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Ig-mediated histamine release #9441

Closed gocentral closed 9 years ago

gocentral commented 12 years ago

I found 'histamine secretion' and 'histamine secretion involved in inflammatory response' in GO, but no histamine secretion that is mediated by immunoglobulins. Is this a term that is within your scope? The IEDB needs it in GO to import into OBI. Thanks.

Reported by: rvita

Original Ticket: geneontology/ontology-requests/9233

gocentral commented 12 years ago

Hi Randi,

Similarly to your previous request - could you please suggest a definition, placement and reference(s) for the new term "immunoglobulin-mediated histamine secretion". Many thanks.


Original comment by: paolaroncaglia

gocentral commented 12 years ago

Original comment by: paolaroncaglia

gocentral commented 12 years ago

Definition: Histamine release that is triggered by the binding of an antigen to an immunoglobulin bound to the cell surface. Example: Mast cell histamine degranulation as a result of exposure of mast cell bound IgE to alder tree pollen.

Original comment by: rvita

gocentral commented 12 years ago

I am not sure if this would be under 'immunoglobulin mediated immune response' GO:0016064 or under 'antigen binding' GO:0003823. It is a process that occurs as a result of antibody binding, which is not a specific term in GO. It could also be a child of 'histamine secretion' GO:0001821.

Original comment by: rvita

gocentral commented 12 years ago

Hi Randi and Paola,

I would prefer to name this term "histamine secretion mediated by IgE immunoglobulin". I am not aware of any other antibody isotope that is capable of mediating histamine secretion (although perhaps there could be an IgE-like immunoglobulin in a non-mammalian species that has this function, although I haven't been able to find evidence for this).

Recommended relationships: "histamine secretion mediated by IgE immunoglobulin" is_a "histamine secretion involved in inflammatory response ; GO:0002441"

"histamine secretion mediated by IgE immunoglobulin" is_a "inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus ; GO:0002437"

"histamine secretion mediated by IgE immunoglobulin" has_part "antigen binding ; GO:000382"

An EXACT synonym should be "histamine secretion mediated by IgE antibody".



PS This term has brought to my attention some problems with the following recently added term, which is too limited in scope and somewhat oddly named. I shall have to address this in another SF entry (can't find the original):

[Term] id: GO:0038097 name: positive regulation of mast cell activation by Fc-epsilon receptor signaling pathway namespace: biological_process def: "An Fc-epsilon receptor signaling pathway that results in the change in morphology and behavior of a mast cell resulting from exposure to a cytokine, chemokine, soluble factor, or to (at least in mammals) an antigen which the mast cell has specifically bound via IgE bound to Fc-epsilonRI receptors." [GOC:phg, PMID:12413516] synonym: "Fc epsilon RI-dependent mast cell activation" EXACT [PMID:18377769] synonym: "Fc epsilon RI-mediated mast cell activation" EXACT [PMID:17336609] is_a: GO:0002431 ! Fc receptor mediated stimulatory signaling pathway is_a: GO:0038095 ! Fc-epsilon receptor signaling pathway intersection_of: GO:0038095 ! Fc-epsilon receptor signaling pathway intersection_of: results_in GO:0033005 ! positive regulation of mast cell activation created_by: rfoulger creation_date: 2012-02-16T05:30:09Z

Original comment by: addiehl

gocentral commented 12 years ago

Hi Randi and Alex,

Added new term: GO:0097279 histamine secretion mediated by IgE immunoglobulin

Alex, I'm setting this item to pending, rather than closed, just so we don't forget about your comment on GO:0038097.

Thanks, Paola

Original comment by: paolaroncaglia

gocentral commented 12 years ago

Original comment by: paolaroncaglia

gocentral commented 12 years ago

This can be mediated by other immunoglobulins. I will find some references to cite.

Original comment by: rvita

gocentral commented 12 years ago

Original comment by: rvita

gocentral commented 12 years ago

we do not want to have IgG- mediated, IgE- mediated, IgG1- mediated etc b/c we want to refer to the same process regardless of isotype. Here are some references for IgG mediated histamine release: PMID 11490155, 1719184.

Original comment by: rvita

gocentral commented 12 years ago

Hi Alex and Randi,

How about I add a new term:

GO:new histamine secretion mediated by immunoglobulin is_a "histamine secretion involved in inflammatory response ; GO:0002441" is_a "inflammatory response to antigenic stimulus ; GO:0002437" has_part "antigen binding ; GO:000382" Def: Histamine release triggered by the binding of an antigen to an immunoglobulin bound to the cell surface. Dbxrefs: GOC:add, GOC:rv, PMID:11490155, PMID:1719184

and make it is_a parent of GO:0097279 histamine secretion mediated by IgE immunoglobulin Revised def: Histamine release triggered by the binding of an antigen to an IgE immunoglobulin bound to the cell surface. An example is mast cell histamine degranulation as a result of exposure of mast cell-bound IgE to alder tree pollen.

This way, IEDB/OBI can refer to the general term, while GO curators can choose between general and granular terms. Let me know if you disagree with this.

Alex, wrt your comment on GO:0038097, you might want to contact Becky, as she's working on the signaling terms.

Thanks, Paola

Original comment by: paolaroncaglia

gocentral commented 12 years ago

Original comment by: paolaroncaglia

gocentral commented 12 years ago

Hi Paola,

I agree with the approach of having a general and a specific IgE term. Clearly IgE-mediated histamine release is the dominant and perhaps only pathway in many species, including human, as well as being extremely well studied, so it is important to highlight this pathway. As you say, the rare report of histamine release via other pathways can be annotated to the parent term.



Original comment by: addiehl

gocentral commented 12 years ago

Hi Alex and Randi, this is done:

Added new term: GO:0097280 histamine secretion mediated by immunoglobulin

Edited GO:0097279 histamine secretion mediated by IgE immunoglobulin accordingly.

Thanks for your feedback. Paola

Original comment by: paolaroncaglia

gocentral commented 12 years ago

Original comment by: paolaroncaglia