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heart/dorsal vessel development #1118

Closed gocentral closed 9 years ago

gocentral commented 21 years ago

A suggested revision to tie in heart development ; GO:0007507 with dorsal vessel development ; GO:0007511 (the cardiac organ of Drosophila). It involves merging GO:0007507 and GO:0007511.

It's been sent round the Cambridge FlyBase curators and also David Hill- thankyou for all your suggestions. This draft includes their revisions but feel free to make any more.

heart development ; GO:0007507, GO:0007511 --%embryonic heart tube development ; GO:new ----<cardiac cell differentiation ; GO:new ------<pericardial cell differentiation ; GO:0007513 [NB: name change !] ------<cardioblast differentiation ; GO:0010002 --------<cardioblast cell fate commitment ; GO:0042684 ----------<cardioblast cell fate determination ; GO:0007510 ----------<cardioblast cell fate specification ; GO:0042685 ------------<regulation of cardioblast cell fate ; GO:0042686 --------------%negative regulation of cardioblast cell fate ; GO:0009997 --------<aortic cell fate commitment (sensu Drosophila) ; GO:new --------<heart proper cell fate commitment (sensu Drosophila) ; GO:new

----<embryonic heart tube anterior/posterior pattern formation ; GO:new ------<aortic cell fate commitment (sensu Drosophila) ; GO:new ------<heart proper cell fate commitment (sensu Drosophila) ; GO:new

--%larval heart development ; GO:0007508 --%adult heart development ; GO:0007512

%anterior/posterior pattern formation ; GO:0009952 --%embryonic heart tube anterior/posterior pattern formation ; GO:new

cell differentiation ; GO:0030154 --%cardiac cell differentiation ; GO:new

cell fate commitment ; GO:0045165 --<aortic cell fate commitment (sensu Drosophila) ; GO:new --<heart proper cell fate commitment (sensu Drosophila) ; GO:new

Definitions and name changes:

heart development ; GO:0007507, GO:0007511 related, non-exact synonym: dorsal vessel development

cardiac cell differentiation ; GO:new The processes whereby a relatively unspecialized cell acquires the specialized stuctural and/or functional features of a cell that will form part of the cardiac organ of an individual. FB:bf

cardioblast differentiation ; GO:0010002 related non-exact synonym: cardiomyocyte generation modify current definition to: The process whereby a relatively unspecialized mesodermal cell acquires the specialized structural and/or functional features of a cardioblast.

pericardial cell development ; GO:0007513 change to: pericardial cell differentiation ; GO:0007513 The process whereby a relatively unspecialized mesodermal cell acquires specialized structural and/or functional features of a pericardial cell. In insects, pericardial cells are loosely arranged non-myogenic cells that flank the cardioblasts and probably act in the filtration of hemolymph. PMID: 12435360

embryonic heart tube anterior/posterior pattern formation ; GO:new The establishment, maintenance and elaboration of cell differentiation that results in the anterior/posterior subdivision of the embryonic heart tube. In Drosophila, this results in subdivision of the dorsal vessel into to the posterior heart proper and the anterior aorta. PMID: 12435360

heart proper cell fate commitment (sensu Drosophila) ; GO:new The commitment of cardioblast cells to a heart proper cell fate and their capacity to differentiate into heart cells, as seen in Drosophila. PMID: 12397110

aortic cell fate commitment (sensu Drosophila) ; GO:new The commitment of cardioblast cells to an aortic cell fate and their capacity to differentiate into aortic cells, as seen in Drosophila. PMID: 12397110

embryonic heart tube development Generation and development of the embryonic heart tube.

larval heart development Generation and development of the larval heart. In Drosophila the larval heart (dorsal vessel) is a continous tube of mesodormal cells that runs beneath the dorsal midline of the epidermis, divided into an anterior aorta and a posterior heart proper. ISBN: 08779694238

adult heart development Generation and development of the heart of a fully developed and mature organism.

Thanks, Becky

Reported by: beckyfoulger

Original Ticket: "geneontology/ontology-requests/1121":

gocentral commented 21 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=482748

Made changes. New terms added:

GO:0035050 BF embryonic heart tube development GO:0035051 BF cardiac cell differentiation GO:0035052 BF aortic cell fate commitment (sensu Drosophila) GO:0035053 BF heart proper cell fate commitment (sensu Drosophila) GO:0035054 BF embryonic heart tube anterior/posterior pattern formation

Original comment by: beckyfoulger

gocentral commented 21 years ago

Original comment by: beckyfoulger

gocentral commented 11 years ago

Original comment by: cooperl09