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Response to phosphate/ nutrient homeostasis #28986

Open ValWood opened 2 months ago

ValWood commented 2 months ago

Please provide as much information as you can:

response to phosphate

Standard def

*** Processes can also be mentioned in the definition.

ght5 here

others many others


We have GO:0016036 JSON cellular response to phosphate starvation for derivation but not use "response to phosphate" for replete conditions. We need both for essential nutrients otherwise it isn't possible to model the switches in GO-CAMs

(i.e for glucose we have both glucose and glucose starvation)

proposed parent: relationships: is_a [complex parent], part_of [subcellular location], capable_of MF, capable_of_part_of BP Synonym(s):

pgaudet commented 2 months ago

Is 'response to' that the best way to describe 'replete' conditions? I have been wonderiing if we could describe this more precisely.

ValWood commented 2 months ago

Open to suggestions! I haven't come up with a better way, but we really need to be able to do it.

pgaudet commented 2 months ago

It looks like phosphate homeostasis - maybe 'phosphate homeostasis under phosphate replete conditions'? (a bit of a mouth full though)

ValWood commented 2 months ago

It is more accurate so would we also have 'phosphate homeostasis under phosphate deprivation'?

and would we obsolete the corresponding "response to" terms (these are what I have been using)

pgaudet commented 2 months ago

'phosphate homeostasis under phosphate deprivation'?

This should be the new term names for response to starvation and children; what do you think ?

ValWood commented 2 months ago

I think so. So maybe the parent could be nutrient homeostasis -homeostasis under nutrient deprivation

we would need x homeostasis for each nutrient to group the deprivation and replete I like deprivation rather than starvation, because 'starvation' might imply complete withdrawal of nutrient when its really just a reduction to below some threshold)- probably deprivation conveys this better?

ValWood commented 2 months ago

See There is a difference in the programmed response between "nutrient stress" (partial reduction" and total starvation.

ValWood commented 2 months ago

When we address this, we also need to consider this ticket: