geneontology / go-ontology

Source ontology files for the Gene Ontology
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remaining issues with vitamin roles #19626

Open krchristie opened 4 years ago

krchristie commented 4 years ago

placeholder ticket to go through remaining issues with vitamin terms

cmungall commented 4 years ago

I vote for treating as rigid

krchristie commented 4 years ago

@cmungall - From what I have looked at so far, I think that treating vitamin as rigid in an ontology meant to be generally applicable across many species is problematic. I think that any term dealing with a specific vitamin, e.g. vitamin B is fine. However, grouping terms based on a compound being considered a "vitamin" in some species (likely human) is problematic. I am inclined to think that the grouping terms should be removed. Then all child terms will just be under their chemically relevant parents.