Term: thrombocyte activation
Def: A series of progressive, overlapping events including shape change, adhesiveness, and aggregation, which, when carried through to completion, lead to the formation of a stable hemostatic plug. Thrombocytes are nucleated cells found in non-mammalian vertebrates and are involved in hemostasis. They are the functional equivalent of the non-nucleated platelets found in mammals.
part_of: 'blood coagulation' (GO:0007596)
is_a: 'cell activation' (GO:0001775)
Literature References: PMID 15634265, 10606877, 20180901
Term: thrombocyte activation Def: A series of progressive, overlapping events including shape change, adhesiveness, and aggregation, which, when carried through to completion, lead to the formation of a stable hemostatic plug. Thrombocytes are nucleated cells found in non-mammalian vertebrates and are involved in hemostasis. They are the functional equivalent of the non-nucleated platelets found in mammals. part_of: 'blood coagulation' (GO:0007596) is_a: 'cell activation' (GO:0001775)
Literature References: PMID 15634265, 10606877, 20180901
Reported by: leylab
Original Ticket: geneontology/ontology-requests/7620