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Obsoletion request: GO:0006378 mRNA polyadenylation #26944

Closed ValWood closed 6 months ago

ValWood commented 7 months ago

Please provide as much information as you can:

GO:0006378 mRNA polyadenylation

If the annotation is mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor complex use GO:0180010 | co-transcriptional mRNA 3'-end processing, cleavage and polyadenylation pathway

for others you will need to check the context (i.e. stability, or if TRAMP related, degradation)

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pgaudet commented 7 months ago

Is this really a single step ?

The processive polyadenylation complex in the nucleus of eukaryotes works on products of RNA polymerase II, such as precursor mRNA. Here, a multi-protein complex (see components on the right)[18] cleaves the 3′-most part of a newly produced RNA and polyadenylates the end produced by this cleavage. The cleavage is catalysed by the enzyme CPSF[13][18] and occurs 10–30 nucleotides downstream of its binding site.[19] (...) Two other proteins add specificity to the binding to an RNA: CstF and CFI. CstF binds to a GU-rich region further downstream of CPSF's site.[21] CFI recognises a third site on the RNA (...) [Polyadenylate polymerase]( builds the poly(A) tail by adding adenosine monophosphate units from adenosine triphosphate to the RNA, cleaving off pyrophosphate.[32] Another protein, PAB2, binds to the new, short poly(A) tail and increases the affinity of polyadenylate polymerase for the RNA.

ValWood commented 7 months ago

This is a process, it is represented by "co-transcriptional RNA 3'-end processing, cleavage and polyadenylation pathway"

See covers all of the pathway steps, cleavage, polyadenylation and other activities. (I checked this label with experts when it was added back in Feb '23). It's the last part of co-transcriptional processing, pathway we were looking at yesterday.

But there are lots of other polyadenylation activities (currently mostly represented by the pathways "polyadenylation dependent blah". These will need reviewing and better unambiguous term labels (i.e TRAMP-dependent catabolic process). I will do this once co-transcriptional part is done.

I kept the "cytoplasmic mRNA polyadenylation" term for now because there is no obvious pathway to represent that, but the grouping term "mRNA polyadenylation" is no longer required.

Essentially we want the pathways, and no pathway is just "polyadenylation"

ValWood commented 7 months ago

There is a note in the reannotation guidelines above:

If the annotation is "mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor complex" use GO:0180010 | co-transcriptional mRNA 3'-end processing, cleavage and polyadenylation pathway for others, you will need to check the context: i.e. stability, or (if TRAMP related) degradation.

If people can't locate the pathway/process they require, let me know, most terms are there but difficult to understand/locate. I managed to reannotate all of the PomBase ones easily last year, and most pathways are conserved.

search for polyadenylation-dependent or polyuridylation-dependent depending on the polymerase.

There are still way too many overlapping terms though....