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Source ontology files for the Gene Ontology
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response to bacterial lipopeptide #5811

Closed gocentral closed 9 years ago

gocentral commented 15 years ago

Bacterial lipopeptides are derived from bacterial lipoproteins, and often serve to provoke cellular activation in a host via interaction with TLRs or other innate immune receptors. Because such recognition is in many cases much more specific for the lipopeptide than the lipoprotein from which it is derived, it would be useful to have the new terms, "response to bacterial lipopeptide" and "detection of bacterial lipopeptide."

I have placed these terms as is_a children to the "response to bacterial lipoprotein ; GO:0032493" and "detection of bacterial lipoprotein" in analogy to the relationship of the existing terms "response to muramyl dipeptide ; GO:0032495" and "detection of muramyl dipeptide ; GO:0032498" to their parents "response to peptidoglycan ; GO:0032494" and "detection of peptidoglycan ; GO:0032499", respectively. In both cases the response to or detection of the short piece is a proxy for the response to or detection of the whole molecule (and for the bacteria whence it came), and thus the is_a relationship is appropriate.

response to bacterial lipoprotein ; GO:0032493 --% response to bacterial lipopeptide ; GO:NewTer1 ----% detection of bacterial lipopeptide ; GO:NewTer2 --% detection of bacterial lipoprotein ; GO:0042494 ----% detection of bacterial lipopeptide ; GO:NewTer2 ----% detection of diacylated bacterial lipoprotein ; GO:0042496 [term left unchanged] ----% detection of triacylated bacterial lipoprotein ; GO:0042495 [term left unchanged]

[Term] id: GO:NewTer1 name: response to bacterial lipopeptide namespace: biological_process def: "A change in state or activity of an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a bacterial lipopepetide stimulus." [GOC:add, PMID:12077222] is_a: GO:0032493 ! response to bacterial lipoprotein

[Term] id: GO:NewTer2 name: detection of bacterial lipopeptide namespace: biological_process def: "The series of events in which a bacterial lipopepetide stimulus is received by a cell and converted into a molecular signal." [GOC:add, PMID:12077222] is_a: GO:0042494 ! detection of bacterial lipoprotein is_a: GO:NewTer1 ! response to bacterial lipopeptide



Reported by: addiehl

Original Ticket: "geneontology/ontology-requests/5829":

gocentral commented 15 years ago

added response to bacterial lipopeptide GO:0070339 detection of bacterial lipopeptide GO:0070340

Thanks for all the details!

Original comment by: mah11

gocentral commented 15 years ago

Original comment by: mah11