genemu / GenemuFormBundle

Extra Form : Captcha GD, Tinymce, Recaptcha, JQueryDate, JQueryAutocomplete, JQuerySlider, JQueryFile, JQueryImage
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Bundle still maintained? #415

Closed lunetics closed 8 years ago

lunetics commented 8 years ago

It seems this Bundle is abandoned. Did anyone get ahold of @genemu ?

fcpauldiaz commented 8 years ago

I think this bundle is no longer maintained, last release was December 2014.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Is there an alternative bundle?

fcpauldiaz commented 8 years ago

There are some individual bundles for almost every feature of this bundle, what feature are you looking for?

ghost commented 8 years ago

@fcpauldiaz Thank you for your answer. We are searching for a bundle which makes us easier to implement datepicker and Select2 in our application running the newest version of Symfony (> 3.0). Do you have any idea?

fcpauldiaz commented 8 years ago

I use both of that features. For the select2 download the javascripts and css, from the official page add them to your project, initialize it via jQuery and add: class="select2" when ever you want to use it. For the datetime picker you can use the stephanecollot/DatetimepickerBundle

bamarni commented 8 years ago

I'm currently discussing with @genemu about moving the repo to an organization, we might also clean it up to focus on most used types (captcha, recaptcha, select2, plain) so that it is easier to maintain.

So indeed the bundle is unmaintained at the moment but we want to fix this, sorry for the delay.

nlzet commented 8 years ago

@bamarni did you make a decision, or is there more news about the future of this bundle ?

Think-It commented 8 years ago

@bamarni Up :)

bamarni commented 8 years ago

What is making this bundle hard to be maintained is that :

I've just opened a PR here #421 with some suggestions :

I also moved all the tests to a backup directory, fixed and included back a few of them (Captcha, Recaptcha), just to have a working CI we can use as a base.

Let me know if you have some other suggestions or want to tweak the supported type list. cc @genemu

bamarni commented 8 years ago

As there is no feedback, I'll go on and merge my PR. It won't break stuff anyway, 3.X is just removing documentation / tests for types I don't plan to support anymore, they will eventually be removed in a next major version bump. Until then, that list can still be adjusted of course.

Moving the repo to a new place seems complicated, for now I'll try to at least add a co-maintainer. @Soullivaneuh I remember you were interested about this, is it still the case?

soullivaneuh commented 8 years ago

supporting symfony 2.7, 2.8 and symfony 3 only (symfony 2.3 will reach end of support in may)

Should be done on a new major release of this library, but agree.

@Soullivaneuh I remember you were interested about this, is it still the case?

Even if I have less time than when I proposed my help, I can still try to do things yes. ;-)

alexislefebvre commented 8 years ago


symfony 2.3 will reach end of support in may

Yes and no. Symfony 2.3 will reach End of support for bug fixes in May and End of support for security fixes on May 2017. So Symfony 2.3 may still be used until May 2017.


bamarni commented 8 years ago

@Soullivaneuh great news :) just asked @genemu about it, there is already a new major version (

@alexislefebvre : we can follow this too, if security patches are needed that shouldn't be a big deal for maintenance

soullivaneuh commented 8 years ago

Is not really a big deal to stop support SF 2.3 on a new major right now. If the old one is stable enough, security fixes of Symfony should not influence on bundles...

bamarni commented 8 years ago

We now have a plan and @Soullivaneuh as a co-maintainer, I guess this can be closed. Thanks for initiating this @lunetics.