geneontology / go-ontology

Source ontology files for the Gene Ontology
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add taxon restriction to "viral process" #13214

Open ValWood opened 7 years ago

ValWood commented 7 years ago

can "only in virus" taxon restriction be added here?



ukemi commented 7 years ago

Concerned about this if host proteins play roles in these processes. Also does it mean that the process can only take place in a virus? That is certainly not true. I think we need to be careful about putting these on symbiotic processes.

ValWood commented 7 years ago

But if the host protein plays a role, it isn't a normal process for the host (you would never annotate a host protein to a viral process would you?)

ukemi commented 7 years ago


ukemi commented 7 years ago

We need to check with the annotators who annotate viral processes:

jimhu-tamu commented 7 years ago

My initial reactions are:

For the second issue, I think a distinction should be made between the virus using a normal host process and co-option. My instinct is that I would not annotate every host protein involved in host translation or transcription to an equivalent viral process unless there is some differentia. Some examples:

ValWood commented 2 days ago

@pgaudet should viral process only apply to viral genes?