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caste development (sensu Insecta) #2699

Closed gocentral closed 9 years ago

gocentral commented 19 years ago

term: caste development (sensu Insecta)

definition: The process that generates morphologically distinct phenotypes that perform different functions in a colony of social insects. Hormonal control of caste development is integrated with larval and pupal development. Polyphenism refers to discontinuous phenotypic variation.

biological_process; GO:0008150 --- [i] development; GO:0007275 ------ [i] larval and pupal development (sensu Insecta); GO:0002165 --------- [p] caste development (sensu Insecta); GO:NEW

PMID: 11135310 ISBN: 0674454952

Reported by: alexsc

Original Ticket: "geneontology/ontology-requests/2708":

gocentral commented 19 years ago

Original comment by: jenclark

gocentral commented 19 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=735846

Would this be okay?

development ----[p]polyphenic determination --------[i]caste determination (sensu insecta)

development ---[i]development (sensu insecta) ; GO:new ------[p]caste determination (sensu insecta)

response to stimulus ; GO:0050896 ----[i]polyphenic determination --------[i]caste determination (sensu insecta)


term: polyphenic determination def: The process by which individuals, having the potential to develop several distinct morphologies, have their individual developmental fate determined in response to environmental cues.

term: caste determination (sensu insecta) def: The process by which individuals, having the potential to develop several distinct morphologies, have their individual developmental fate determined in response to environmental cues. As in, but not restricted to, the true insects (Insecta, ncbi_taxonomy_id:50557).

Please also see thread on development-2005/0152.html



Original comment by: jenclark

gocentral commented 19 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=1307718

Ok Jen,

It seems a better and more complete terminology, but I really recommend to change the definition.


term: polyphenic determination def: The process by which individuals, having the potential to develop several distinct morphologies, have their individual developmental fate determined in response to environmental and/or genetic cues.

term: caste determination (sensu Insecta) def: The process that generates morphologically distinct phenotypes that perform different functions in a colony of social insects. (Insecta, ncbi_taxonomy_id:50557).

Thank you, Alex

Original comment by: alexsc

gocentral commented 19 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=735846

Do the different individuals differ in more than just morphology? If they have different developmental fates then the parentage for the term has to be 'development', but if they differ purely in morphology (shape or form) then the parentage can be 'morphogenesis'.\#devmor

If it is different developmental fate then is it okay to change 'develop distinct morphologies' to 'develop down several distinct paths' or something like that, so that it's clear that the individuals differ in more than just their morphology?


term: polyphenic determination def: The process by which individuals, having the potential to develop down several distinct paths, have their individual developmental fate determined in response to environmental and/or genetic cues.


term: caste determination (sensu Insecta) def: The process that generates morphologically distinct phenotypes that perform different functions in a colony of social insects. (Insecta, ncbi_taxonomy_id:50557).

How about this:

term: caste determination (sensu insecta) def: The process by which individuals, having the potential to develop down several distinct paths, have their individual developmental fate determined in response to environmental and/or genetic cues. As in, but not restricted to, the true insects (Insecta, ncbi_taxonomy_id:50557). Individuals with distinct developmental fates perform different functions in a colony of social insects.



Original comment by: jenclark

gocentral commented 19 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=436423

May I suggest a more streamlined wording for the first sentence:

The process by which individuals that have the potential to follow any of several possible distinct developmental paths have their individual developmental fates determined in response to environmental and/or genetic cues.

If only morphology is affected, substitute 'develop any of several distinct morphologies' for 'follow any of several possible distinct developmental paths' (behavior is quite different as well, though, so that may call for using the 'developmental paths' phrasing).

cheers, m

Original comment by: mah11

gocentral commented 19 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=735846

Thanks, that does look better :-)


Original comment by: jenclark

gocentral commented 19 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=1307718

It's better again! ;^)

The individuals can differ in morphology, physiology and behavior (meanly social behavior) as a consequence of a developmental fate. Should we define these two new terms under behavior or social behavior terms?

Jen, I afraid I didn't understand what do you mean with "As in, but not restricted to, the true insects".

So, How about this?


term: polyphenic determination def: The process by which individuals that have the potential to develop any of several possible distinct developmental paths have their individual developmental fates determined in response to environmental and/or genetic cues.

term: caste determination (sensu insecta) def: The process by which individuals, having the potential to develop any of several possible distinct developmental paths, have their individual developmental fate determined in response to environmental and/or genetic cues. As in, but not restricted to, the true insects (Insecta, ncbi_taxonomy_id:50557). Individuals with distinct developmental fates perform different functions in a colony of social insects.

Thanks, Alex

Original comment by: alexsc

gocentral commented 19 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=1225715

Hi all,

I don't like the 'and/or genetic' part of these definitions. The bits that I read about poluphenism all state that the switch in dev fates is triggered by external, environmental cues. The point is that the genetic background is the same, but that the genes respond differently in different environments.

Cheers, Russ

Original comment by: rtc26

gocentral commented 19 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=735846

Hi Russ,

Yes that was my understanding too. What do you think about that view Alex?


Original comment by: jenclark

gocentral commented 19 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=1307718

Hi Russ,

It's an important question and I'd agree with you if I didn't know some Hymenopteran cases. At least, an ant and some stingless bees can determine a caste differentiation by genetic factors (PMID: 5970624, PMID: 11972049).

On the other hand as you said, Mayr (1963) and more recently Schlichting and Pigliucci (1998) have proposed the polyphenism as "the ability of a single genome to produce two or more alternative morphologies in response to an environmental cue, is an ecologically important and phylogenetically widespread feature of plants and animals".

In my view, we should update the information "and/or genetic" in these terms (or at least in caste determination) since it has experimental evidences of such cues. It won't be wrong but incomplete.

Thank you all for such high level discussion!

cheers, Alex

Original comment by: alexsc

gocentral commented 19 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=735846

Is there scope to have terms covering both? It sounds like these are two different processes and it might be useful to use the GO to clearly delineate the groups of genes involved in them.

something like:

caste development (sensu Insecta) ---[p]caste development, influence by environmental factors ---[p]caste development, influence by genetic factors


Original comment by: jenclark

gocentral commented 19 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=1307718

It's ok, Jen.

Thanks, alex

Original comment by: alexsc

gocentral commented 19 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=735846

I have added these:

[Term] id: GO:0048647 name: polyphenic determination namespace: biological_process def: "The process by which individuals that have the potential to develop any of several p ossible distinct developmental paths have their individual developmental fates determined in response to environmental and/or genetic cues." [GO:jic ""] is_a: GO:0007275 ! development

[Term] id: GO:0048648 name: caste determination namespace: biological_process def: "The process by which individuals\, having the potential to develop any of several di stinct developmental paths\, have their individual developmental fate determined in response to environmental and/or genetic cues. Individuals with distinct developmental fates perform different functions in a colony of social insects." [GO:jic ""] is_a: GO:0048647 ! polyphenic determination

[Term] id: GO:0048649 name: caste determination, influence by genetic factors namespace: biological_process def: "The process by which individuals\, having the potential to develop any of several di stinct developmental paths\, have their individual developmental fate determined in response to genetic cues. Individuals with distinct developmental fates perform different functions in a colony of social insects." [GO:jic ""] is_a: GO:0048648 ! caste determination is_a: GO:0048652 ! polyphenic determination, influence by genetic factors

[Term] id: GO:0048650 name: caste determination, influence by environmental factors namespace: biological_process def: "The process by which individuals\, having the potential to develop any of several di stinct developmental paths\, have their individual developmental fate determined in response to environmental cues. Individuals with distinct developmental fates perform different func tions in a colony of social insects." [GO:jic ""] is_a: GO:0048648 ! caste determination is_a: GO:0048651 ! polyphenic determination, influence by environmental factors

[Term] id: GO:0048651 name: polyphenic determination, influence by environmental factors namespace: biological_process def: "The process by which individuals that have the potential to develop any of several p ossible distinct developmental paths have their individual developmental fates determined in response to environmental cues." [GO:jic ""] is_a: GO:0048647 ! polyphenic determination is_a: GO:0050896 ! response to stimulus

[Term] id: GO:0048652 name: polyphenic determination, influence by genetic factors namespace: biological_process def: "The process by which individuals that have the potential to develop any of several p ossible distinct developmental paths have their individual developmental fates determined in response to genetic cues." [GO:jic ""] is_a: GO:0048647 ! polyphenic determination

Do you think it's right to put

polyphenic determination, influence by environmental factors ; GO:0048651


response to stimulus ; GO:0050896

or should it be

response to external stimulus ; GO:0009605 or one of that term's children?

What are your full initials and database name?


Original comment by: jenclark

gocentral commented 19 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=1307718

Hi Jen,

I think

polyphenic determination, influence by environmental factors; GO:0048651

should be under

response to external stimulus ; GO:0009605

Since we don't have our own database yet, I can't give any permanent information about full initials and database name but I can talk with Chris Elsik to know if there is some idea about the database name.

thank you so much, Jen!


Original comment by: alexsc

gocentral commented 18 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=735846

That's all finished now.



Original comment by: jenclark

gocentral commented 18 years ago

Original comment by: jenclark