geneontology / go-ontology

Source ontology files for the Gene Ontology
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NTR: platelet rolling #22574

Closed slaulederkind closed 2 years ago

slaulederkind commented 2 years ago

Please provide as much information as you can:

platelet rolling

Platelet rolling involves transient adhesive interactions between platelets and endothelial cells lining blood vessels. Carbohydrates on circulating platelets bind selectins or other molecules on the vessel wall causing the platelets to slow down and roll along the inner surface of the vessel wall. During this rolling motion, transitory bonds are formed and broken between surface molecules of platelets and endothelium.

PMID: 29018081

SELP (P-selectin)

heterotypic cell-cell adhesion (GO:0034113)

  1. regulation of platelet rolling
  2. positive regulation of platelet rolling
  3. negative regulation of platelet rolling

Attribution should go to ORCID:0000-0002-8037-076X.

pgaudet commented 2 years ago

We should make sure that the definitions of this, and the sibling term GO:0050901 leukocyte tethering or rolling, are aligned.

Thanks, Pascale

raymond91125 commented 2 years ago

Have not created regulation terms. Let me know if this is sufficient. Thanks.

gthayman commented 2 years ago

A positive regulation term would be appreciated, thanks.