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Proposed changes in immune system terms #1284

Closed gocentral closed 9 years ago

gocentral commented 20 years ago

Proposed definition changes and new term suggestions for activation of immune system cells.

If these changes prove acceptable, we can implement them at MGI.

-- Alex

1) The current definition of GO:0042113 B-cell activation,

The change in morphology and behavior of B-lymphocytes resulting from exposure to a mitogen or to an antigen to which they have been primed.

should be changed to:

The change in morphology and behavior of a mature or immature B-cell resulting from exposure to a mitogen, cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, or an antigen for which it is specific.

There are several components to this change:

Because one of the child terms of GO:0042113 is GO:0030183 B-cell differentiation, defined as The process by which a hemopoietic stem cell acquires characteristics of a B-cell, it is necessary to include mature or immature as part of the definition to avoid a true path violation for the child term.

Similarly, it is necessary to include all the possible stimuli that cause sequential rounds of activation, differentiation, and cell division during all the stages of B-cell development.

Also to which they have been primed implies prior antigenic stimulation, which is not the case for immature B- cells or naďve mature B-cells (IgM bearing splenocytes for instance).

Prior to clonal expansion, each naďve B-cell bears a unique antigen receptor, so it is necessary to speak of a singular B- cell in this term for logical consistency.

Although the redefinition of this term gives it a broader meaning, it is necessary to accommodate the child term of GO:0030183 B-cell differentiation.

2) The current definition of GO:0042110 T-cell activation,

The change in morphology and behavior of T-lymphocytes resulting from exposure to a mitogen or to an antigen to which they have been primed.

should be changed to:

The change in morphology and behavior of a mature or immature T-cell resulting from exposure to a mitogen, cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, or an antigen for which it is specific.

Because one of the child terms of GO:0042110 is GO:0030217 T-cell differentiation, defined as The process by which a hemopoietic stem cell acquires characteristics of a T-cell, it is necessary to include mature or immature as part of the definition to avoid a true path violation for the child term.

Similarly, it is necessary to include all the possible stimuli that cause sequential rounds of activation, differentiation, and cell division during all the stages of T-cell development.

Also to which they have been primed implies prior antigenic stimulation, which is not the case for immature T- cells.

Prior to clonal expansion, each naďve T-cell bears a unique antigen receptor, so it is necessary to speak of a singular T- cell in this term for logical consistency.

Although the redefinition of this term gives it a broader meaning, it is necessary to accommodate the child term of GO:0030217 T-cell differentiation.

3) The current definition of GO:0030101 natural killer cell activation ,

The change in morphology and behavior of natural killer cells resulting from exposure to a mitogen or to an antigen to which they have been primed.

should be changed to:

The change in morphology and behavior of a natural killer cell in response to a cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, pathogen, or soluble factor.

The revised definition is based on the description of natural killer cell activation given in the fifth edition of Fundamental Immunology (ISBN 0-7817-3514-0).

NK cells are not antigen specific and responses to mitogens are limited to T and B-cells.

3A) At some point it will probably be useful to add the child terms of natural killer cell differentiation and natural killer cell proliferation. to GO:0030101 natural killer cell activation.

4) The current definition of GO:0046649 lymphocyte activation,

The change in morphology and behavior of a lymphocyte resulting from exposure to a mitogen or to an antigen to which they have been primed.

should be changed to:

The change in morphology and behavior of a lymphocyte resulting from exposure to a specific antigen, mitogen, cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, or soluble factor.

This change is necessary to accommodate the change in the child term GO:0030101 natural killer cell activation proposed above to avoid a true path violation and reflect biology better. NK are lymphocytes and are not antigen-specific.

5) The current definition of GO:0048143 astrocyte activation,

A change in morphology and behavior of an astrocyte cell resulting from exposure to a mitogen or to an antigen to which they have been primed.

should be changed to:

The change in morphology and behavior of an astrocyte resulting from exposure to a cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, or soluble factor.

References: PMID:12580336, PMID: 12529254, PMID: 10695728, PMID: 10526094, PMID: 9585813.

Astrocytes are a brain cell type derived from neural stem cells. They have a variety of functions, including contributing to local activation of immune responses through antigen presentation and cytokine release, but are not antigen specific and have not been reported to respond to mitogens.

Also, astrocyte cellis redundant.

6) The current definition of GO:0045575 basophil activation,

The change in morphology and behavior of basophils resulting from exposure to a mitogen or to an antigen to which they have been primed.

should be changed to:

The change in morphology and behavior of a basophil resulting from exposure to a cytokine, chemokine, soluble factor, or to (at least in mammals) an antigen which the basophil has specifically bound via IgE bound to Fc-epsilonRI receptors.

Reference: Fundamental Immunology 5th edition ISBN:0- 7817-3514-9

7) The current definition of GO:0045576 mast cell activation,

The change in morphology and behavior of mast cells resulting from exposure to a mitogen or to an antigen to which they have been primed.

should be changed to:

The change in morphology and behavior of a mast cell resulting from exposure to a cytokine, chemokine, soluble factor, or to (at least in mammals) an antigen which the mast cell has specifically bound via IgE bound to Fc- epsilonRI receptors.

Reference: Fundamental Immunology 5th edition ISBN:0- 7817-3514-9

8) A definition for GO:0042119 neutrophil activation is needed.

A suitable definition is:

The change in morphology and behavior of a neutrophil resulting from exposure to cytokines, chemokines, pathogens, or soluble factors.

Reference: Fundamental Immunology 5th edition ISBN:0-7817-3514-9

9) The current definition of GO:0042117,

The change in morphology and behavior of monocytes resulting from exposure to a mitogen or to an antigen to which they have been primed.

should be changed to:

The change in morphology and behavior of a monocyte resulting from exposure to a cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, pathogen, or soluble factor.

References: Fundamental Immunology 5th edition ISBN:0-7817-3514-9, PMID:14506301

Monocytes are not antigen specific.

10) A definition for GO:0042116 macrophage activation is needed.

A suitable definition is:

The change in morphology and behavior of a macrophage resulting from exposure to a cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, pathogen, or soluble factor.

References: Fundamental Immunology 5th edition ISBN:0-7817-3514-9, PMID:14506301

11) A definition for GO:0042117 endothelial cell activation is needed.

A suitable definition is:

The change in morphology and behavior of an endothelial cell resulting from exposure to a cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, pathogen, or soluble factor.

Reference: Fundamental Immunology 5th edition ISBN:0-7817-3514-9, PMID:14581484, PMID:12851652

12) A new term dendritic cell activation should be added, with the definition,

The change in morphology and behavior of a dendritic cell resulting from exposure to a cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, pathogens, or soluble factor.

Reference: Fundamental Immunology 5th edition ISBN:0-7817-3514-9

12A) It would be appropriate to add GO:0043011 dendritic cell differentiation as a child of dendritic cell as a child of this term in an is-a relationship. Clearly, activation of DCs is necessary to promote the differentiation of immature DCs to mature DCs.

13) A new term microglial cell activation should be added, with the definition,

The change in morphology and behavior of a microglial cell resulting from exposure to a cytokine, chemokine, cellular ligand, pathogen, or soluble factor.

References: PMID:12580336, PMID:10695728, PMID:10626665, PMID: 9893949

Microglia are a brain cell type derived from hemopoietic stem cells that share certain properties with circulating monocytes and macrophages. I am not sure of the proper singular of this term so I am sticking to microglial cell, which is also found in the literature.

Reported by: addiehl

Original Ticket: "geneontology/ontology-requests/1287":

gocentral commented 20 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=463625


Also I think that astrocytes do respond to mitogens, if fibroblast growth factor induces astrocyte proliferation.

cheers Ev

Original comment by: ecamon

gocentral commented 20 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=865072

I've used the term mitogen here in the strict immunological sense of substances that induce B- or T-cell proliferation such as PHA or Con A or other plant lectins, which is the way they are described in Fundamental Immunology (third edition) (ISBN-7917-0022-1)

Various cytokines including certain interleukins and growth factors are mitogenic in the sense of inducing proliferation, but are not classical immunological mitogens. I would prefer to maintain the distinction in these definitions and the GO in general.

-- Alex

Original comment by: addiehl

gocentral commented 20 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=463625

Thats fine Alex,

Maybe you could make that distinction clear in the Comment for this particular GO term

cheers Evelyn

Original comment by: ecamon

gocentral commented 20 years ago

Original comment by: addiehl