Closed gocentral closed 9 years ago
Logged In: YES user_id=463625
Hi Courtland,
We agree with you here but it will take a little time to implement. The girls are all quite busy. These cell types also need inserted into cell differentiation and cell proliferation lineages...I'm not sure I agree with all of Judys list but its a start as you say....
I'm only replying becuase they are busy...and I agree with you.
cheers Evelyn
Original comment by: nobody
Logged In: YES user_id=473796
Which of the cell types on the list are contentious / don't you agree with?
Original comment by: nobody
Original comment by: nobody
Logged In: YES user_id=631592
Hi Courtland,
At the last GO meeting, we decided to organize cell differentiation as follows:
cell differentiation < cell fate commitment (cell fate specification) < cell fate determination < cell development (cell morphogenesis or cell maturation) Differentiation of every cell type could be added as type of children here. I think we should add the terms that are stemming from the current discussion on hemopoeisis, but there will be a much better way to handle this in the future. Chris gave a great presentation in St. Croix about how to handle issues like this. Do you have any comments on the hemopoeisis thread?
Original comment by: ukemi
Logged In: YES user_id=451873
To be handled as slots. See hemopoiesis SourceForge item/email archive for cell type discussion.
Original comment by: nobody
Original comment by: nobody
This is related to func=detail&aid=579120&group_id=36855&atid=440764 (Cell Fate Determination).
I'm wondering if it would be reasonable to expand the termset for this branch to include many of the cell types that were related in a list that Judy recently shared with the group ( 2002/1679.html). There was a call to discuss this more fully on the GO Consortium e-mail list, but I'm wondering if some utilization of the list might be made while resolution of this discussion is pending.
Reported by: ceyockey
Original Ticket: "geneontology/ontology-requests/297":