geneontology / go-ontology

Source ontology files for the Gene Ontology
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Changing labels and definitions for 'envenomation' terms #29375

Open pgaudet opened 7 hours ago

pgaudet commented 7 hours ago


The multiorganism group has proposed (some time ago already!) to change 'envenomation' terms, which specifically refer to organisms with fangs, to 'taxon-mediated', which is broader.

Toxins: Passive, broad term for any naturally produced poison. Venoms: Subtype of toxins with active delivery mechanisms and specific biological purposes like defense or predation.

@FJungo @mgiglio99 @dsiegele @genegodbold

Please review and suggest any improvements you'd like.

pgaudet commented 7 hours ago

Change labels of the 54 children as follows:

pgaudet commented 7 hours ago