The proposal has been made to obsolete
GO:0071633 dihydroceramidase activity
GO:0070774 phytoceramidase activity
The reason for obsoletion is that these terms represent specific substrates of GO:0017040 N-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase activity.
There are17 experimental annotations to this term by
11 UniProt (automatic transfer)
3 SGD (automatic transfer)
2 BHF-UCL (automatic transfer)
There are no InterPro2GO/UniRule/UniProtKW mappings to this term.
This term is not present in any subset.
Dear all,
The proposal has been made to obsolete GO:0071633 dihydroceramidase activity GO:0070774 phytoceramidase activity
Annotations: There are17 experimental annotations to this term by 11 UniProt (automatic transfer) 3 SGD (automatic transfer) 2 BHF-UCL (automatic transfer) 1 TAIR
There are no InterPro2GO/UniRule/UniProtKW mappings to this term. This term is not present in any subset.
Annotations can be viewed here:
This term is being replaced by GO:0017040 N-acylsphingosine amidohydrolase activity.
Any comments can be added to the issue:
The GO-Ontology Editors