geneontology / go-annotation

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PTN000791315 GO:0004414 | homoserine O-acetyltransferase activity | #5370

Closed ValWood closed 2 months ago

ValWood commented 2 months ago

GO:0004414 | homoserine O-acetyltransferase activity | IBA with S000005221 , PTN000791315 , Q8F4I0 , CAL0000174790 , met6 , P45131

propagation Cys2 is a serine O-acetyltransferase required for cysteine biosynthesis Functional profiling revealed that Cys2 is essential for As/Cd tolerance (Table S5). Cys2 has greatest sequence homology to homoserine O-acetyltransferases, predicting that it should be involved with methionine biosynthesis. However, as noted previously, Met6 is also predicted to be a homoserine O-acetyltransferase (Ma et al. 2007). S. cerevisiae homoserine O-acetyltransferase Met2 is significantly more similar to Met6 than Cys2 in S. pombe, suggesting that in S. pombe Met6 is more likely the authentic homoserine O-acetyltransferase (Figure 3). Furthermore, met6D mutants require methionine supplementation for growth on defined minimal medium whereas cys2D cells require cysteine supplementation (Ma et al. 2007). Thus our data showing that cys2D but not met6D cells are highly sensitive to As/Cd toxicity, as well as our data indicating that methionine biosynthesis is not required for cadmium or arsenic resistance, support the notion that Cys2 is actually a serine O-acetyltransferase that is specifically essential for cysteine biosynthesis (Figure 3).

(I'll add a NOT annotation for this one)

marcfeuermann commented 2 months ago
