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Helicases - some questions #21644

Closed pgaudet closed 3 years ago

pgaudet commented 3 years ago


I have a couple of questions about helicases:

See also PMC5477542 (2017)

Since helicases translocate along their substrate using the energy of NTP hydrolysis, they are molecular motors: they use chemical energy to perform mechanical work.

but a 2020 review omits the ATP-independent activities (PMC7140857).

See also PMC5477542 (2017)

Since helicases translocate along their substrate using the energy of NTP hydrolysis, they are molecular motors: they use chemical energy to perform mechanical work.

pgaudet commented 3 years ago

@sjm41 @ValWood @colinlog

sjm41 commented 3 years ago

That quote from PMC3409536 is just saying that the annealing activities can be ATP dependent/independent, but all helicase (unwinding) activities are ATP-dependent. The first line of its abstract also says "Helicases are enzymes that use ATP-driven motor force to unwind double-stranded DNA or RNA.", again referring to motors - so I think having the 'motor activity' parent might well be accurate.