geneontology / go-ontology

Source ontology files for the Gene Ontology
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Term merge: [term labels and ID] Merge GO:0039724 (symbiont-mediated suppression of host cytoplasmic pattern recognition receptor signaling pathway via inhibition of IKBKE activity) into GO:0085034 (symbiont-mediated suppression of host NF-kappaB cascade) #28253

Closed genegodbold closed 2 months ago

genegodbold commented 2 months ago
pgaudet commented 2 months ago

This needs to be looked into more closely. ViralZone uses GO:0039724 symbiont-mediated suppression of host cytoplasmic pattern recognition receptor signaling pathway via inhibition of IKBKE activity for Inhibition of host IKBKE by virus, which according to the ViralZone hierarchy is part of the MDA5/RIG-I pathway


I am not sure this is the only pathway in which IKK participates; we need to check with VZ whether 'GO:0085034 (symbiont-mediated suppression of host NF-kappaB cascade)' would work to map VZ:4478


Thanks, Pascale

pmasson55 commented 2 months ago

Hi Gene and Pascale,

It depends on GO policy. In Swiss-Prot we have Keyword - Inhibition of host IKBKE by virus (KW-1224) which is fine, we can thus target all the viral proteins targeting this protein. This term is assigned to 32 viral proteins in Swiss-Prot and 1566 in TREMBL so we will keep it like that. To note; I think that IKKE is not part of the NK-kappa-B signaling cascade. It is induced by TRAFs and lead to the activtation of IRF3 or IRF7 according to the cell type. So it's more an antiviral signaling program rather than a NF-kappa-B cascade.

genegodbold commented 2 months ago

@pmasson55 is right--this is a niche term and not congruent with NF-kappaB; we've got a new term for TRAF inhibition (that happens at TRAF

pgaudet commented 2 months ago

OK thanks, I will leave the ontology unchanged then.