Closed cerivs closed 2 years ago
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Hi @cerivs Sorry about the late reply! We dont create procomposed terms anymore, we recommend people annotate these as GO-CAMs as for example 'myocyte reprogramming' part of 'skeletal muscle regeneration'
Does that work for you ?
Thanks, Pascale
@cerivs You should be able to capture this in GO-CAM without the precomposed term. Please let me know if you need help making the model.
Thanks, Pascale
Please provide as much information as you can:
myocyte reprogramming involved in skeletal muscle regeneration
Definition (free text) The process during skeletal muscle regeneration whereby myocytes loose their Z-band architecture and become, mesenchymal, re-enter the cell cycle, then proliferate.
Reference, in format PMID:####### PMID:32320444
Gene product name and ID to be annotated to this term twist3 ZDB-GENE-000210-7
Parent term(s) GO:0043403 skeletal muscle tissue regeneration
Synonyms (please specify, EXACT, BROAD, NARROW or RELATED) myocyte dedifferentiation narrow
For enzymes, please provide RHEA and/or EC numbers.
Can also provide MetaCyc, KEGG, Wikipedia, and other links.
**Any other information Cell reprograming is a normal part of fish biology. Fish naturally regenerate almost every tissue and frequently have mature fully differentiated cells become less differentiated and proliferate instead of relying on stem cells.