geneontology / go-ontology

Source ontology files for the Gene Ontology
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Future possible work: cilia-related branches #12783

Open paolaroncaglia opened 7 years ago

paolaroncaglia commented 7 years ago

This ticket is a placeholder for potential future work on cilia-related terms, if we ever get the chance/funding/collaborations to do so:

paolaroncaglia commented 7 years ago

Also for future work, much related to ciliary processes but also extending to some non-ciliary ones:

From an old email from Chris to the ontology group:

“I think it's worth looking at the mix of asserted children here and trying to approach this differently

is_a GO:0044763 ! single-organism cellular process is_a GO:0006928 ! cellular component movement is_a GO:0048870 ! cell motility is_a GO:0001539 ! cilium or flagellum-dependent cell motility is_a GO:0003411 ! cell motility involved in camera-type eye morphogenesis is_a GO:0016477 ! cell migration is_a GO:0021805 ! cell movement involved in somal translocation is_a GO:0021814 ! cell motility involved in cerebral cortex radial glia guided migration is_a GO:0030317 ! sperm motility is_a GO:0043107 ! type IV pilus-dependent motility is_a GO:0070358 ! actin polymerization-dependent cell motility is_a GO:0071975 ! cell swimming is_a GO:0071976 ! cell gliding is_a GO:0090247 ! cell motility involved in somitogenic axis elongation is_a GO:0097230 ! cell motility in response to potassium ion is_a GO:0097231 ! cell motility in response to calcium ion

What are the different mechanisms of motility? Are they disjoint? Can something be 'cell swimming' and cilium-directed and migration at the same time?

It looks like the differentia are a mix of mechanism (e.g. cilium, pilus), context (involved in, response to) or a descriptive measure of the motion or immediate environment (swimming, gliding). Or migration which seems insufficiently differentiated.

On closer examination of the children, the last category seems to disappear and that these are actually cryptic mechanism descriptions too: gliding is achieved through secretion of adhesion molecules and 'swimming' is either the cytoskeleton contracting the cell or GO:0071977 which seems insufficiently differentiated from its parent

I'd prefer to ground things more mechanistically or contextually.

Once this is done it gives us a better way to answer questions about where 'sperm motility' can go. Are there any other possible mechanisms other than cilium? If not, then a hidden GCI is justified. Does this hold for any cell with an X as part, where X is a possible mechanism of motility?”

ValWood commented 1 year ago

@krchristie is this ticket still relevant? Or was the work done in other tickets?

krchristie commented 1 year ago

@ValWood - I think many of these issues remain to be addressed.