Open dougli1sqrd opened 6 years ago
I think this should go in another graph. You could create this using a SPARQL Update with blazegraph-runner, or using Arachne via the reasoner command and a custom rule.
Oh you think so? Why should this go in another graph? @cmungall thinks this should be part of the simplified rdf annotations.
Only if you wanted to easily distinguish what triples came from the published ontologies vs. what was added. If there's never a reason to do that then I guess it doesn't matter. But you might have some client application that wants to do progressive queries down or up the hierarchy. That would be hard if all the redundant subclassOfs are mixed in.
oh yeah that's a good point.
For example: SPARQL for gorule 6 takes a long time:
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX has_evidence: <>
PREFIX enabled_by: <>
PREFIX occurs_in: <>
PREFIX biological_process: <>
PREFIX molecular_function: <>
PREFIX namespace: <>
PREFIX metago: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?ecotype ?GoTerm ?namespace
GRAPH ?g {
?g metago:graphType metago:gafCam .
?b has_evidence: ?evidence .
?evidence a IEP: .
?evidence a ?ecotype .
# Main Triples
# enabled_by will find innapropriate IEP in Molecular Function
# occurs_in will find innaporpriate IEP in Cellular Component
# ?s is a MF, ?o is a GP
?s enabled_by: ?o .
?s a ?GoTerm .
# ?s is a MF, ?o is a Go Term
?s occurs_in: ?o .
?o a ?GoTerm .
?b owl:annotatedSource ?s .
?b owl:annotatedTarget ?o .
FILTER (?GoTerm != owl:NamedIndividual)
FILTER (?ecotype != owl:NamedIndividual)
?GoTerm namespace: ?namespace .
The ontology loaded into Blazegraph should materialize rdfs:subClassOf links for each class in the ontology.
If we have:
We should make for
In this way when querying terms in SPARQL, we do not have to use costly property paths. Currently:
If we had the extra subclass links, we could do:
Which will be much faster.
@cmungall What do you think? Is this something we should do? I think many useful queries will be prohibitively slow at the moment.