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NTR: [protein-RNA covalent cross-linking repair] [protein-DNA covalent cross-linking activity] #26415

Closed sylvainpoux closed 10 months ago

sylvainpoux commented 11 months ago

Hi GO, I would need 2 new terms related to protein-nucleic acid cross-linking.



The first term is pretty easy and is related to the resolution of protein-RNA covalent cross-links that cause ribosome stalling. The definition is very similar to existing protein-DNA covalent cross-linking repair

1) Term: :protein-RNA covalent cross-linking repair Category: Process Definition: The removal of covalent cross-link between RNA and a protein. Protein-RNA covalent cross-links cause translation stress by stalling elongating ribosomes. PMID:37951215 PMID:37951216 Child of GO:0072344 rescue of stalled ribosome

2) I would also need a term for the enzyme that mediates the protein-DNA covalent cross-linking activity, a kind of suicide enzyme that recognizes abasic sites, and creates a protein-DNA covalent cross-link that will be degraded.

Term: protein-DNA covalent cross-linking activity Category: Molecular function Definition: Catalysis of the cross-link between a protein and a DNA abasic site, forming a thiazolidine linkage between a DNA ring-opened abasic site and the alpha-amino and sulfhydryl substituents of cysteine residue of the protein. PMID:30554877, PMID:31235913 Xref: there is a reaction in MetyCyc: RXN-21016 child of GO:0016829 lyase activity

PMID:30554877, PMID:31235913 Xref: there is a reaction in MetyCyc: RXN-21016 child of GO:0016829 lyase activity

raymond91125 commented 11 months ago

I wonder if protein-RNA covalent cross-linking repair is more appropriately placed as a child of GO:0042245 RNA repair. DEF: "Any RNA repair process that removes covalent cross-link between RNA and a protein. Protein-RNA covalent cross-links cause translation stress by stalling elongating ribosomes."

sylvainpoux commented 11 months ago

Hi @raymond91125, No, it is not related to RNA repair since cross-linked RNA will probably be destroyed with the cross-linked protein. If you read the articles you will see that the process is really to rescue stalled ribosomes. Thanks Sylvain

raymond91125 commented 11 months ago

+[Term] +id: GO:0160127 +name: protein-RNA covalent cross-linking repair +namespace: biological_process +def: "A process that rescues stalled ribosomes by removing the covalent cross-link between RNA and a protein." [PMID:37951215, PMID:37951216] +is_a: GO:0072344 ! rescue of stalled ribosome +property_value: term_tracker_item "" xsd:anyURI +created_by: rynl +creation_date: 2023-11-27T19:54:13Z

raymond91125 commented 11 months ago

There is a BP term GO:0018142 protein-DNA covalent cross-linking with 3 specific AA types as children (no annotations). HMCES has been annotated with that term. Should we retire the BP terms? @sylvainpoux Of the 3 gp annotated (HMCES, yedK, Gcna), Gcna is actually involved in resolving DNA-protein crosslinks and is annotated with GO:0106300 protein-DNA covalent cross-linking repair.

sylvainpoux commented 11 months ago

Hi @raymond91125, No, we should keep this term because other proteins are involved in this process, such as FANCJ (see or RFWD3 Thanks Sylvain

raymond91125 commented 11 months ago

Hi @raymond91125, No, we should keep this term because other proteins are involved in this process, such as FANCJ (see or RFWD3 Thanks Sylvain

I cannot access that link.

sylvainpoux commented 11 months ago

Hi @raymond91125, In theory you should be able to access protein2GO, I don't know why it doesn't work Anyway, I annotated this BP term to other proteins, it is why we should keep this BP term Thanks Sylvain

raymond91125 commented 11 months ago

I can only access this page I could not find annotations with GO:0018142 protein-DNA covalent cross-linking. Could you give me the reference so that I can understand the difference between single-step MF protein-DNA covalent cross-linking activity vs. BP? Thanks.

sylvainpoux commented 11 months ago

The reference isthe following: PMID:36608669 FANCJ promotes protein-DNA covalent cross-linking: "Involved in the repair of abasic sites at replication forks by promoting the degradation of DNA-protein cross-links: acts by catalyzing unfolding of HMCES DNA-protein cross-link via its helicase activity, exposing the underlying DNA and enabling cleavage of the DNA-protein adduct by the SPRTN metalloprotease (PubMed:16116421, PubMed:36608669)."

By the way, this information was mentioned in articles I provided in the original submission


raymond91125 commented 11 months ago

@sylvainpoux SPRTN is already annotated with GO:0106300 protein-DNA covalent cross-linking repair and so should be FANCJ. But I thought we are talking about the formation, thus the term GO:0018142 protein-DNA covalent cross-linking. I don't see evidence for a multi-gene process involved in the formation of the crosslink but a single gene product like HMCES/yedK and perhaps topoisomerases (PMID:35303790) image

raymond91125 commented 11 months ago

The formation of DPC by topoisomerases is an intermediate step in its normal function. Thus I'm not sure it should be associated with the proposed MF term "protein-DNA covalent cross-linking activity". But if we do include them, the proposed definition should be revised accordingly.

sylvainpoux commented 11 months ago

Hi @raymond91125 yes, you are right, let's deprecate the GO:0018142 protein-DNA covalent cross-linking, I will replace it with the new MF protein-DNA covalent cross-linking activity when it is created. Thanks for pointing this out Sylvain

raymond91125 commented 10 months ago

+[Term] +id: GO:0160129 +name: protein-DNA covalent cross-linking activity +namespace: molecular_function +def: "Catalysis of the cross-link between a protein and a DNA abasic site, forming a thiazolidine linkage between a DNA ring-opened abasic site and the alpha-amino and sulfhydryl substituents of cysteine residue of the protein." [PMID:30554877, PMID:31235913] +xref: MetaCyc:RXN-21016 +is_a: GO:0016829 ! lyase activity +property_value: term_tracker_item "" xsd:anyURI +created_by: rynl +creation_date: 2023-12-06T17:33:59Z