geneontology / go-ontology

Source ontology files for the Gene Ontology
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Modification to AGR slim #13791

Closed hdrabkin closed 6 years ago

hdrabkin commented 7 years ago

This is for Judy

After analysis of experimental annotations from AGR MODs This is a list of the number of gene products assigned to each category for the AGR organisms plus human: only experimental evidence includes inferring over regulates relation NOT excluded merged_slim.txt

dual taxon excluded merged_slim.txt

Attached is the file


ValWood commented 6 years ago

This is a list of the number of gene products assigned to each category for the AGR organisms plus human:

however the list appears to be terms not numbers of assigned gene products

ValWood commented 6 years ago

This ticket seems to be about the AGR slim, which seems to have settled. MAybe we could close this ticket and open a new ticket for the generic GO slim. (The AGR slim terms aren't ideal as generic GO slim for a number of reasons, I'll demonstrate this at the meeting, and how to improve for good coverage).

ValWood commented 6 years ago

@cmungall do you know where I can access the obo file?

I'm happy to use the list above (28 days ago) if anyone can confirm that this is the CURRENT list.

cmungall commented 6 years ago

MAybe we could close this ticket and open a new ticket for the generic GO slim


@cmungall do you know where I can access the obo file?

Sorry, not sure what obo file you mean. I'm having a hard time following this ticket.

Historically the editors have maintained the slims manually within the edit file. Any changes to the slims should be PRs on the edit file. As part of the release process, various files are produced including obo fils for the slims, see:

There are of course other ways of browsing the slims, e.g. in amigo

If we need a new process whereby some slims are managed as separate tsvs then we can open a new ticket to do this.

Otherwise lets close this ticket and open clear tickets with specific actions.

ValWood commented 6 years ago

OK closing. If you are on this ticket please check that items you required are completed or open new.