geneontology / go-ontology

Source ontology files for the Gene Ontology
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NTR: arginine and lysine histone methylation #5383

Closed gocentral closed 9 years ago

gocentral commented 15 years ago


I am not sure if the community will think this is useful, but, at the moment, there is a general term for the biological process

Histone methylation GO:0016571

directly under it are some very specific children, for example:

GO:0051568 : histone H3-K4 methylation

I just submitted some terms for some histone-arginine methyltransferases to a GO curator at TAIR. So, I was wondering if it might be useful to create two direct children under histone and to make the following tree:

Histone methylation GO:0016571 >histone arginine methylation (newterm 1) >>histone H3-R2 methylation (submitted to TAIR) >>histone H3-R17 methylation (submitted to TAIR) >>histone H3-R26 methylation (submitted to TAIR)

>histone lysine methylation (newterm 2) >>GO:0010452 : histone H3-K36 methylation
>>GO:0051568 : histone H3-K4 methylation >>GO:0034729 : histone H3-K79 methylation >>GO:0051567 : histone H3-K9 methylation

This degree of organization might not be necessary. But, if it is,

here are proposed definitions:

histone arginine methylation: The modification of a histone by the addition of a methyl group to an arginine. PMID:18660432, 18077460, 16497732, 18077460, 16756492

histone lysine methylation: The modification of a histone by the addition of a methyl group to a lysine PMID: 18474937, 16756492

If you feel that these terms are unnecessary, then the histone arginine methylation terms I submitted can just become children of histone methylation.

Reported by: kadreher

Original Ticket: "geneontology/ontology-requests/5401":

gocentral commented 15 years ago

Logged In: YES user_id=785556 Originator: NO

these two new suggested terms seem appropriate to me.


Original comment by: srengel

gocentral commented 15 years ago

I agree, it makes sense to have the organization.

added histone lysine methylation GO:0034968 histone arginine methylation GO:0034969 histone H3-R2 methylation GO:0034970 histone H3-R17 methylation GO:0034971 histone H3-R26 methylation GO:0034972


Original comment by: mah11

gocentral commented 15 years ago

Original comment by: mah11