geneontology / go-annotation

This repository hosts the tracker for issues pertaining to GO annotations.
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Possible sources to fix, and GO contacts list housekeeping #2071

Closed ValWood closed 1 year ago

ValWood commented 6 years ago

based on

I will update

but some of these sources need to be tracked down and fixed:

Updates to contacts file required

No contact listed in contact file, find and add

Any others known?

Other updates required to contacts file:

Move the following entries to "Domain experts" section (not submitters)

TBRU, this group is probably intending to submit, but we have no GitHub contact

ValWood commented 6 years ago

I also thought 54873 UniProtKB seemed very low for manual UniProtKB annotation, is something wrong there? @tonysawfordebi @sylvainpoux

tonysawfordebi commented 6 years ago

What are these numbers?

ValWood commented 6 years ago

That is the number of annotations with UniProtKB as submitter according to the query performed by Seth here

bmeldal commented 6 years ago

I looked at the contact list and can't find Complexportal at all. I do know I added myself on a GO GH contact list a long time ago but that doesn't seems to have propagated. Should I change the file myself?

tonysawfordebi commented 6 years ago

@ValWood We're back on old ground again... there shouldn't be any annotations with UniProtKB in the assigned_by - the correct attribution is UniProt.

ValWood commented 6 years ago

Hi @bmeldal I'm trying to ensure that each submitter has at least one contact in the contacts file, we only need one contact, but more than one is also OK.

You can edit the lines above with the correct details. Once all the info is collected I'll update the file so only one pull request is required. Just tick the line so I know your edits are done/approved.

ValWood commented 6 years ago

@ValWood We're back on old ground again... there shouldn't be any annotations with UniProtKB in the assigned_by - the correct attribution is UniProt.

Sigh. That's what I thought but I was so sure this was already addressed that I had misremembered what was supposed to happen. So where do the UniProtKB come from ?

tonysawfordebi commented 6 years ago

That's the $64000 question...

ValWood commented 6 years ago

I moved the UniProtKB to its own ticket ;)

tonysawfordebi commented 6 years ago

I saw :)

With regard to contact addresses, you can use for all the Ensembl sources and for RNAcentral. Or are you looking for GH handles?

ValWood commented 6 years ago

GH handles are required for this file, so we can TAG you in tickets!

tonysawfordebi commented 6 years ago

OK - in that case, don't use me, as I'm going to be outta here in 85 days...

ValWood commented 6 years ago

So, when you go, or before we need a replacement GH handle for ALL of your entries in this file Please nominate the appropriate people ;)

tonysawfordebi commented 6 years ago

Well, I'd suggest that for any kind of production-related issue tag @alexsign, and for anything that requires curator input either @ggeorghiou or @pgarmiri

Anton Petrov is probably the best contact for RNAcentral, but I can't find his GH handle...

ValWood commented 6 years ago

Anton Petrov I have it

bmeldal commented 6 years ago

Ok, I ticked myself in your original ticket and taken out the question mark. I hope that's all you need for now.

ggeorghiou commented 6 years ago

CollecTF is Ivan Erril - erill -a- YuBioLab is Peng Yu - pengy -a- Roslin Institute is managed by GOA at the moment.

pgarmiri commented 6 years ago

Hi @bmeldal , Hema's GH account should be @hbye. I think her funding for the complex portal is finished but I am sure she would be okay to look after existing annotations.

bmeldal commented 6 years ago

Ok, keep me as CP contact and if there are questions regarding Hema's annotations I'll pass them on to her.

RLovering commented 6 years ago

please add me to SynGO-UCL @RLovering

I was going to try to edit the file but I don't want to mess it up


kltm commented 6 years ago

People may want to refrain from putting peoples' email addresses in the clear in this thread. Possible use an internal Google Doc?

kltm commented 6 years ago

Please also see related:

pgaudet commented 6 years ago

RE @kltm 's comment about emails- at least use -AT-

ValWood commented 1 year ago

closing, out of date