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Merge 'drug transmembrane transporter' into 'xenobiotic transmembrane transporter' (and the corresponding processes) #16962

Closed cmungall closed 4 years ago

cmungall commented 5 years ago

This is a splitting out of a single action from #14626

The proposal is to obsolete drug transmembrane transporter. The rationale is that this does reflect a particular mechanism, add the distinction between whether a particular case of transmembrane transport for a chemical constitutes a non-drug or drug transport is either difficult to determine or does not reflect a mechanistic difference. The use of the term drug may have been a proxy for a more mechanistic description: xenobiotic, efflux pump, ...

However, obsoletion of a high level term should be done with consideration to end-users and curators.

I suspect many people search on this term. A clinical or basic researcher may want to search GO for genes involved in drug resistance. We should think through these use cases and determine (a) is GO the appropriate resource for answering this in whole or part and (b) how can we best satisfy this use case? This may involve trying to intuit the intent behind these queries and redirecting them (e.g. via synonyms).

If we agree to obsolete then we should decide if it is (a) a merge or (b) obsolete + replace/consider. I would strongly favor the latter, as I think we want to have clear information for people who do search on this and other drug concepts (e.g. "this terms was obsoleted because ... you may want to consider ..."). I think non-exact synonyms to the alternate terms may be justified.

We have >80 experimental annotations to this. There may be more information in these than simply "chemical transport". The curator may have used "drug transporter" even though a more appropriate mechanistic term was available.

Here is a sample of some existing annotated publications and my non-expert non-curator perspective:

This paper "involvement of an active efflux system in the natural resistance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to aminoglycosides"

resulted in 4 annotations directly to drug transmembrane transport(er).

I think the role here is toxin, not drug. The evolved function/mechanism is efflux I think? We have GO:0015562 ! efflux transmembrane transporter activity, is this a better choice of term? (Amelia made this term, so it predated the annotations which were made in 2016!)

Similar for these candida annotations in 2014

I think the BENr gene is a pump so again seems like the function is pumping stuff harmful to the organism outside the cell? We should also think of the end user here, what kinds of queries would they ask that should meaningfully lead to this gene? E,g searches for "drug resistance" or "drug transport" than "efflux" or "pump". This could be handled with synonyms.

These annotations seem to be annotating to the name of the gene family rather than the function?

ValWood commented 5 years ago

Definitely obsolete and reannotation (80 is a small number to fix, especially spread across resources), all can likely be annotated better, or fixed, and as you say many are toxins. It's more important to know influx or efflux in this situation!

We could, after obsoletion make these labels related (or narrow) synonyms to "transmembrane transporter" for searching, on the basis that it is practically impossible to determine a) which compounds could be classed as drugs and b) which transporters could function as drug transporters. Users looking for this role should find everything and use their judgment to narrow down based on the substrate specificity of interest.

pgaudet commented 5 years ago

In #15379 we mentioned merging into the parent, ie:

Is that be OK for you @cmungall @ValWood ?

Thanks, Pascale

cmungall commented 5 years ago


In 15379 we mentioned merging into the parent,

My response is in my original comment above:

If we agree to obsolete then we should decide if it is (a) a merge or (b) obsolete + replace/consider. I would strongly favor the latter, as I think we want to have clear information for people who do search on this and other drug concepts (e.g. "this terms was obsoleted because ... you may want to consider ..."). I think non-exact synonyms to the alternate terms may be justified.

And val said:

Definitely obsolete and reannotation

pgaudet commented 5 years ago

I thought the plan was to remove the CheBI 'role' of drug, which would get rid of all children, and people could annotate to 'drug transmembrane transporter' with a CHEBI term if they want to.

For example these terms would not be under 'drug transporter activity':

Thanks, Pascale

cmungall commented 5 years ago

I thought the plan was to remove the CheBI 'role' of drug

yes, the plan is to never axiomatize using this ChEBI class, and to examine all GO classes that reference this class, likely obsoleting them. This ticket is about drug transmembrane transporter

which would get rid of all children

not sure what you mean exactly

and people could annotate to 'drug transmembrane transporter' with a CHEBI term if they want to

the proposal is to obsolete 'drug transmembrane transporter'

For example these terms would not be under 'drug transporter activity':

Correct, because it would be obsolete

pgaudet commented 5 years ago

Some annotations that would need to be rehoused if we obsoleted

It's 227 annotations by the following groups:

Contributor (Assigned by) Number of annotations
AspGD 4
CGD 67
EcoCyc 33
EcoliWiki 3
Ensembl 1
GeneDB 14
PomBase 1
PseudoCAP 23
RGD 26
SGD 31
UniProt 14
UniProtKB 1
pgaudet commented 5 years ago

Most impacted groups are CGD EcoCyc @keseler Pseudocap @glwinsor RGD @slaulederkind SGD @srengel UniProt @milarolo

srengel commented 5 years ago

Hi @pgaudet what are the suggested replacement terms? that is, rehouse these annotations how?

pgaudet commented 5 years ago

The proposal is to rehouse the annotations directly to the substrate being transported.

pgaudet commented 5 years ago

Any term with a logical definition that refers to a 'role', we would remove that logical definition.

dsiegele commented 5 years ago

"The proposal is to rehouse the annotations directly to the substrate being transported."

Many of the E. coli proteins annotated to drug transmembrane transport or drug transmembrane transporter activity are efflux pumps with multiple substrates. Does that create a problem for the proposal is to rehouse the annotations directly to the substrate being transported?"


pgaudet commented 5 years ago

An alternative proposal (that I think @ukemi also supports) would be to simply remove all children from the 'drug' terms, stop inferring what compounds are drugs, and encourage co-annotation to the substrate AND to drug transport when appropriate.

Any preference ? (and why?)

Thanks, Pascale

ValWood commented 5 years ago

Leaving the term sounds a sensible solution. We just can't define what constitutes a drug. My main concern is that at present all of our amino acid transporters, and others are inferred as drug transporters due to chebi role. I would be happy if this was fixed.

pgaudet commented 5 years ago

I could commit an intermediate version that looks like this


As opposed to the current version:

image image

(and doing the same on the BP terms above).

The remaining classes are asserted, we can decide what to do with them in a second step, but I think they are 'real' drugs.

Does that sound like a reasonable first step @ukemi @cmungall @ValWood @srengel @dsiegele ?

ukemi commented 5 years ago

The alternative proposal isn't mine. It's the one the consortium agreed upon many years ago. I suspect there are some children of the drug terms that are not chemicals, but are drug roles. For example, in your list above, drug:proton antiporter activity. I notice we also have antibiotic terms. We should spec out how the co-annotation would look in a GO-CAM model.

srengel commented 5 years ago

The alternative definitely looks better than the current.

pgaudet commented 5 years ago

For example, in your list above, drug:proton antiporter activity. I notice we also have antibiotic terms.

All classes that I kept in this version are asserted. We should look one by one which ones to remove (I would personally do this as a separate ticket to avoid too many changes at once).

thomaspd commented 5 years ago

GO-CAM model with two classes for an activity:

cmungall commented 5 years ago

My original proposal was to obsolete this altogether. My proposal was not to universally replace it with the substrate (although that is fine in some situations), but to replace it with a term that reflects what the function of the gene product is.

Regarding @dsiegele's question, see my analysis at the top of the ticket, in this case I believe your replacement term would be:

id: GO:0015562
name: efflux transmembrane transporter activity
def: "Enables the transfer of a specific substance or related group of substances from the inside of the cell to the outside of the cell across a membrane." [GOC:ai, GOC:mtg_transport, ISBN:0815340729]
synonym: "efflux permease activity" EXACT []
synonym: "monocarboxylate (lactate, pyruvate, mevalonate) uptake/efflux porter activity" RELATED []
is_a: GO:0022857 ! transmembrane transporter activity

If people prefer to simply have a hardcoded list of chemicals that are considered drugs and for us to take on the burden of maintaining this, we can do this but we will need to allocate more resources, and it seems unsatisfactory.

thomaspd commented 5 years ago

Sorry, didn't mean to confuse multiple issues-- I wasn't commenting on the drug transporter term, I was just trying to show how to co-annotate two terms to the same activity. Look at again.

I agree with Chris that we need to consider the (evolved) function. I also favor removing "drug" from the terms. If we want to specify an evolved function, in many cases it would be appropriate to use the more general "xenobiotic "(with drug as a narrow/inexact synonym for searching) to describe a class of molecules of exogenous origin. So curators could annotate to "xenobiotic transporter activity", for instance. Xenobiotic will of course be defined relative to the species of the gene product being annotated, which we would not try to encode in any way but leave up to curators.

cmungall commented 5 years ago

Yes, I think many existing annotations would be better served by an annotation to xenobiotic TM transport plus a separate indication of the compound if known

ValWood commented 5 years ago

Backtracking, I agree. It would be more consistent For xenobiotics should the compound always be specified as a CHEBI extension?

If so, could we remove terms like GO:0015240 amiloride transmembrane transporter activity (0 annotations) GO:0015350 methotrexate transmembrane transporter activity (6 annotations) to encourage consistency and best practice?

ukemi commented 5 years ago

I agree with the obsoletion.

pgaudet commented 5 years ago

Decisions ontology call:

Note that there is no term 'xenobiotic transmembrane transport' - I will rename GO:0042908 xenobiotic transport -> to 'xenobiotic transmembrane transport' (if all annotation reviews are OK - see

milarolo commented 5 years ago

SWIE done

paolaroncaglia commented 4 years ago

Hi, I've only had time to skim this thread quickly. I've noticed that GO:0015893 'drug transport' has lots of children that I wouldn't necessarily expect, e.g. 'oxygen transport'. So I searched the issue tracker for GO:0015893. Is the work that you plan to carry out for this ticket going to fix/modify that situation? :-) Thanks! Paola

ValWood commented 4 years ago

Hi @paolaroncaglia Reasoning over CHEBI roles ticket will fix this:

ValWood commented 4 years ago

I thought that stopping reasoning over CHEBI roles was implemented recently? but I still have 39 random inferred transporter annotations to "drug transport".

krchristie commented 4 years ago

It hasn't been implemented yet. We are still discussing what the full resolution should be once we stop reasoning over roles. It is a big task.

deustp01 commented 4 years ago

Naive question: will this merge risk reviving the problem caused by roles when a molecule (like some estrogens) is both a normally occurring metabolite and a drug? Now will they be seen as xenobiotics because xenobiotic transporters mediate their movement?

ValWood commented 4 years ago

Yes I don't know why I thought it was done.

ValWood commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure that the problem here is entirely due to reasoning over roles.

I have "drug transporter" annotations for things like L-methionine uracil pyridoxal uridine succinate.... are there really classified as drugs by CHEBI?

ValWood commented 4 years ago

I don't see this: under roles

ValWood commented 4 years ago

succinate doesn't appear to be related to "drug" at all. odd...

mah11 commented 4 years ago

Yes, the things on your list really do all have paths to "drug" or "drug metabolite" in CHEBI. Not all of the paths are entirely has_role+is_a; for example, for succinate it includes traversing a couple of "is conjugate base of" links to reach succinic acid.

ValWood commented 4 years ago

AH OK, I could not see 'drug' in the CHEBI graph I looked at. So isn't it just a case of ignoring some relationships . Am I being naive?

mah11 commented 4 years ago

I think there's probably also something to do with the way GO lumps some CHEBI terms so we don't have to worry too much about the conjugate acid/conjugate base business. If so, then yeah, one consequence is that it's not easy to see enough of the CHEBI paths at once to understand where all of the "drug" inferences are coming from.

pgaudet commented 4 years ago

We cannot resolve all 'roles' here but we can avoid using the term 'drug', which we have agreed multiple times to do.

To do to close this ticket:

Thanks, Pascale

krchristie commented 4 years ago

Perhaps worth noting that 'xenobiotic' and 'drug' are both ChEBI roles and not completely overlapping. Depending on how we decide to deal with ChEBI roles, it might not make sense to merge drug into xenobiotic. I do agree that we should stop coding specific compounds as 'drugs' in the ontology, but the same flaw might also apply to 'xenobiotic'.

pgaudet commented 4 years ago

Sure, but 'xenobiotic' is more general than drug. It's just a band aid but it would be good to remove all instances of 'drug' in the ontology.

deustp01 commented 4 years ago

'xenobiotic' is more general

But perhaps not general enough. To me penicillin and colchicine are xenobiotics, but to the fungus and plant that make them?

krchristie commented 4 years ago

Sure, but 'xenobiotic' is more general than drug. It's just a band aid but it would be good to remove all instances of 'drug' in the ontology.

I agree that what we are currently doing with 'drug' is a problem, but the more I look at ChEBI roles, I am starting to think that merging 'drug' terms into 'xenobiotic' terms will just be keeping the problem with a different name.

pgaudet commented 4 years ago

Sure - the point was that all annotations to the dugs terms have been reviewed, so we reduce the number of terms we need to deal with later on.

It would be good if no new annotations were made to drug terms, and the only way I see is to merge with a term we at least plan to keep.

Up to you, of course.

Thanks, Pascale

krchristie commented 4 years ago

As discussed in the ticket: handling terms for xenobiotic role and removing drug role #19460, we have decided on these actions. For more detail about specific terms, go the the ticket linked above.

As the new ticket comprehensively covers the plan for all of the drug and xenobiotic terms, I'm going to close this ticket.