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TFIIF helicase keywords #2004

Closed ValWood closed 1 year ago

ValWood commented 6 years ago

TFIIF subunit

tfg2 / SPBC1198.13c UniProtKB:O94424

has SPKW "helicase activity"

I don't see any evidence for that in domains, or complex description

Is there a source for this?

sylvainpoux commented 6 years ago

Hi Val,

information was propagated from HUMAN entry UniProt P13984 (PubMed=2477704). If you think we should not propagate this, I can remove the EC number, CATALYTIC ACTIVITY and keyword


ValWood commented 6 years ago

I don't see anything in the literature except for this 1989 paper saying that TFIIF is a helicase...

and there is no helicase domain in O94424 or P13984

O94424 / P13984 have a DNA binding domain and a domain for interaction with the other subunits of TFIIF but neither of those appears to be a helicase either....

So I'm not sure....

ValWood commented 1 year ago

The helicase annotations and KW mappings are removed