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ISO questions for RGD #26

Open pgaudet opened 1 year ago

pgaudet commented 1 year ago

In AmiGO staging, while RGD lost 17k ISOs, it now has a lot more sources of ISOs:

Current: 225895 RGD 133 UniProt 117 ComplexPortal 34 ParkinsonsUK-UCL 33 BHF-UCL

Staging: 207344 RGD 1127 UniProt 200 ComplexPortal 151 HPA 115 BHF-UCL 81 CAFA 75 MGI 73 ARUK-UCL 56 ParkinsonsUK-UCL 21 CACAO 14 AgBase 11 SynGO 5 HGNC-UCL 2 FlyBase 1 DIBU 1 GO_Central 1 IntAct 1 Reactome 1 WB

However I doubt very much that the ISOs were made by the sources cited, since many of these groups do not produce annotations anymore. Also, the original reference is kept in most cases (but that was already the case, AFAIK).

pgaudet commented 1 year ago

Some strange examples:

1) RGD 61865 Lbp GO:0033036 PMID:15294986|RGD:9068941 ISO UniProtKB:P18428 P lipopolysaccharide binding protein gene NCBITaxon:10116 20170221 AgBase CHEBI:46889|CHEBI:134411|UniProtKB:P08571

2) RGD:1303008 mutS homolog 5 GO:0000795 "{""relationship"": {""relation"": [{""id"": ""BFO:0000050"", ""label"": ""part of""}], ""id"": ""CL:0000017"", ""label"": ""spermatocyte""}}|{""relationship"": {""relation"": [{""id"": ""BFO:0000050"", ""label"": ""part of""}], ""id"": ""EMAPA:17972"", ""label"": ""EMAPA:17972""}}" RGD NCBITaxon:10116 ISO MGI:1329021 PANTHER:PTHR11361 gene RGD:1624291 20060817

This annotation is not in MGI:

pgaudet commented 1 year ago

Noting that ISOs assigned by RGD seem to be using the RGD ISO reference: RGD:1624291 , which is what is expected.

pgaudet commented 1 year ago

There is a discrepancy between data in QuickGO versus AmiGO: eg 2650

pgaudet commented 1 year ago

Emailed Jennifer Smith at RGD.