geneontology / go-announcements

Announcements related to ontology changes that may impact groups using GO, such as obsoletions, merges, etc.
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Obsoletion notice: GO:0043734 'DNA-N1-methyladenine dioxygenase activity'. #644

Closed pgaudet closed 8 months ago

pgaudet commented 8 months ago

Dear all,

The proposal has been made to obsolete GO:0043734 'DNA-N1-methyladenine dioxygenase activity'. The reason for obsoletion is that is defined with two substrates ( N1-methyladenine and N3-methylcytosine in DNA), which corresponds better to another existing term, GO:0035516 'oxidative DNA demethylase activity' defined as Catalysis of the reaction: a methylated nucleobase within DNA + 2-oxoglutarate + O2 = a nucleobase within DNA + formaldehyde + succinate + CO2.

GO:0043734 has no mappings, while GO:0035516 is mapped to EC: and RHEA:30299

GO:0043734 'DNA-N1-methyladenine dioxygenase activity' will be replaced by GO:0035516 'oxidative DNA demethylase activity.

There are 8 Uniprot annotations, 1 EcoCyc, and 2 Reactome mappings, see

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Thanks, Pascale