genemu / GenemuFormBundle

Extra Form : Captcha GD, Tinymce, Recaptcha, JQueryDate, JQueryAutocomplete, JQuerySlider, JQueryFile, JQueryImage
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File doesnt work #396

Open bnd170 opened 9 years ago

bnd170 commented 9 years ago

I installed the bundle according to your documentation, installing each package separately.

I try to use the genemu_jqueryfile and not working. Not even get the uploadify.swf.

I have everything installed and configured:

    image:         enabled: true         selected: 'large'         filters: ['rotate', 'bw' 'negative' 'sepia' 'crop']         thumbnails:             small [100, 100]             medium: [200, 200]             large: [500, 500]             extra: [1024, 768]     file:         swf: /uploadify/uploadify.swf         enabled: true         cancel_img '/bundles/genemuform/images/cancel.png'         folder:% directorio.draw%

When the view is loaded and the form is displayed completely, open the developer console and see this:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) http: //acme.lo/app_dev.php/genemu_upload

And i check the swfobject embeded in the code and ...

uploadPath is on the swfPath.

I cant understund it

bnd170 commented 9 years ago

Update, i found the error. In yout jquery_layout.html.twig

You got:

        'swf':       asset(configs.swf),
        'cancelImg': asset(configs.cancelImg),
        'uploader':  path(configs.script),
        'queueID':   id ~ '_queue'

And the correct options are:

        'uploader':       asset(configs.swf),
        'cancelImg': asset(configs.cancelImg),
        'script':  path(configs.script),
        'queueID':   id ~ '_queue'