an autocompleting field in a symfony form 2 using the genemu bundle.

i'm trying to follow the instructions given in the documentation and on this issue :

But as soon as i try to add the type : annotation line, i get a 500 error and i can't figure out why.

here's routing.yml

    defaults: { _controller: EtatStockBundle:Export:ajaxcommande }
    pattern: /ajaxcommande/
    type:     annotation

the controller :

use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;

...->add('member', 'genemu_jqueryautocompleter_entity', array(              
                                'class' => 'EtatStockBundle:Flux',
                                'route_name' => 'etat_stock_ajaxcommande',
                                'property' => 'codeArticle',
                                // 'multiple' => true

     * @Route("/ajaxcommande/", name="etat_stock_ajaxcommande")
    public function ajaxcommandeAction(Request $request) {

        $value = $request->get('id');

        $commande = $this->getDoctrine()
                        // ->findAjaxValue($value);

        $json = array();
        foreach ($commande as $commande) {
            $json[] = array(
                'label' => $commande->getCodeArticle(),
                'value' => $commande->getCodeArticle()

        $response = new Response(json_encode($json));
        $response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
        return $response;

and layout.html.twig

{% block stylesheet %}
    {% if form is defined %}
      {{ form_stylesheet(form) }}
    {% endif %}
  {% endblock %}
  {% block scripts %}
    {% if form is defined %}
      {{ form_javascript(form) }}
    {% endif %}
  {% endblock %}

if i go directly to the ajaxcommande route in my browser, i can see very entry listed correctly until i use the anootation type.

if i comment the type:annotation the site loads although the autocompleter doesn't work.

Any idea what could be the problem ? If the autocompleter needs the type : annotation then the error comes from the fact that i can't use them for now. If not then it doesn't work as is and i don't know why...

Thanks in advance,
