geneontology / go-ontology

Source ontology files for the Gene Ontology
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child of "response to drug" #2600

Closed gocentral closed 9 years ago

gocentral commented 19 years ago

Hi all,

I would like to request new terms:

1) Term Name: "response to antidepressant

Definition: A change in state or activity of the organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of exposure to antidepressant, a substance used primarily in the treatment of clinical depression.

2) Term Name: "response to acute antidepressant treatment"

Definition: A change in state or activity of the organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a single or short- term exposure to antidepressant, a substance used primarily in the treatment of clinical depression.

3) Term Name: "response to chronic antidepressant treatment"

Definition: A change in state or activity of the organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a persistent and lasting exposure to antidepressant, a substance used primarily in the treatment of clinical depression.

References: PMID: 12180272 PMID: 10560024

Parentage: I was thinking of making these terms as a child of response to drug as follows:

[i] response to drug; GO:0042493 ---[i] response to antidepressant GO: new ------[i] response to acute antidepressant treatment; GO: new ------[i] response to chronic antidepressant treatment; GO: new

Thanks, Erika

Reported by: arike

Original Ticket: "geneontology/ontology-requests/2607":

gocentral commented 19 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=865072

I question whether these are valid GO terms, as they deal with artificial conditions and do not address the physiological role of gene products that would be annotated to them. Perhaps a different ontology should be used for such annotations.

-- Alex

Original comment by: addiehl

gocentral commented 19 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=803460

Isn't this a bit different from 'disease-state'? I think reponse to a natural compound is certainly within the realm of GO. I suppose the question here has to do with the fact a cell would never normally encounter these drugs. I am not sure this is in the guidelines.


Original comment by: pgaudet

gocentral commented 19 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=473796

Hi Erika,

The terms that you are requesting are beyond the scope of GO; you're talking about medical treatments rather than processes. I don't know which of those papers you're annotating, but I think you should be using GO terms to represent the effects of the acute / chronic antidepressant treatments, such as the modulation of synaptic plasticity (GO term "regulation of synaptic plasticity ; GO:0048167") by whatever the gene product is that effects that modulation.

You may need to consider other ontologies to cover the clinical conditions that this paper talks about.

If you have specific compounds, we can add 'response to ...' terms for those.

Original comment by: girlwithglasses

gocentral commented 19 years ago

Original comment by: girlwithglasses